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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josheph Stalin
Anyone who describes himself as "alt right" or takes the term seriously is a raging autist of some sort. I'm not here to talk politics too much but people take themselves way too seriously with that shit.
I agree that “alt-right” is a dumb, buzzword term now, which is why I put it in quotes. But don’t focus so much on that term but what people mean when they say it.

KF absolutely has a strong lean toward far-right politics and definitely also has a lot of white supremacist and trad-tard groyper types. I’ve even seen cope there like “oh this site is actually just libs COSPLAYING as cons so they can say nigger and fag in a place with open freeze peach. It’s not actually mostly 8chan types and GamerGate hanger-onners with tranny derangement syndrome.” Like, ok man, it’s your reality, you’re free to live there. But you’re wrong.

But whatever. Who cares. Politics are gay, OP, you’re right. And yes, I have a tendency to be raging autist.
Now this is a spicy meatball.

Null makes a thread about some woman who has apparently been harassing him and at first I was like "that makes sense some autistic kiwigirl is in love with him" but then I read the post and I started to wonder if it was more of a back and forth thing than Null is leading on. Like he says this person as contacting him for months but he keeps replying with long emotional messages which is exactly what you shouldn't do if you actually have a stalker and he has mentioned this with regards to lolcows and their alogs so he should know. On top of all that it seems like the majority of their contact was over Kiwi farms DMs directly. Null has banned people for @ing him or just making fun of him in a thread why would he put up with months of harassment and hwy is he trying so hard to shift the narrative here. This person still isn't even banned. Why?

Pics are below
kiwifarms.hk_conversations_stop-messaging-me-in-private-on-any-and-all-platforms.114353_.pngkiwifarms.hk_conversations_p-wallet.114347_.pngkiwifarms.hk_conversations_im-sorry.114376_.pngdvnc - twitter.pngdvnc - public 2.pngdvnc - public.pngdvnc - pm nov 24_.pngdvnc - pm dec 5.png
Why does he need to save all these receipts on his own site? Like just ban them. I really sense something else is going on here. I he scared of his own dms coming out maybe?

Also user Yats accused of being a Lidl Drip sock which Null personally denies in a suspicious way.


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    dvnc - email 3.png
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    dvnc - email 5.png
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Now this is a spicy meatball.
View attachment 43248
Null makes a thread about some woman who has apparently been harassing him and at first I was like "that makes sense some autistic kiwigirl is in love with him" but then I read the post and I started to wonder if it was more of a back and forth thing than Null is leading on. Like he says this person as contacting him for months but he keeps replying with long emotional messages which is exactly what you shouldn't do if you actually have a stalker and he has mentioned this with regards to lolcows and their alogs so he should know. On top of all that it seems like the majority of their contact was over Kiwi farms DMs directly. Null has banned people for @ing him or just making fun of him in a thread why would he put up with months of harassment and hwy is he trying so hard to shift the narrative here. This person still isn't even banned. Why?

Pics are below
Why does he need to save all these receipts on his own site? Like just ban them. I really sense something else is going on here. I he scared of his own dms coming out maybe?

Also user Yats accused of being a Lidl Drip sock which Null personally denies in a suspicious way.
View attachment 43261
I thought harassment was fine to null if woman did it.
Now this is a spicy meatball.
View attachment 43248
Null makes a thread about some woman who has apparently been harassing him and at first I was like "that makes sense some autistic kiwigirl is in love with him" but then I read the post and I started to wonder if it was more of a back and forth thing than Null is leading on. Like he says this person as contacting him for months but he keeps replying with long emotional messages which is exactly what you shouldn't do if you actually have a stalker and he has mentioned this with regards to lolcows and their alogs so he should know. On top of all that it seems like the majority of their contact was over Kiwi farms DMs directly. Null has banned people for @ing him or just making fun of him in a thread why would he put up with months of harassment and hwy is he trying so hard to shift the narrative here. This person still isn't even banned. Why?

Pics are below
Why does he need to save all these receipts on his own site? Like just ban them. I really sense something else is going on here. I he scared of his own dms coming out maybe?

Also user Yats accused of being a Lidl Drip sock which Null personally denies in a suspicious way.
View attachment 43261
"She has harassed me for months and She has started to indirectly cause problems in public"
Does anyone remember how he tripped over his fedora to defend SSSniperwolf showing up to Jackfilms house a couple of months ago. Yet he can't handle a couple of messages from a drunken winemom without sending his personal army after her?
Maybe dvnc is another sock puppet of his, like Lidl, and he's using her in an attempt to increase his perceived value to women in general or his ex.
Funny you should say that.

