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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"people like to complain but never offer solutions"
People offer solutions, but the broom has ODD, so refuses to accept them.
"It's a very depressing platform. I like my forum."
The broom cannot cope in a world where he isn't the center of attention. He likes his hugbox. He actually tells the world this shit, and then is astounded that people don't take him seriously.
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null on fight club.png
Null discusses Nihilism and Fight Club.
Why? How does this even start?

"Hey, you heard about Kiwifarms, rando?"
I know one guy in the building I work at who has heard of Kiwi Farms before. Bit of a long story but even he knows Josh is a goober though he's not involved with the site. A rare occurrence but I've never met a normie who even knows the place exists, though I don't make a habit of pressing the question on anyone.
At least it's not as bad as trying to explain to your parents or grandparents who Chris Chan is at a family reunion or holiday after accidentally mentioning him like what happened with a few kiwi farmers and redditors.
I've told my own parents a little bit about Chris without bringing up his name, just said there was a certain person who's infamous on the internet for certain things who claims to have autism. Just using as an example in a semi-related conversation.
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Fight Club is about the innate homosexuality of men and how they only want to fuck each other. Consumerism is a metaphor for the burden of heterosexuality (hence Norton's character buying the ying yang table is a demonstration of loserdom, not synergy, men and women are not "supposed" to live in harmony because having sex with women is bad for men.) All of the men in the movie want to be free of it and only find purpose and direction in homosexuality. There is no nihilism, denying your sexuality is just that bad for you. This also why Fight Club is so popular with right wing males like Josh, they try to dress it up in ""philosophy"" but the truth is they're responding to the coming out narrative and see their homosexual natures in the movie.
Fight Club is about the innate homosexuality of men and how they only want to fuck each other. Consumerism is a metaphor for the burden of heterosexuality (hence Norton's character buying the ying yang table is a demonstration of loserdom, not synergy, men and women are not "supposed" to live in harmony because having sex with women is bad for men.) All of the men in the movie want to be free of it and only find purpose and direction in homosexuality. There is no nihilism, denying your sexuality is just that bad for you. This also why Fight Club is so popular with right wing males like Josh, they try to dress it up in ""philosophy"" but the truth is they're responding to the coming out narrative and see their homosexual natures in the movie.
I dunno if Fight Club is a metaphor for homosexuality, but Josh probably masturbates to the thought of being Tyler Durden because he's an angry fat chump who has no life outside the internet. Barely a peg or two above a hand flapping ass pie retard.
this shit right here isn't absurdism. it's existentialism. my guy thinks absurdism means finding your own meaning while in reality, that shit is existentialism :cautious:.

Wow, I wonder where null got his philosophy degree. He sounds like Vaush.
this is one of the most basic philosophy anyone can pick up and learn which doesn't surprise me when he talks about philosophy. i myself is a philosopher (but I'm mostly a political philosopher, like 80% of my philosophy understanding) and I find this level of understanding in philosophy very basic
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Null discusses Nihilism and Fight Club.
Whoa like, congrats on turning 16 there Null. Not even going to go over how he whiffed the idea of both nihilism and absurdism in one go but they are certainly not two sides of one coin or some bullshit like he is suggesting here. Then to also go on to defend Fight Club and the ideas behind it as the principles that guide him through life is the most cringy thing I've ever fucking heard. Besides if he had ever actually read Fight Club and not just watched the movie while fantasizing over Brad Pitt's crackhead physique he would realize that it was a comment on the lead character's descent into madness, cults and unhealthy relationships because of his lack of guiding principles.

Chuck Palahniuk wasn't writing this as a self help guide you know Null?

Harvested this from the paypig thread where they bitch about other users

On one hand null's right that you'd never get an app on an official app store but why should that be an impediment to the above average intelligent users of kiwi farms and their genius super sysadmin Joshua Moon? Plenty of alternative storefronts like F-droid or just distribute the APK yourself. Telegram, which null shills for plenty, distribute the full version of their app themselves.

It couldn't be because null has no idea how to go about writing actual code, could it?