Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
"if any" is the most important phrase in HARICA's response and an acknowledgement that there may be nothing for Greek law enforcement to investigate.
I really think this experience should be used to inform KF strategy in the future. When service providers cut KF off, they get hostile messages, which reinforces the idea that KF is lawless and out of control. Well written, polite messages are a far better option and should be actively encouraged.
There's a good chance there's no useful information to be found because whoever sent those threats did so from behind no log VPNs. How would you even frame a request for records when you have literally no idea who may have sent the threats?After the certificate was threatened with being revoked, there were specific threats received by HARICA against some of their employees. Greece would not have any authority over KF but since HARICA is based in Greece and working with law enforcement there would be a definite interest on those specific threats. Josh can of course refuse to hand any records over to the Greek authorities or work with them but given the circumstances that might not be in the best interest of KF.
I was told off the record that support staff emails and LinkedIn details were posted on the KF Telegram. Unfortunately, I wasn't told by whom.So dr. Kostopoulos was supposedly personally targeted by unnamed individuals. Dr. Kostopoulos was the only person who had signed the initial e-mail from HARICA sent to Null, so who are these other alleged "support team members" who also received threats? If they weren't named in the initial e-mail, how were they found?
jewsh: "we are not an autistic illuminati"
Also jewsh: *sends users on an autistic jihad and calls it TOTAL RETARD WAR*
I told Kiwis this, back when I was on the forum. I was seeing the terrible tweets they were sending to ISPs' Twitter accounts, so I posted an example of a bad tweet and an example of a better tweet. There were also Kiwis asking for a form letter they could send to their ISPs, and IIRC someone had posted such a form letter they could just copy and add their own ISP details to.I really think this experience should be used to inform KF strategy in the future. When service providers cut KF off, they get hostile messages, which reinforces the idea that KF is lawless and out of control. Well written, polite messages are a far better option and should be actively encouraged.
What records would he have to give to Greek LE? Presumably whomever sent those threats to HARICA did so from a non-KF associated account?Josh can of course refuse to hand any records over to the Greek authorities
"Total retard war" wasn't about Kiwis contacting Null's ISPs, it was about Kiwis contacting their own ISPs to ask them to restore their own access to KF as customers of their ISPs. In fact, Null had warned Kiwis that it was pointless to contact an ISP unless they already had a financial relationship to them as a paying customer of that ISP.Josh does dumb shit like telling his users to perform "total retard wars" on companies he doesn't like, they're so conditioned to send insane messages to companies that don't like KF that they sound like complete nutcases.
Who's that? (And what does it say that I know who Null is but I've never heard of this Ritchie person?)He wants to be an edgier Nik Ritchie
Did a Kiwi in Greece threaten a Greek LGBT person or drive them suicidal through KiwiFarms? No! There are no Greek victims or perpetrators involved. It's legally a stretch to claim that simply using a Greek CA to allow users to get to the right website would somehow would give the Greek authorities jurisdiction over anything KF does that doesn't pertain to Greece specifically. This is NOT how jurisdiction works on the internet.
In other news, HARICA has apparently issued a new cert for KF:
View attachment 34140
Here is the announcement from HARICA on KF:
Let's go over it:
Here they bring up section 1.4.2 of the CP/CPS - which, again, is almost 170 pages and so dense and Byzantine as to render it impossible to consult by anyone other than an experienced internet lawyer. The HARICA ToU and CPS were written for lawyers, and were not written with accessibility or readibility in mind. This is NOT a document the average web master can read and understand on their own!
What does "such a complaint" specifically refer to? Does it refer to "forbidden certificate use"? There are countless of articles about KF online. Why would HARICA look at these specific pages... as opposed to all the others? This suggests that someone (and we all know who this is!) had sent HARICA these pages and requested they look them up.
Question: if these was "the risk of suicide" (and who was suicidal specifically?), why were HARICA contacted by a private individual and not LE? Did anyone at HARICA ever stop to ask this question? Or can I just take down any site that HARICA works with by mailing them with false and defamatory accusations of an impending suicide?
So dr. Kostopoulos was supposedly personally targeted by unnamed individuals. Dr. Kostopoulos was the only person who had signed the initial e-mail from HARICA sent to Null, so who are these other alleged "support team members" who also received threats? If they weren't named in the initial e-mail, how were they found?
And I consider internet intermediaries being asked to engage in political censorship at the request of LGBT activists to be also unacceptable, but hey, that's just me. We know Greece has a recent history with repression and censorship and isn't exactly used to this scary free speech thing like the Americans are who are long used to speaking their mind freely. Maybe Greece will become a true democracy one day and discover the benefits of having free speech like America does![]()
Seriously now, was Null contacted by HARICA about this supposed harassment of CA team members? Did HARICA forward those e-mails to Null to ask him if he knew who these people were and whether they're Kiwis?