It seems like you aren't the only one thinking along this track. The situation just doesn't make sense Null has been extremely ban happy all year and to accounts that are much older than this dvnc one. To think that he would let months of direct harassment slide where it even seems he is getting quite agitated in their correspondence just doesn't add up.

Then you have the fact that Lidl and dvnc have an extremely similar posting style mainly acting as a cheerleader for Null while throwing their weight around and trying to tell people what to do and how to post despite being newfags. The cherry that puts it over the top for me is that dvnc and Lidl apparently have some open rivalry? Ok this is exactly what 30 year old virgin Null thinks girl fights are like.

Null women, even crazy ones, don't openly express their love for you and dare other women to try and take you that's a man thing. Women subtly diss each other in private hoping it makes people dislike their rivals. This is all a bit too much of a production and I think you are right this is a song and dance for the people finally realizing that Null has never and will never have sex.
Null makes a thread about some woman who has apparently been harassing him
who has apparently been harassing him
harassing him
this is extremely ironic. so a fat fuck is (allegedly) getting harassed by a crazy bitch. interesting, because the site that he runs for a decade+ known as trannycuckfarms has been a harassment and harasser factory. keep in mind, the people who go out of their way to harass lolcows aren't ordinary kiwis, it's weens who do that but my point still stands.

like seriously, did we forget about that one ween who reported elaine miller's twitter account? or that comcast employee continuously harassed DSP (or a lolcow, idk my memory is murky on this one) by fucking with his internet connection?

wow josh, wow. your rule about not fucking touching the cow is as important as my shit i take last night :haha:. it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that little to no person follow the "dOn'T tOuCh ThE cOw" rule on the farms.
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I agree that “alt-right” is a dumb, buzzword term now, which is why I put it in quotes. But don’t focus so much on that term but what people mean when they say it.

KF absolutely has a strong lean toward far-right politics and definitely also has a lot of white supremacist and trad-tard groyper types. I’ve even seen cope there like “oh this site is actually just libs COSPLAYING as cons so they can say nigger and fag in a place with open freeze peach. It’s not actually mostly 8chan types and GamerGate hanger-onners with tranny derangement syndrome.” Like, ok man, it’s your reality, you’re free to live there. But you’re wrong.

But whatever. Who cares. Politics are gay, OP, you’re right. And yes, I have a tendency to be raging autist.
I'm not here to discuss my political views but I have noticed a change in the culture, a lot of places do ban right leaning users (or those they suspect of being so) and they don't really have anywhere else to go. I have experience with this myself (apparently disagreement is considered "trolling political threads" in some circles) but to the Farms' credit they don't ban people simply for having shitty politics. I usually just ignore the more extreme types or laugh at them. I suppose it gets these people because Josh doesn't ban them plus it's funny to watch HHH sperg out at them.

Now I understand if you want to keep a certain culture on your board but if you just ban everyone who isn't a Democrat/Republican or whatever you're just creating an echo chamber of loonies.
Now this is a spicy meatball.
View attachment 43248
Null makes a thread about some woman who has apparently been harassing him and at first I was like "that makes sense some autistic kiwigirl is in love with him" but then I read the post and I started to wonder if it was more of a back and forth thing than Null is leading on. Like he says this person as contacting him for months but he keeps replying with long emotional messages which is exactly what you shouldn't do if you actually have a stalker and he has mentioned this with regards to lolcows and their alogs so he should know. On top of all that it seems like the majority of their contact was over Kiwi farms DMs directly. Null has banned people for @ing him or just making fun of him in a thread why would he put up with months of harassment and hwy is he trying so hard to shift the narrative here. This person still isn't even banned. Why?

Pics are below
Why does he need to save all these receipts on his own site? Like just ban them. I really sense something else is going on here. I he scared of his own dms coming out maybe?

Also user Yats accused of being a Lidl Drip sock which Null personally denies in a suspicious way.
View attachment 43261
>faggot obsesses about troons at every opportunity
>claims to be harassed over DMs
>previous announcement was about how someone got catfished.

What a lowkey way to oust yourself as a tranny chaser, faggot.

Just another day on Tranny farms.