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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Didn't Paladin Boo dox herself by wanting to be a Far Right Hunny?
All KF women dox themselves because they never shut the fuck up about their personal lives.

Which is simultaneously a fantastic case for Lidl being a man. We know very little about Lidl's life, and have seen even less evidence for that which has been claimed (belgian, etc).
kiwifails is right to be skeptical, the truth is we only have speculation regarding Lidl and circumstantial evidence. We should keep open minds and welcome alternate explanations so that we don't get bogged down in group think.
Definitely an onions Burger, California style grilled onions lettuce tomatoes thousand Island on a toasted bun cheese and some bacon.
unyuns call it mega burger
kiwifails is right to be skeptical, the truth is we only have speculation regarding Lidl and circumstantial evidence. We should keep open minds and welcome alternate explanations so that we don't get bogged down in group think.
Thank you for being clear-headed and keeping an open perspective. We don't know the nature of Josh's relationship with Lidldrip, and we certainly don't know who they are. However, we do know that Josh gives them preferential treatment. We also know that users who have pointed out or called attention to this favoritism have been banned, and users who have upset Lidldrip have also found themselves banned. Furthermore, Lidldrip has demonstrated some intimate knowledge of Josh on a personal level. It's just good that we don't lose ourselves in our own theories. I would like to think that they're intimate and they have a relationship but that's still speculation.
You have a good taste my friend.
unyun hate tomato. unyun happy catpersonthing is like to tomato. unyuns grow. unyuns sell. never eating. respect to tomato. to tomato to eat for not unyuns, but not to body me for body unyuns body not for tomato. no thank you. no tomato in unyuns body.
All KF women dox themselves because they never shut the fuck up about their personal lives.

Because they never grew up. Every single post they make is pure NLOG. Same with Lolcow Farm. For all their ranting and raving about pick-mes, they're the biggest pickmes around. It's why they like to talk about how bad everyone else is (blacks, trannies, etc) but suddenly mention women, and it's like "but dude, I'm one of the good ones! Not all women!" and it's like bitch, come on. Why do you bother? Go run to Lipstick Alley or something instead of trying to gentrify sites like KF. Your equally vapid scrote brothers need their own hugboxes too.
kiwifails is right to be skeptical, the truth is we only have speculation regarding Lidl and circumstantial evidence. We should keep open minds and welcome alternate explanations so that we don't get bogged down in group think.

The answer that makes null look the most unhinged is lidl being his alt to try lend some cachet to his incel opinions, but there's fun in every theory.

There's no way that null, given his size and overall health, is in a physical relationship with anyone, even his hand. So if lidl is somehow a real woman who doesn't know how pregnancy and breastfeeding and female reproduction works then it's a sexless kind of thing and it makes his simping even more pathetic. Either he's thirsty for e-pussy or he's whipped into doing what he's told without even getting his dick wet.

Maybe the most hilarious theory is it being dyn's alt, which actually has some fairly good circumstantial evidence in support: lidl drip called himself by male pronouns for a while before suddenly changing; it's an account registered ages ago that sat dormant (strong evidence of alt); has the same theme custom title as dyn. Maybe null somehow isn't aware that he's simping for a dude or this is his way of sexting with his bro on the downlow without it being "obvious", but either way it's undeniably the funniest version.
I've always figured Lidl was Dyn, and I'd argue that it's more likely, if anything, that Josh has Dyn-as-Lidl fuck with his regular posters because he's too much of a pussy to just tell them to fuck off his site. He's basically running to the bathroom from Vordrak all over again, and it's hilariously sad.

Of course Lidl is Dyn. Lidl has posted numerous times about how much most, if not all men, are worthless, pathetic scrotes, but somehow Josh is based and cool despite him being everything "she" hates most in men?
I've always figured Lidl was Dyn, and I'd argue that it's more likely, if anything, that Josh has Dyn-as-Lidl fuck with his regular posters because he's too much of a pussy to just tell them to fuck off his site. He's basically running to the bathroom from Vordrak all over again, and it's hilariously sad.

