reddit has become insane. Subs can get into trouble for stupid things like calling people nicknames instead of their known username.Chat? You got modded for private chats? These companies can fuck off.
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
reddit has become insane. Subs can get into trouble for stupid things like calling people nicknames instead of their known username.Chat? You got modded for private chats? These companies can fuck off.
Unlike when it wasn't?reddit has become insane.
Looks like Null just wants to stay off of clearnet for now, tired of fighting the censor mob.
What so you mean by this?using 1A as a troll shield
We?Hopefully will be back on the clearnet at some point, hate to see the trannies win.
What so you mean by this?
*working on kung-fuing his meat.Working his fingers to the bone.
It was in the chat. There were several comments about the outage and fixing it, but you have to scroll through hundreds of shitposts to find them.
Here's a couple: (Archived: ) (Archived: )
The latest update for the clearnet situation was on Telegram, May 22, and said you wouldn't have time to deal with it for a few weeks.
It's been over 3 weeks, can we get an update?
Once i am more confident in the DDoS mitigation I will review our Tor circuits. We have many Tor nodes and I have a feeling that a few of them suck, which is why it can be fixed by restarting your browser.
glass_houses said:
I can't access the clearnet at all and Tor is slooooow. Depends where you are.
Null: why even bother posting if you're not going to provide a single piece of information to help diagnose the issue? just don't bother.
To be fair, most of the time complains about the site being down gets the response of "yes, I know. Shut up." So further elaboration is unneeded.
That being said, the pl site doesn't work at all over my cable internet, but if I turn off wifi and use my cellphone internet it works fine. I'm guessing it's related to the hurricane internet block?
It doesn't seem to be a DNS block as the DNS servers my home internet is set to seem to work.
Null is gonna make Tor better... by asking you to restart your browser:
Null bitching at user glass_houses because he refuses to troubleshoot Null's website for him:
TG regular Betonhaus shows up and calls Null out on his cranky attacks against the users asking questions in TG:
"Mad at the Internet"
No, I am writing this myself.
Null · Post #18,923 · Today at 12:54 AM · Forum: Internet Famous
In development. Not production ready. Many things hardcoded.
Stream Nexus for Enhanced Entertainment and Discourse
SNEED (Stream Nexus for Enhancing Entertainment Discussion, or Stream Nexus for short) is a combination of userscripts and a Rust webserver to unify the livestream chats of many popular platforms, enabling streamers to multicast more effectively and support alternative tech without sacrificing their community.
Inlining your stream chat on your video enhances the viewer experiences, encourages engagement, promotes community, and provides longevity and replayability to your content by preserving the chat history - even when it is archived or reuploaded to other platforms.
Multicasting is increasingly popular as new platforms emerge and existing platforms become more restrictive. SNEED is a tool to help you multicast more effectively and support alternative tech without dividing your existing viewing base.
Unify, and SNEED!
GitHub - jaw-sh/stream-nexus: Unified multicast stream chat overlay using Chromium, written in Rust.
Unified multicast stream chat overlay using Chromium, written in Rust. - GitHub - jaw-sh/stream-nexus: Unified multicast stream chat overlay using Chromium, written in
Wii hax, but based
Didn't Fredrick Brennan tweet out something to the effect that if anyone agreed to volunteer coding for Null, he'd offer them twice the money to pay them to stop volunteering for Null? There you go Fred, you got a hungry mouth to feed right here.