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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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Friday... Slow news week, I guess? btw... this seems based off of PJ Watson social media post and WTF video he did. That'll make everyone forget about all the furries using DMs to whack off...
I like how people who pretend like they aren't bad in bed equate time with quality. Having sex is like running a mile, if you can't get her to cross the finish line unless you're there for an hour and a half it's not that impressive.

Tell any woman over 30 that you're going to fuck her doggy style (or any style for that matter) for 3 hours. She'll look at you like no you're not I have somewhere to BE in like, an hour and a half. You've got 40 minutes motherfucker including foreplay, get it done.
It doesn't mean the meth head will cum either lmao
Man hate thread crosses over with LCF so much

View attachment 54232

Kind of a self own

Wtf why is that post so detailed there's not even a joke there

I am impressed at how Opossum manages to trigger them like this, I haven't seen anyone else get under their skin like this in a while.

"Thank you for warning me about that user's transphobic posts, I will never RT them again." - some egirl on twitter. There is no difference between Kiwifarms and the rest of the internet.

I like how they're sperging angrily at Chugga because he just wants everyone to stfu and stop bothering him with this shit, instead of supporting him they are continuing his victimization more and more.
I found this to be such a cringe Karen PLing comment, even though I didn't really disagree about seating.
THIS. The fat bopo movement likes to whine incessantly about the right to take up space, which sounds great in something like a doctor's waiting room. (My medical system of choice has ALL bariatric chairs at this point.) But where space is severely limited...

Spoiler: Dumbass SW sperg
I took SW recently, and the two very last people to board were massive, and sat in my row. I had an aisle seat. Both required extenders on their seat belts. I got smashed into the aisle side armrest, to the point I was sitting at an odd C shaped angle. I said the one next to me, I can't sit like this for hours. He wouldn't look at me, and told me he didn't design the seats, or load the plane, IT WAS THE AIRLINE'S FAULT.

After we took off, I called over an FA, who blamed me for not saying something before we took off. *I* had to be the one that moved, so I sat between two slightly less massive people. I had to cross my arms the entire flight, because there was no room for my shoulders.

Mx. Comfyfat won't give you a traveling tip, but I will. One of my parents travels a lot, and uses this technique:

When you are seated next to someone who spills over into your seat, go to the nearest FA, and state calmly: "I'm not sitting there." Usually works, and the problem is now the airline's.

If they insist on flying to SF, there WILL be a lot of whining, anxiety and accusations of fatphobia. Can't wait!
if you gave me Jeffrey Dahmer fantasy levels of control over these big girls, they could wear your clothes from high school if you gave me a year. I didn't say it was ethical. I said it would work.
Is LonesomeDud okay or is he considering becoming a weight loss kidnapper? Good xtian fundie boi btw.
It's not J's or Amberlynn's genetic destiny to be fat. Their bodies would be deformed, but they could absolutely be 120 lbs. It's more than what's required of you, but if you gave me Jeffrey Dahmer fantasy levels of control over these big girls, they could wear your clothes from high school if you gave me a year. I didn't say it was ethical. I said it would work.
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Said from a site which currently features content from a pedo-necro-zoophile though
Kind of hard to talk shit when your big tent policy literally means all are welcome
Kiwifarms, your main source for Pedo, Zoo, and Necro news.... serving the fandoms for over 10 years!
Projection much?