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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Yeah, I think people with disdain cover these people as much as people with empathy.
What an unbelievably stupid cope to throw out there
I don't like pedos as much as the next guy but I'm not going to spend hours following all the major pedo accounts just so I can tell you pedo A totally owned pedo B. They are obviously part of that community like the furries and such that were already outed on KF.
I don't like pedos as much as the next guy
Did you call out a known and obvious one in our presence to the point they're not going to come back and try to recover the narrative? Otherwise I think you're complicit to such a degree any criticism you have of KF is basically voided
they're not going to come back and try to recover the narrative?
lol who gives a shit? Everything surrounding KF is creepy "lel we are just laughing at lolcows" "now here's my deep dive into the fandom" yeah nah, they are part of the fandom. Who gives a fuck about maintaining narrative like you're fucking CNN when half the time you are on the darknet? Autistic redditors kicked out of lolimodels?
lol who gives a shit? Everything surrounding KF is creepy "lel we are just laughing at lolcows" "now here's my deep dive into the fandom" yeah nah, they are part of the fandom. Who gives a fuck about maintaining narrative like you're fucking CNN when half the time you are on the darknet? Autistic redditors?
Exactly. "Here's all the nuances and lingo of their community" it's like damn dog, how do you know so much about this?
Autism. I've been a lorehound for 20 years without being friends with anyone.
I believe you when you tell me shit like that because you really have to be on the spectrum to have the tenacity and focus to pull off some of the antics you pulled. I'm talking about the average cat on the street that will tell you a whole bunch of stuff about the gay community. It's like how you know all this?

Speaking of gay lingo let me go off topic for one second here: I'm old enough to remember that only lesbians and fags who were embarrassed about being gay calling their girlfriends and boyfriends their "partner". It's weird how that term was kind of put upon straight people as well because I've heard them say it. Let's hope that's not a harbinger of things to come and the troons actually get us to call ourselves "cis".

I prefer the word real over cis, but I digress...

....what kind of a logic is this? good lord.

ahahahaha, yes...... soyjak.party users favorite tactic is to call anyone they dislike and disagree with a tranny. so sad

Harm said:
t-t-thank you for warning m-me about that o-dd opposs-um individual. i will n-never reply to t-t-them again.

kiwifaggots try not to defend pedophiles because they're le edgy and shiiet challenge (100% impossible)
Said from a site which currently features content from a pedo-necro-zoophile though
Kind of hard to talk shit when your big tent policy literally means all are welcome
Projection much?
if you like kiwifarms so much then perhaps you can try fuck off there :)