OK, so one Kiwi who reached out to HARICA wasn't a mentally ill thug. Maybe they can provide a copy of their e-mail to the rest of the Kiwis so they can sound less retarded next time they reach out to ISPs or CAs?
"by the Greek Law enforcement authorities", does this particular statement mean that HARICA have reported KF to Greek LE? Or that someone else has? Cos remember, Sinseer, who is involved with #DropKiwiFarms, is actually Greek. He lives in Canada but has a Greek surname (Ioannidis). I don't know if Sinseer has any ties to Greece but if he does, it would be trivial for him to contact Greek LE on behalf of #DropKiwiFarms and sic them onto Null with hysterical claims.
Again, how would Greek LE have any jurisdiction over KF simply because they've used a Greek CA? If there is no Greek perpetrator or victim? Will HARICA answer this question please? Since they purported to take the law into their own hands and determine on their own what constitutes legal speech.
Kiwifarms should not be banned. But if No-Dong feels this strongly, let her make her own kiwifarms.Happy to hear that they reversed course.. for now.. What a thought, investigation before action... (looking at you CF... though we know that was all just an excuse to give in. but it was their excuse) The fact that they released a statement though means the door is fully open for a media/social media meltdown set piece. If we hear anything more about an investigation then it'll be clear where this is going. I don't have much hope that any org would put enough resources into it beyond wiki level bullshit. (i.e. quote a bunch of pseudo news organizations like vox etc, and ignore that all said allegations are merely reports of what other media has claimed, which itself is based off of random social media posts.. in the best of cases!)
I'm sure media will jump in to hand-wring about them "ignoring" these totally legitimate complaints, as well as any attempt to point blame on any of the obsessed stalkers. (yes, drop-kiwi loved using this term but they are the only people stalking) I mean it's not like no-dong Fong isn't on record in media articles, more than once, calling his obsessive stalking and attacks on KF, as being like a second job!
The suicide threat is such a revision of logic and gaslighting! From a public sense to a professional and medical one. It was always understood that indulging "suicide" threats was not just a way to get manipulated, but actually a dangerous and counterproductive tactic to use. Particularly with people who might seriously be suicidal! I mean this was BASIC psychology and medical practice! You don't engage in suicide threats, and on a more general level (with modern trans narratives today) you NEVER talk about suicide risks, dangers or numbers to or around someone potentially suicidal!
"Total retard war" wasn't about Kiwis contacting Null's ISPs, it was about Kiwis contacting their own ISPs to ask them to restore their own access to KF as customers of their ISPs. In fact, Null had warned Kiwis that it was pointless to contact an ISP unless they already had a financial relationship to them as a paying customer of that ISP.
Several Kiwis did so, and many of them were very tech savvy about it (more tech savvy than the reps they got on the phone at their ISPs)
Here, I still have these two posts from Kiwis who participated in "total retard war", as you can see it was Kiwis contacting their own ISPs, not Null's:
View attachment 34180View attachment 34181
Sounds like this guy.Nik Richie - Wikipedia
Yeah, that's the one. I've always seen KF as an edgier TheDirty, honestly. Plus, as far as I can tell, Nik isn't as messed up as Josh is. For the record, though, I'm not opposed to KF, per se. I just don't get how Josh can act like it's all out of his control, when all he literally had to do was keep the political types out. He could've saved himself so much trouble if he had just done one simple thing. But he brought them in because he wanted KF to be the authority on gossip and internet drama. He wanted it to be as synonymous with both as WWE is with wrestling. The problem with that is that he ended up importing a whole bunch of people who had no real interest in the idea behind KF and saw it largely as just another place to impotently rage. They suck the life out of the site, thus leading Josh to complain he's too old for this shit, that it's not fun anymore, etc, etc. But now? If he says fuck it, and just expels 'em? I can't see that going too well for him, even if it'd be the right thing to do.
True. I used to defend Josh and say he wasn't racist. Just because you make some edgy jokes and are anti-sjw doesn't mean you are a racist. But yeah, Josh has crossed certain lines where you just have to say, 'yeah he's a white supremacist now.'Josh was super pro-Trump in 2016 and many of the more leftist oldfags left the site. Josh's escalating /pol/-tardism and increasing levels of racism also turns that crowd off.
They were invited to the extent that the 'no US politics" rule was dropped, which set the tone for what the forum has since become.Did Josh invite the politispergs or did they just congregate naturally? I don't remember.
The site was a victim of 2016 election like many others and became hyper-politicized. Josh was super pro-Trump and many of the more leftist oldfags left the site and were uncomfortable with the environment of the site as well as Josh's escalating levels of racism and /pol/-tardism.
Come on, that's strawmanning. I simply specified what "Total Retard War" was: it was Kiwis mailing their own ISPs, not Null's.Oh okay, I thought they had a history of sending nasty messages to people, my b then