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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
joshy squits about those dang OnlyWHores making that Brie, and look whose making a similar point...
Whores still making money, after thousands of years of whores making money... broom most effected.
and look whose making a similar point...
Seeing "Lidl" do the "Ginger Male Market Failure" song that was a meme on KF over 5 years ago made me think Lidl is null even more. Some younger person like Lidl who watched MATI religiously but is a relative noob to KF probably wouldn't know it, but of course null would.
Whores still making money, after thousands of years of whores making money... broom most effected.
null will never realize his neko soda pimp dreams. :whyyy:
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Seeing "Lidl" do the "Market Failure Ginger Male" song that was a meme on KF over 5 years ago made me think Lidl is null even more. Some younger person like Lidl who watched MATI religiously but is a relative noob to KF probably wouldn't know it, but of course null would.
Exactamundo. Lidl is ignorant of pretty much anything regarding lolcows that Null isn't already very familiar with but can go down all the little details of every drama that Null has had in the last decade. It's pretty much impossible to think that someone as obsessed with Null as Lidl is wouldn't learn something about Lolcows either just through osmosis of watching MATI or learning things to impress the object of "Her" obsessions.

Even someone who came over from LCF or some other site would have a better knowledge of cows than Lidl displays. It's completely inexplicable that someone with Lidl's lack of knowledge would A. Join a lolcow site and B. be accepted and asskissed like Lidl is... Unless Lidl was "secretly" a Mod/admin sock and made this obvious to the horde of talentless social climbers that now populate Kiwi Farms.

The issue with social climbers Null is that the ass kissing might seem nice at first but eventually they will climb right over you. Good luck bud.
It's from this parody song that I think the lore was a Kiwi Farmer made it:
NGL, Market Fail Ginger Male is still the best TERFcore song I've heard in all these years. I even memorized the lyrics so I could sing along, that's how much I liked it. In a parallel universe where Kathleen Hanna wasn't a TRA handmaiden this song would've been the hit single of the Le Tigre comeback.

Seeing "Lidl" do the "Ginger Male Market Failure" song that was a meme on KF over 5 years ago made me think Lidl is null even more. Some younger person like Lidl who watched MATI religiously but is a relative noob to KF probably wouldn't know it, but of course null would.

Actually, Null once played Market Fail Ginger Male on MATI as an outro song. Can't recall at the top of my head which MATI it was, but it was definitely one before 2022. If Didl has listened to past MATI, he probably learned that song from having heard it on MATI.
lidl talks of cog dis (((themselves)))...
lidl should look into the disproportionate amount of violent males from single parent families. Including the Mothers who date violent men (because these women are violent themselves, and got mug shots for it), just to have someone to physically punish the child, because they are no longer able to do it, due to the child being too grown up.

As we know lidl is an actual man LARPin' as a wymbym... maybe (((they))) would care to tell us of the acts of violence (((they))) have committed.

Personally violence is fucking great. I personally have committed assault on countless, nameless individuals. Sometimes I didn't even look at the people, I'd just elbow them in the face.

The Mosh Pit. You know what the fuck I mean.
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Including the Mothers who date violent men (because these women are violent themselves,
Yeah it's been known for decades now that Domestic Violence is largely reciprocal. It's not a poor woman chained to the stove being beaten by her drunken lout of a husband, it's two trashy people who inevitably resort to violence in every situation because they never learned social skills and probably saw the same behavior growing up as a child.

The probability of people were properly raised and have personal boundaries even getting into this kind of situation in the first place is insanely low. People who go online with some sob story about DV are just telling you they are an abuser. Duh.
Reminds me of the Fight Club scene where it's revealed the protagonist and antagonist are one and the same.
Fight Club Part two where the unnamed protagonist learns he is both Tyler Durden and Marla all at the same time.
One of the most famous last lines is from "Vengeance is mine!" Mickey Spillane. It's become famous for being used (albeit changed slightly) in Funky Cold Medina. The line is delivered by Mike Hammer on finding out the ultra feminine "Juno was a man". For me, it's "lidl was a manboy!" Juno being the villain of the piece, and joshy being the counterpart here.

I heard some audio Emp uploaded, where someone confronts ELaine will the concept that lidl was joshy. SHe was "I'd need more proof", betraying her ignorance on the meaning of the word proof, but she was also really upset by the idea. WHo knows what daydreams she's thunk up about lidl, she still thinks that lidl is an actual macro-biotic wymbym. Again, she wonders why she gets catfish'd so much.
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ...
THe broom, he's so butch, you can tell, he's into really butch things, like all the hetronormativesexulists, not at all like a teenaged girl (same tastes as gay men, fact, known for over 50s years). Not secretly lusting after cat boys.
Who do you think lidl is trying to convince? Us? Or (((themselves)))?

Iranians think it's ok if homos get trooned. Run by a theocratic dictatorship, tho.
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ...
View attachment 47254
THe broom, he's so butch, you can tell, he's into really butch things, like all the hetronormativesexulists, not at all like a teenaged girl (same tastes as gay men, fact, known for over 50s years). Not secretly lusting after cat boys.
Who do you think lidl is trying to convince? Us? Or (((themselves)))?

Iranians think it's ok if homos get trooned. Run by a theocratic dictatorship, tho.