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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
How many women remember the exact pornstar someone admits to liking? I thought Bella Dolphin was a pornstar riffing off Belle Delphine's monkier but now I think by Bella Dolphin she means Belle Delphine?

How many women remember the exact pornstar someone admits to liking? I thought Bella Dolphin was a pornstar riffing off Belle Delphine's monkier but now I think by Bella Dolphin she means Belle Delphine?
View attachment 45583
Has anyone just pinged Null and asked him:

1. Why does Lidl Drip know everything about you, and why do you seem to not care
2. Why does she care about everything you care about
3. Do you speak privately with her
4. Is she the goal if your lovequest and if not why do you tolerate her (similar to 1)

I suspect you'd be banned for being so direct.
Has anyone just pinged Null and asked him:

1. Why does Lidl Drip know everything about you, and why do you seem to not care
2. Why does she care about everything you care about
3. Do you speak privately with her
4. Is she the goal if your lovequest and if not why do you tolerate her (similar to 1)

I suspect you'd be banned for being so direct.
You're absolutely correct because it's happened several times already. He doesn't do it instantly 100% of the time but if you're consistent he will. I've seen people get away with it but they usually get banned if he suspects they know too much.
You're absolutely correct because it's happened several times already. He doesn't do it instantly 100% of the time but if you're consistent he will. I've seen people get away with it but they usually get banned if he suspects they know too much.
Yep. What DOES happen 100% of the time is he tells the person to kill themselves, then Lidl materializes out of the ether to call them an incel/moid/scrote, then Dyn appears out of the fog to facetously agree with the person while implying they're some member of a group no one likes, and then all the other Null hangers-on come to downvote and screech. Honestly, you could automate the process at this point.
Null doesn't want competition because it's his soap box. He doesn't want people looking for ass pats because he wants it to be his hug box. The reason he needs a femcel sock is so that he can validate his own opinions and silence anyone who calls him out too much. It couldn't be any more obvious it's him. Otherwise null would be excluded in the man hating. I wouldn't be surprised if multiple people in his circles were in on it and told to be silent. Playing it off as a troll and not just desperate simping.
Has anyone just pinged Null and asked him:

1. Why does Lidl Drip know everything about you, and why do you seem to not care
2. Why does she care about everything you care about
3. Do you speak privately with her
4. Is she the goal if your lovequest and if not why do you tolerate her (similar to 1)

I suspect you'd be banned for being so direct.

Not only that Lidl watches the same youtube content as Josh.

Unlike your masculine hero Joshua connor moon right Lidl? How can one man have such a warped sense of self. It's just delusion on another level.
How could these retards tell this slav dude was "on the verge of tears"? Kiwis are so retarded, it's funny to watch. Also, Lidl is a fag, so if Null is Lidl then Null is a fag. I would say fags have good hygiene but...
Not only that Lidl watches the same youtube content as Josh.

So Didl watches Caleb Hammer? Because Null said he watches him? Do Didl and Null not know that Caleb Hammer is an out-of-the-closet flaming homosexual?


(For those of you who don't know, /u/HammerTime1995 is Caleb Hammer's Reddit account. In the above exchange Caleb was asking about the gay dating scene in his hometown of Kalamazoo, worrying about ending up "a small town gay". Yes, that's Caleb describing himself as a gay man in public on Reddit.)

Oh well, that probably explains why both Didl and Null like to watch Caleb Hammer, LMAOOO! Birds of a tailfeather, etc.

Fuck, I should make a thread about Caleb Hammer being gay, I need to warn the whole of KF about his homosexuality! We can't have Null telling Kiwis to watch an actual homosexual Youtuber. That's some disgusting degeneracy that will wipe out the white race if we allow it to fester. We have to put an end to this GAY FILTH right now! "CALEB HAMMER IS GAY - PROOF" thread incoming!

"Slav is always giving his input without being asked and he always demands Null explain everything he does to him", wow, parasocial gay envy on another level.

BTW you guys, all Slav Power did to provoke such envy in Didl is... recommend a Polish ISP to Null... which Null ended up using and thanking him for. Didl, who wants to have a monopoly on Null, couldn't stand the fact that another user was providing actual useful feedback to Null instead of metaphorically sucking his dick all day on the forum like Didl does. Make yourself useful to your lord and master Didl. Learn a little bit about computers and networks and shit.

"I think Slav probably doesn't like me cause he genuinely wants to fuck Null and think I am gonna steal his man or something faggotry like that", that you describing yourself Didl. Go back to watching homosexual content like Caleb Hammer, that's more up your alley than all this computer and networking stuff that Slav and Null are discussing amongst themselves. The reason Slav is asking Null what he's doing is obviously because he wanted to know if Null was still using the ISP he had recommended. Null's known strategy with KF is to switch constantly amongst different ISPs. If Didl had taken some time off from blowing Null's ego on the forum to pay attention to what's actually happening with the forum, he'd know this.

