• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Gamergate was a generation ago and she's not a troon, so she has struggled to stay relevant. I don't think she factors into modern leftism as anything other than a relic.
figures. so the old far left and right of 2010s dies out and not even their counterpart supports them or even know about them. funny how cretins started gamergate 2 is as if it will match the OG gamergate. unsurprisingly, just like aaaaaaaaaaaany other twitter cancel attempts, it quickly die off in less than a year or half a year. compared to OG gamergate who lasted years. gamergate as a movement is dead but its values are undoubtedly priceless. as far as i know, gamergate is all about ethics in gaming journalism and journalism transparency. i like that
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So this is one of those rare times that people on KF are self-aware. I like this one a lot because through all of the lacking with self-awareness the site contains, there's tiny glimpses like this post by Spunt more charitable. Also Cancerman should've died ages ago, the retards content was just never good and was a updooted commentary retard.
They're really close to understanding it.

It's almost like Kiwis are trapped in a retarded cult that discourages outside perspectives and only tolerates 2015 /pol/ shit that has since become cringe (the talking points from retards and grifters like Ann Coulter have become irrelevant for many years now).

And they're not that far off with the Ethan Ralph comparison. Jersh is a bitter obese retard that is now in his 30's, he has no girlfriend or let alone married, and can barely keep his website up with duct tape. It wouldn't surprise me if Kiwi Farms ends up being as dead as ED as Jersh runs the whole website into the ground.
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They're really close to understanding it. ...it.

It's almost like Kiwis are trapped in a retarded cult that discourages outside perspectives and only tolerates 2015 /pol/ shit that has since become cringe (the talking points from retards and grifters like Ann Coulter have become irrelevant for many years now).

And they're not that far off with the Ethan Ralph comparison. Jersh is a bitter obese retard that is now in his 30's, he has no girlfriend or let alone married, and can barely keep his website up with duct tape. It wouldn't surprise me if Kiwi Farms ends up being as dead as ED as Jersh runs the whole website into the ground. ...ground.
You are always on your fucking A-game with your posts, I appreciate it.
This guy follows all of the BP deathfats around to give updoots and negrates in every slapfight they're in. He also talks about using makeup regularly. He's a faggot.
She’s really become the butt of the joke after that fake wedding debacle. It’s like she’s transformed into a female incel—or femcel, for short.

There is a connection between bitter femcels and the kind of woman who gets really really mad about videogames.

They're really close to understanding it.

It's almost like Kiwis are trapped in a retarded cult that discourages outside perspectives and only tolerates 2015 /pol/ shit that has since become cringe (the talking points from retards and grifters like Ann Coulter have become irrelevant for many years now).

And they're not that far off with the Ethan Ralph comparison. Jersh is a bitter obese retard that is now in his 30's, he has no girlfriend or let alone married, and can barely keep his website up with duct tape. It wouldn't surprise me if Kiwi Farms ends up being as dead as ED as Jersh runs the whole website into the ground.

Kiwifarms is just alt-right Twitch.

Websites themselves are not inherently magical or special. What matters is the community there. Kiwifarms and Twitch have both for better or worse built a community that a lot of people like. We can point and laugh at it but for the people on the inside they're okay with their conditions and have found a lot of entertainment and maybe even genuine human connection through it. They don't want to give that up.

But Kiwifarms and Twitch both have a problem: they're run by idiotic and pretentious overlords. Twitch has had a lot of controversies over the years especially with regards to porn stars doing hot tub streams. Kiwifarms hosts revenge porn of children. Both are sites used by minors who are being corrupted and groomed by pornographers who have not so secret tranny fetishes. Both of the communities are reluctant to leave the sites because they like hanging out with like minded users who understand them.

That's how Null and Twitch staff keep leverage over their userbase and why they can get away with intimidating and abusing them. Because they're the only ones who are providing a service for a niche audience that the mainstream is too retarded to figure out. (Youtube streaming is good for vtubing and not much else!)

As an aside, damn Mixer had potential. Microsoft needs to be gutted and destroyed.

It's fine to not watch porn, why tf do kwiffar have to announce every single bowel movement to the fucking world. Christ wept
There is a connection between bitter femcels and the kind of woman who gets really really mad about videogames.

Kiwifarms is just alt-right Twitch.

Websites themselves are not inherently magical or special. What matters is the community there. Kiwifarms and Twitch have both for better or worse built a community that a lot of people like. We can point and laugh at it but for the people on the inside they're okay with their conditions and have found a lot of entertainment and maybe even genuine human connection through it. They don't want to give that up.

