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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

  • General Discussion (Grab Bag)I am going through this to sort out the threads on where to put them. Some of the them are enough to make new communities and forums. Nothing is being deleted

Kiwifarms Associate Keffals / Lucas Roberts

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
"Materially hurt us?" Making money from abusing kids, are you? How to tell me you're a useful idiot, without...
The very hyped chat wanted to know who the next target was and gave suggestions like 4chan /pol/

Keffal suggested they do have a desire to target them because they heard Libs of tiktok has been "up to no good lately".
LoTT was targeted by Taylor Lorenz, right? Guess who fake farter is friendly with?

Next target? This poster on Metocuck thinks...
Might want to look into this one, they claim they are behind all of this.
And he's been posting a lot of things to his Poa.st account about orchestrating the downfall of KF
Also posted this...

Assuming MTG is Marjorie Taylor Green. Also "not a true tranny", Blaine probably doesn't get invited out much. Unless it's the ol' invitation to step outside, I'm guessing.
Also posted this...
View attachment 17633
Assuming MTG is Marjorie Taylor Green. Also "not a true tranny", Blaine probably doesn't get invited out much. Unless it's the ol' invitation to step outside, I'm guessing.
Yeah, Marjorie Taylor Green, that's correct.
He also made that claim on his Poa.st
Dunno why anyone would volunteer themselves to get a visit from the feds but I'm pretty sure this is how you get a visit from the feds.
Lol i was explaining to my friend about how MTG is a moron and he's like how? So i explaned she's trying to ban sites that she doesn't like because of one lolcow. His conservatard answer was good for swatting a righteos christian.
It makes me irrationally angry that an abnormal MINORITY of mentally ill MEN can dictate what is acceptable on the internet.

Why are the normal, sane public accepting this travesty?

Also, Byuu is not dead. Keffals is a liar liar, axe wound on fire.
Lol last time i checked Kiwi Farms is on Tor, ED is still on, 4chan is still on. Plus if you don't like this site or any of the countless others like this site from making your own other than up keep cost? Also it was more than just Keffals and Byuu it was a lot of people and groups that overwelmed Cloudflare with thier bs and they had enough.
It makes me irrationally angry that an abnormal MINORITY of mentally ill MEN can dictate what is acceptable on the internet.

Why are the normal, sane public accepting this travesty?
You're not wrong; but Josh didn't help himself. Is it possible that Lucas swatted himself, the proverbial burning of the Reichstag, to justify this whole thing? Yes. Did they stand on the graves and supposed graves of a handful of troons who may or may not have killed themselves. Yes.
Ask yourself this.
Why does 4chan still exist despite existing for almost a decade longer, verifiably linked to a handful of murders, most recently Bianca Devins who an /r9k/ poster decapitated. Despite the pre-2007 nightly CP threads, multiple investigations by the FBI, the MAGA stuff and old /pol/ making national news many times.. 4chan is still there. I'm sure there are some shady reasons why that's true, I'm sure gookmoot is selling user information like he did with 2ch, but think of all the years before Hiroyuki. There are many sites with reputations just as bad as KF that are still up and running, that have lost hosts here and there but survived.

Why couldn't KF? Josh. Not trannies. Trannies have been made fun on on ED since 2004, almost 20 years. And yet... you can go and look up anything on ED right now despite google unindexing it. KF died 100% because of Josh and his bad decisions.

Case and point (not my post and this opinion doesn't reflect the views of Onion Farms)

Will 4chan disappear tomorrow? I doubt it.
Larks at the idea Kerfuffels is some kind of puppet master.
Wasn't it a warrant?
Lucus seems to think that joshy hasn't been doing this shit already. Perhaps it's the only thing that keeps him alive.
China KiwiFarms
I've been calling it Commie Farms in certain circles for awhile, due to it's Chairmanboy Moon and his revisionist jannies. But this... chef's kiss moment.

No doubt that the CCP have access to ALL of KF. And are spying on joshy right now. They're nosey buggers.