Of course Lidl is Dyn. Lidl has posted numerous times about how much most, if not all men, are worthless, pathetic scrotes, but somehow Josh is based and cool despite him being everything "she" hates most in men?
ive considered this but their writing 'voice' is too different

what im absolutely sure of is they, including null, have a discord or some other chat group

dyn, lurker, lidl, null, others probably

this is why null thinks he is an expert on women
because he sits in a chat room with a bunch of kiwi (BP: beaty parlor and bipolar and borderline personality) 'women' and thinks hes an expert because he believes everything they say uncritically

if you pay attention to their writing you will see how their quirks are consistent and differ from each other

i do suspect dyn is female
checks out with how dyn lies and thinks telling big lies is funny or 'trolling'
im fairly certain dyn and probably lurker were old school somethingawful posters based on things they say
dyn could be found talking about somethingawful way back but then id spot someone else on the farms accusing dyn of being an sa poster and dyn sarcastically denied it
a quick search on the forums showed dyn was lying to throw them off as dyn talked about somethingawful stuff years prior i think even the person arguing with dyn caught it
i never posted much but i lurked like hell way back
and why null likes dyn so much since null doesnt like other men and barely talks to them these days
the ladies man!

lidl has a lot of people on ignore
i know this from chatting with others who are certain of it
null would not put people on ignore because hed get angry and haugty and ban them
makes me doubt she is dyn or anyone else wed guess

i suspect some posters here throw out insane suggestions because there involved in null's faggy 'womens council' and think its funny to throw us off
like the patriots front of onion farms
not saying you are but think very carefully about some of the things people insist upon here
playing up to biases to cloud the air
from chat
ive considered this but their writing 'voice' is too different

what im absolutely sure of is they, including null, have a discord or some other chat group

dyn, lurker, lidl, null, others probably

this is why null thinks he is an expert on women
because he sits in a chat room with a bunch of kiwi (BP: beaty parlor and bipolar and borderline personality) 'women' and thinks hes an expert because he believes everything they say uncritically

if you pay attention to their writing you will see how their quirks are consistent and differ from each other

i do suspect dyn is female
checks out with how dyn lies and thinks telling big lies is funny or 'trolling'
im fairly certain dyn and probably lurker were old school somethingawful posters based on things they say
dyn could be found talking about somethingawful way back but then id spot someone else on the farms accusing dyn of being an sa poster and dyn sarcastically denied it
a quick search on the forums showed dyn was lying to throw them off as dyn talked about somethingawful stuff years prior i think even the person arguing with dyn caught it
i never posted much but i lurked like hell way back
and why null likes dyn so much since null doesnt like other men and barely talks to them these days
the ladies man!

lidl has a lot of people on ignore
i know this from chatting with others who are certain of it
null would not put people on ignore because hed get angry and haugty and ban them
makes me doubt she is dyn or anyone else wed guess

i suspect some posters here throw out insane suggestions because there involved in null's faggy 'womens council' and think its funny to throw us off
like the patriots front of onion farms
not saying you are but think very carefully about some of the things people insist upon here
playing up to biases to cloud the air
So many of the beauty parlor queens tell on themselves and eventually they end up leaking there DMs. So it's hard to believe that null has a secret chat full of women from kiwi farms. That has never been leaked and nobody else knows about it.
So many of the beauty parlor queens tell on themselves and eventually they end up leaking there DMs. So it's hard to believe that null has a secret chat full of women from kiwi farms. That has never been leaked and nobody else knows about it.
Also a good point in favor of Lidl being a dude since we haven't had any Lidl leaks. You are really starting to come around to my side of things.

Lidl follows Josh's obsession with tracking when a woman turns 30. As you may remember Josh did a whole stream when Shoe on head turned 30.

Lidl offers the most clinical explanation of menstruation I've ever heard. See guise Lidl totally knows how lady junk works:rolleyes: