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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
also, btw, how do you paste links with previews like this?
i would like to know
i hate to agree on josh but i think he's right on this one. why is it alwaaaaaaays christians who get shitted on? why not just religious fascists to apply to all religion? this is one of those rare times where josh is right about something.
Agreed. All theocracies are far right. Not just Christian ones. As much as I shit on Christians myself I notice it's one sided as well and the others are no different.
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"38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well."
That answer your question?

I believe the term is older than Christofascism, but the HRCC made a deal with Il Duce by then IMS.

He's not tho, really. The term(s) have valid use. He's just trying to signify to the "patriots" that his not very (Judeo) Christian hugbox needs their dosh.
A lot of it comes to interpretation. For example: An eye for an eye is so vague it appeals to both sides, peace and war. One justifies their revenge with it, and the other says everyone just ends up blind to revenge. It's like that on purpose. I'm not being apologetic I'm just saying how they would typically flip between both interpretations when convenient. I still believe all theocracies are inherently bad though. And if one is right wing they all qualify as it.
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that's funny because i see so many people shitting on Muslims for "wOrShIpInG A PeDoPhIlE PrOpHeT a.k.a muhammad" online and yet Christians keep getting the spotlight of hate. i wonder why
Muhammad married his first wife Aisha when she was 6 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9. This was common at the time because friends would promise their girl children as a wife to their closest friends. He would suck on the tongue of little boys to rehydrate their mouths because there wasn't enough water to go around. He was also was a warlord who conquered much land and denying those accomplishments seems disrespectful because it's one of the only cool things he did.
Muhammad married his first wife Aisha when she was 6 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9. This was common at the time because friends would promise their girl children as a wife to their closest friends. He would suck on the tongue of little boys to rehydrate their mouths because there wasn't enough water to go around. He was also was a warlord who conquered much land and denying those accomplishments seems disrespectful because it's one of the only cool things he did.
source: my ass.
bro, if you people ever read the quran, you will know that while yes, Muhammad did marry aisha when she was young, Muhammad didn't treat aisha like a proper wife. in fact, Muhammad treats aisha the way she is, a child. it wasn't until aisha turned 18 that she finally be treated like a wife. people are going around on the internet being turbo ass mad over a dead guy centuries ago saying "durr durr Muhammad le raped aisha" while not knowing the full context just to further their insanities.

and as for the rest of your reply... sources?
source: my ass.
bro, if you people ever read the quran, you will know that while yes, Muhammad did marry aisha when she was young, Muhammad didn't treat aisha like a proper wife. in fact, Muhammad treats aisha the way she is, a child. it wasn't until aisha turned 18 that she finally be treated like a wife. people are going around on the internet being turbo ass mad over a dead guy centuries ago saying "durr durr Muhammad le raped aisha" while not knowing the full context just to further their insanities.

and as for the rest of your reply... sources?
"Here, allow me to supply a lot of context as to why marrying children is A-OK"

Canadian healthcare.
source: my ass.
bro, if you people ever read the quran, you will know that while yes, Muhammad did marry aisha when she was young, Muhammad didn't treat aisha like a proper wife. in fact, Muhammad treats aisha the way she is, a child. it wasn't until aisha turned 18 that she finally be treated like a wife. people are going around on the internet being turbo ass mad over a dead guy centuries ago saying "durr durr Muhammad le raped aisha" while not knowing the full context just to further their insanities.

and as for the rest of your reply... sources?
Lets wikipedia that real quick:

Muslim owned epic style. :cool:
Yeah I'll say it again there's something fishy about the whole thing. If it was real the way Null was responding with long whiny DMs kinda suggests they had a more intimate relationship than Null lets on. The guy responds to most things he doesn't like with "Kill yourself" why is he suddenly all like "please I'm begging you stop dming me"? This is totally out of character for Null and then when you add in the part in his post where he talks about how he did nothing to encourage it, the whole thing comes off extremely suspicious.

If you post anything were you even misremember the slightest detail about Josh on KF, LidlTroon will rush to correct you but when it comes things like Joshes many spergposts about how he wants to find a woman and start a family:

Then all of a sudden he dosen't want to have relationship. :thinking:
"Here, allow me to supply a lot of context as to why marrying children is A-OK"

Canadian healthcare.
i don't know if you lack reading comprehension so much or you are trying to strawman my reply. either way...

read and weep:

Lets wikipedia that real quick:

Muslim owned epic style. :cool:
"muh wiki"

Wikipedia isn't immune to bias genius and in fact, it's heavily biased:

also, by the way, your screenshot doesn't mention how Muhammad treats aisha and the intimate relationship between Muhammad and aisha. I'm not even a Muslim lol, I'm an atheist. I'm sick and tired of idiots misinterpreting religious history.

inb4 you are an atheist.
I'm a historian of religion. just because I'm an atheist, doesn't mean it will prevent me from being a religion historian. hell, shit like atheist conservatives exists so why not this one?
Muhammad begins having a normal adult relationship with aisha when aisha reaches 18. I already mentioned the part about Muhammad marrying aisha when she was young. your screenshot literally agrees with me on that :haha:
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i don't know if you lack reading comprehension so much or you are trying to strawman my reply. either way...
View attachment 43349

read and weep:
View attachment 43350

"muh wiki"

Wikipedia isn't immune to bias genius and in fact, it's heavily biased:

also, by the way, your screenshot doesn't mention how Muhammad treats aisha and the intimate relationship between Muhammad and aisha. I'm not even a Muslim lol, I'm an atheist. I'm sick and tired of idiots misinterpreting religious history.

inb4 you are an atheist.
I'm a historian of religion. just because I'm an atheist, doesn't mean it will prevent me from being a religion historian. hell, shit like atheist conservatives exists so why not this one?
Muhammad begins having a normal adult relationship with aisha when aisha reaches 18. I already mentioned the part about Muhammad marrying aisha when she was young. your screenshot literally agrees with me on that :haha:
Didn't read a word.

Marrying a six year old is degenerate.
source: my ass.
bro, if you people ever read the quran, you will know that while yes, Muhammad did marry aisha when she was young, Muhammad didn't treat aisha like a proper wife. in fact, Muhammad treats aisha the way she is, a child. it wasn't until aisha turned 18 that she finally be treated like a wife. people are going around on the internet being turbo ass mad over a dead guy centuries ago saying "durr durr Muhammad le raped aisha" while not knowing the full context just to further their insanities.

and as for the rest of your reply... sources?
Tell me you never read the hadiths without telling me you never read the hadiths. As the others said people who actually have religious authority in Islam agree that she was 6 at marriage and they had sex at 9. Have you ever stopped to think that taking what a Muslim says at face value is like taking what a ccp member says about China at face value? They have self interest to paint the best image possible and stretching the truth or outright lying isn't out of the question because kafir are not protected under sharia law. Some people live by this image.
when the Muslim world completely accepts these events as factual.
lulz, any evidence to this? the people who keep screaching at the top of their lungs about muhammad being a pedophile either post biased sources or post no sources at all.

Didn't read a word.

Marrying a six year old is degenerate.
whatever suits you buddy. i mean, hey, i'm just trying to clear up some things. you act like this shit only happens in islam while in reality, it happens in all religion.
funny to see so many far-right loonies and some people continuously seethe over a dead guy who has been dead centuries ago while church molestation cases gets ignored like it's nothing

@Crimson Fucker :takeyourmeds:
i don't know if you lack reading comprehension so much or you are trying to strawman my reply. either way...
View attachment 43349

read and weep:
View attachment 43350

"muh wiki"

Wikipedia isn't immune to bias genius and in fact, it's heavily biased:

also, by the way, your screenshot doesn't mention how Muhammad treats aisha and the intimate relationship between Muhammad and aisha. I'm not even a Muslim lol, I'm an atheist. I'm sick and tired of idiots misinterpreting religious history.

inb4 you are an atheist.
I'm a historian of religion. just because I'm an atheist, doesn't mean it will prevent me from being a religion historian. hell, shit like atheist conservatives exists so why not this one?
Muhammad begins having a normal adult relationship with aisha when aisha reaches 18. I already mentioned the part about Muhammad marrying aisha when she was young. your screenshot literally agrees with me on that :haha:
Muhammad died when Aisha was 18, he probably lost interest when she became of age and lost the will to live.
Here is your muh source Sherlock homo. You can stop making a fool of yourself now.

finally, someone who provided sources for their arguments/claims. i still disagree with you but agree to disagree, i guess.

>marrying a six year old is degenerate
>but but but everyone else is doing it too no fair
>pointing out reality is... le bad.
well continue on seething about a guy who has been dead for centuries :trollface:
In a Nutshell:
There are a number of arguments arguing A'isha's age based on mathematical approaches. These include comparing dates of events to try concluding her age.
However, the arguments are at best arbitrary and spurious, relying on weak or fabricated evidences, failing to recognise multiple rigorously authentic narrations especially A'isha's own testimony of her marriage when she was nine years old.
Claiming she was in her teens at marriage is modern revisionism and blasphemy.
In a Nutshell: According to the classical jurisprudential literature, none of the classical scholars disputed this. The consensus of scholars is narrated by a number of scholars. Some contemporary scholars have started to argue against this consensus following the British Orientalist Historian David Samuel Margoliouth's criticisms of the marriage in 1905.