Friendly reminder, this is why you should never ever help Null with his issues, even when he's down on his knees begging for help. Because he will get his enviousAF sidebitch to slander you for offering Null any actual help with website issues. All Slav did is recommend a Polish ISP to Null that Null ended up using for a while. I posted about that Polish ISP here on OF when this happened. Didl is so fucking jealous that Slav was able to help Null that he's bad-mouthing him in the chat. Just like Didl did with me.
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Because he will get his enviousAF sidebitch to slander you for offering Null any actual help with website issues. All Slav did is recommend a Polish ISP to Null that Null ended up using for a while. I posted about that Polish ISP here on OF when this happened. Didl is so fucking jealous that Slav was able to help Null that he's bad-mouthing him in the chat. Just like Didl did with me.
When Didl shit talks people, it always seems like he's desperately trying to seem relevant in a forum he doesn't understand. He wants to have strong opinions like his idol but isn't quite sure what's going on.
When Didl shit talks people, it always seems like he's desperately trying to seem relevant in a forum he doesn't understand. He wants to have strong opinions like his idol but isn't quite sure what's going on.
This has always been a bit of a mystery with Didl. They always have beyond surface level takes about any given lolcow however whoever lidl is they know nearly everything about Null that there is to know.

You might say that this makes it less likely to be Null but consider how much Null gets wrong when he talks about cows lol.
When Didl shit talks people, it always seems like he's desperately trying to seem relevant in a forum he doesn't understand. He wants to have strong opinions like his idol but isn't quite sure what's going on.

He doesn't understand any of the tech stuff associated with the forum at all, or he would understand how Null is gaslighting everyone about it, blaming the users for shit that's clearly his own fault - like Null tried to do with me, unfortunately for Null I know just enough about how the internet works to realize he was straight up gaslighting me (and even with the stuff I don't know, I have people in my life I can ask who know waaay more than I do, way more than Null does for sure . Didl looks up to Null because whatever Null does with his website is like some kind of magic to him, but there is no magic to any of this. Didl can't stand the fact that there's Slav Power who has friendly interactions with Null who can recommend an ISP in his home country. Why doesn't Didl recommend an ISP in Belgium or wherever the fuck he is? Oh, right, cos he's too stupid to look one up. It's perfectly normal amongst nerds to recommend a solution to someone and then to ask them how it went and to have some feedback about it. Didl can't stand this because he can't interject with his usual cocksucking bullshit when it's two nerds discussing some Magic Black Box shit. That makes Didl feel E X C L U D E D and there is nothing more unbearable to a LARPer than that.

I remember posting an excerpt from a MATI chat here on OF where Slav had recommended a Polish song to Null, and they were talking about it in the MATI chat. This was around the time that Null had either begun or was gonna start using the Polish ISP that Slav Power had recommended. This was all unbearable to Didl, who had to watch these interactions in the MATI chat going mad with envy. How dare you recommend a Polish song to Null, Slav!
When Didl shit talks people, it always seems like he's desperately trying to seem relevant in a forum he doesn't understand. He wants to have strong opinions like his idol but isn't quite sure what's going on.
Kind of like null when he spergs out and sends entire boards to the shadow realm not understanding the culture of his own website. We got some new members from that.
This has always been a bit of a mystery with Didl. They always have beyond surface level takes about any given lolcow however whoever lidl is they know nearly everything about Null that there is to know.

You might say that this makes it less likely to be Null but consider how much Null gets wrong when he talks about cows lol.
Yeah, null knows nothing of the culture of his own website. As seen by our documentation of his lolcow antics.
Let me show you guys what a drama mongering gatekeeping POS Didl is:


In this xeet from last December 2023, Null brings up the Polish ISP that Slav Power had recommended to him, saying: "Equinix WA1 forced a Polish ISP to drop us."

Equinix is an American company that runs large colocation data centers all over the world.

"Equinix WA1" is a reference to their data center in Warshaw, Poland.

Given this situation, it makes perfect sense for Slav Power to "ask Null to explain what he's doing". Maybe Slav Power had reached out to the data center in Warshaw, trying to figure out why or how they forced the Polish ISP to drop KiwiFarms. Maybe there was some other Polish ISP Slav had been talking to. Maybe he was talking to the ISP and the data center on Null's behalf, trying to reconcile them.

Didl doesn't care to learn what actually goes into keeping KF online. He's too vapid to figure it out. All he can do is be a cunt on the forum and drama monger about anyone he perceives as getting too close to his Dear Feeder. It doesn't even cross Didl's mind that these people are actually trying to help Null - which, again, is why you should never try to help Null, no matter how desperate he seems. Because POS like this LARPer will shittalk you in the KF chat while trying to gatekeep access to his Precious Nool.

Lidl's opinion on Slav is exactly in line with Null's. He frequently gets annoyed at Slav for asking specific technical questions and posting frequently on his profile to make suggestions for the site. Here are some examples, none of these posts Null has replied to:


Here is Null yelling at Slav to stop asking him questions and telling him he is not entitled to know what's going on with the site:
Lidl's opinion on Slav is exactly in line with Null's. He frequently gets annoyed at Slav for asking specific technical questions and posting frequently on his profile to make suggestions for the site. Here are some examples, none of these posts Null has replied to:

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Here is Null yelling at Slav to stop asking him questions and telling him he is not entitled to know what's going on with the site:
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His users can't seem to know what's going with his own site and his users are putting that into question...perhaps this is the end of KF:unsure: