• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Down a Lot

Looks like Null just wants to stay off of clearnet for now, tired of fighting the censor mob.

He gave somewhat contradictory statements on MATI yesterday. On the one hand he said that he's tired of it all, but on the other hand he said that he's waiting on new hardware and is expecting good news in the coming weeks. (I am assuming he means good news from Epik as they sort themselves out.)
What so you mean by this?

Mainly thinking about Null's hysterical sperg out when he posted the "join or die" cartoon and acted like he needed allies to save him because FREEZE PEACH.... and then oops it turns out no one wants to help him because of what a stupid fag he is.

Loves to talk a big game, is also a whiny little sperg who goes on banning sprees when his users say things he doesn't like. He loves talking about 1A but desperately stifles it at every possible chance he gets when it comes to what is under his purview.
How is Null not able to put a website on the internet? :unsure:

Apparently there's yet another KF account on Telegram that posts updates? But no one knows if it's run by Null or not:

It was in the chat. There were several comments about the outage and fixing it, but you have to scroll through hundreds of shitposts to find them.

Here's a couple:
https://t.me/kiwifarmschat/2313698 (Archived: https://archive.is/KU77x )
https://t.me/kiwifarmschat/2313704 (Archived: https://archive.is/hymxo )

So Null is supposedly using both @KiwiFarms and @kiwifarmschat to post updates, but he posts the updates to the one and not the other? :rolleyes: How confusing. I never understood why he doesn't just post everything to the TG thread so people can easily copy-paste it to other places from there.

Speaking of TG,here's Kiwi Kosher Salt asking for a clearnet status update, and he gets none cos apparently it's top sekrit:

The latest update for the clearnet situation was on Telegram, May 22, and said you wouldn't have time to deal with it for a few weeks.

It's been over 3 weeks, can we get an update?


Forget it, Kosher Salt, you're just gonna have to wait along with Null for Epik to get their shit together, however long that lasts.

Typical how AnOminous immediately shows up in TG, not to answer the question but to act like he's in on some big secret that no one else knows and of which he's the sole custodian. Bitch, we all know Null is waiting on Epik, we posted all that shit here on OF last week. Just tell Kiwis what's up instead of acting all secretive about it. :rolleyes:
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Null is gonna make Tor better... by asking you to restart your browser:

Once i am more confident in the DDoS mitigation I will review our Tor circuits. We have many Tor nodes and I have a feeling that a few of them suck, which is why it can be fixed by restarting your browser.

Null bitching at user glass_houses because he refuses to troubleshoot Null's website for him:

glass_houses said:
I can't access the clearnet at all and Tor is slooooow. Depends where you are.
why even bother posting if you're not going to provide a single piece of information to help diagnose the issue? just don't bother.

TG regular Betonhaus shows up and calls Null out on his cranky attacks against the users asking questions in TG:

To be fair, most of the time complains about the site being down gets the response of "yes, I know. Shut up." So further elaboration is unneeded.
That being said, the pl site doesn't work at all over my cable internet, but if I turn off wifi and use my cellphone internet it works fine. I'm guessing it's related to the hurricane internet block?
It doesn't seem to be a DNS block as the DNS servers my home internet is set to seem to work.
.pl is apparently getting DDoSed again:

https://archive.is/vFsSL (this is what archived pages look like whenever the site is getting doxxed)

Here's another example


The .onion is still archiveable though:

Hmmm, what is this?

"Mad at the Internet"
No, I am writing this myself. https://github.com/jaw-sh/stream-nexus
Null · Post #18,923 · Today at 12:54 AM · Forum: Internet Famous

In development. Not production ready. Many things hardcoded.
Stream Nexus for Enhanced Entertainment and Discourse
SNEED (Stream Nexus for Enhancing Entertainment Discussion, or Stream Nexus for short) is a combination of userscripts and a Rust webserver to unify the livestream chats of many popular platforms, enabling streamers to multicast more effectively and support alternative tech without sacrificing their community.
Inlining your stream chat on your video enhances the viewer experiences, encourages engagement, promotes community, and provides longevity and replayability to your content by preserving the chat history - even when it is archived or reuploaded to other platforms.
Multicasting is increasingly popular as new platforms emerge and existing platforms become more restrictive. SNEED is a tool to help you multicast more effectively and support alternative tech without dividing your existing viewing base.
Unify, and SNEED!

I now remember he mentioned this new program on the last MATI, he said something to the effect that he wanted all the different chatrooms on all the different platforms showing up simultaneously.

I wonder who this "FSneed" contributor is though...

"Luddite programmer" with a female avatar and an account that only exists since July 23, 2023? Could be a decoy. Whoever made this account created it for the sole purpose of helping Null with his GitHub projects.
Google & Bing image search both claim the avatar is a unique image & can't find the source image.

Fsneed has been working on something called "KiwiBomb"

Didn't Fredrick Brennan tweet out something to the effect that if anyone agreed to volunteer coding for Null, he'd offer them twice the money to pay them to stop volunteering for Null? There you go Fred, you got a hungry mouth to feed right here.