But Kiwifarms and Twitch both have a problem: they're run by idiotic and pretentious overlords. Twitch has had a lot of controversies over the years especially with regards to porn stars doing hot tub streams. Kiwifarms hosts revenge porn of children. Both are sites used by minors who are being corrupted and groomed by pornographers who have not so secret tranny fetishes. Both of the communities are reluctant to leave the sites because they like hanging out with like minded users who understand them.

That's how Null and Twitch staff keep leverage over their userbase and why they can get away with intimidating and abusing them. Because they're the only ones who are providing a service for a niche audience that the mainstream is too retarded to figure out. (Youtube streaming is good for vtubing and not much else!)

As an aside, damn Mixer had potential. Microsoft needs to be gutted and destroyed.

It's fine to not watch porn, why tf do kwiffar have to announce every single bowel movement to the fucking world. Christ wept
It may have something to do with
A purity spiral is a theory which argues for the existence of a form of groupthink in which it becomes more beneficial to hold certain views than to not hold them, and more extreme views are rewarded while expressing doubt, nuance, or moderation is punished (a process sometimes called "moral outbidding
Group think be like that
The kwiffar spend a lot of time talking about porn
Kiwifarms hosts revenge porn of children. Both are sites used by minors who are being corrupted and groomed by pornographers who have not so secret tranny fetishes.
Let us not forget, that the most excited Null has been in the past few years, was when he was trying to attain footage of Rekakas children in compromised positions, he even had a little whip around.
I'm also surprised that uber feminist "Lidl" stood by him when he told DSP he couldn't "unfuck his sister" and continued to host revenge porn of the at risk woman for Moids around the world to enjoy.

I had to actually google the acronym for that because there's multiple things that is associated with GNC... such as the vitamine shop

Turns out it means "Gender Non-Conforming". Why the fuck are KiwiFarmers using tumblr speak?
Because many of them are refugees from sites like lolcow.farm, mumsnet, lipstick alley, etc. and most of the fathags in those sites used to be tumblrinas in some flavor of genderspecial. They still want the attention from those times so they label themselves as something they think makes them so cool for doing shit that has been normalized for decades to get attention (see the Lisa Simpson clip again). YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL FOR NOT BOTHERING WITH YOUR LOOKS OR PLAYING FOOTBALL OR DOING "typically moidy stuff uwu". They claim to be fighting stereotypes while being the most sexist pieces of shit and labeling any normal person as "non-conforming" for playing with random hobbies as they grow, unaware of "muh gender roles" until they find something they like. IMO the Kanji and Naoto storylines are the most noticeable example. They're fictional teenagers for crying out loud!
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wait you know this user? Please share ...
It's just from the oversharing she does in KF. I shared her TMI postings a couple times:
Another fucking terfoid with a sexual harrasment fetish.
And the old man's name? Albert Einstein. Please believe her she was soooo harrased cuz womyn guise, she knows why they poon out!
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Where the fuck do they live that they always go "oh i was so opressed i was told im an object more than person my titties gave so much attention when growing fucking moids uwu so insecure"? Because I don't think they are from some islamic country!
She says most changes from the T reversed and her voice is not that froggy, but I think she's just delusional.
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So this one not only was growing being treated as an object and had old men jerking off to her tween titties (her words), she was also very anorexic and a former pooner, and somehow taking male hormones did not give her many irreversible changes and the few ones she had disappeared almost completely after a while, and no one can tell she had a tranny phase despite her having a fucked torso thanks to the tit chop, but is also a hardcore retro geiming grull, and has been catholic her whole life, but was allowed to poon despite that? "My prospective future kids' nutritional beginnings" Who talks like that?
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Pressing hard X on this one. I'd believe it (just a teeny bit) if it was a milennial/gen x or older but she's 24.

Please give her many hug emojis in her profile wall, she really needs them nonnytas!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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"You'll make a wonderful mother!" But how is she going to administer proper nutritional contents to her prospective future offspring during their crucial beginnings with no tits? It's her biggest worry!
It's just from the oversharing she does in KF. I shared her TMI postings a couple times:

She says most changes from the T reversed and her voice is not that froggy, but I think she's just delusional.

"You'll make a wonderful mother!" But how is she going to administer proper nutritional contents to her prospective future offspring during their crucial beginnings with no tits? It's her biggest worry!
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The kiwis are very pink pilled...
I've noticed a lot of the (woman) on kiwi farms are /trans/pooner/
And they have an even larger population of gay men. Despite Josh declaring them to be unacceptable. It's like some weird open secret