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Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Yay kwiifarms is back up! But you know, you guys are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow.
Fighting to be surrounded by psychopaths he vocally hates while he cruises through his 30's more unemployable and lonely than ever before is so funny. What an absurd and stupid way to live lmfao. A million people might have seen him talking about how his dick doesn't work on twitter but at least he now has something that makes him constantly miserable.
Lucas describes his continued plans to go after everyone who thinks he's a retarded faggot.

Phase 2 "will continue until October 18th" when Matt Prince and the Cloudflare team do their conference where Lucas plans to organize a mass protest. I for one hope there's a Michael Byrd there waiting with his finger on the trigger.
Lucas explains that "Phase 2" will involve "targeted public pressure" and that sounds like a threat to harass and/or do violence against people :shocking:
Lucas describes his continued plans to go after everyone who thinks he's a retarded faggot.
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Phase 2 "will continue until October 18th" when Matt Prince and the Cloudflare team do their conference where Lucas plans to organize a mass protest. I for one hope there's a Michael Byrd there waiting with his finger on the trigger.
Lucas explains that "Phase 2" will involve "targeted public pressure" and that sounds like a threat to harass and/or do violence against people :shocking:
There is no way this low effort drag queen is doing this alone, he can barely string a sentence together.
There is no way this low effort drag queen is doing this alone, he can barely string a sentence together.
I don't think he's acting alone at all. You don't just magically summon 100grand out of nowhere for being doxed and swatted. Plenty of people are doxed. Plenty of people have been swatted. Hell, Jimbo has an audience of a million rabid 12 year old and he has cancer and has been swatted multiple times and his fans haven't just materialized 100k for him in 2 days. Ralph too, he's been doxed, swatted and "harassed" for years longer than Lucas, and no one's sending him or Baked or Nick 100 grand to fund their lolcow uprising.
If it doesn't make sense, it's not true. I wouldn't be surprised if Near's totally real suicide wasn't a "Pallet of Bricks" before the riots moment for him. Give me all the tinfoil because I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Lucas didn't have some Soros-Esque benefactor helping him plan all this out and fund it.
How much money does Vordrak have lol
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Little Lucas living in squalor.
Disorganized shithole messes are a sign of BPD, and BPD can cause dissociative symptoms in severe cases.
Fear of abandonment: I have no idea if Lucas has this issue, but with his father dying early in his life he probably does
Unstable relationships: LOL don't they all?
Unclear or shifting self-image: He cut his PP off and larps as a woman
Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors: He cut his PP off and larps as a woman. He tried to be a porn star.
Self-harm: He cut his PP off and larps as a woman. Also 41%
Extreme emotional swings: Probably lol
Chronic feelings of emptiness: Every time he speaks he sounds more despondent then Josh lmao
Explosive anger: He started a rage-crusade against a gossip website for not honoring his delusions
Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality: He cut his PP off because he feels like a woman and believes he's the target of gangstalkers.

Sounds like Lucas is just a mentally ill man trying to cope with his issues without a healthy support network to keep him grounded in reality.