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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
nigger, I can't access it. so does this mean I have to donate my money to jewsh in order to get the true and honest fan™ badge so I can access the thread (like you've mentioned it earlier)?
View attachment 42789
>Furthermore, the Farms is reasonably good at keeping it apolitical
KF has famously earned itself the rep of being an “alt-right” forum; but defenders are like “nuh uh, it’s apolitical! free speech, etc, etc.”

But all you have to do is spend a tiny bit of time browsing the discussion sections and reading specific polls related to political talking points to be like “yup, I see exactly why it’s branded as “alt-right” now.”

I like KF as well as OF (Onion Farms, not that “other” OF, haha) but let’s not kid ourselves and say that it’s apolitical. It’s just not.
i never really liked science fiction to begin with
Same. Sci-fi horror, OTOH, can be pretty fire. I must admit.
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KF has famously earned itself the rep of being an “alt-right” forum; but defenders are like “nuh uh, it’s apolitical! free speech, etc, etc.”

But all you have to do is spend a tiny bit of time browsing the discussion sections and reading specific polls related to political talking points to be like “yup, I see exactly why it’s branded as “alt-right” now.”

I like KF as well as OF (Onion Farms, not that “other” OF, haha) but let’s not kid ourselves and say that it’s apolitical. It’s just not.

Same. Sci-fi horror, OTOH, can be pretty fire. I must admit.
Anyone who describes himself as "alt right" or takes the term seriously is a raging autist of some sort. I'm not here to talk politics too much but people take themselves way too seriously with that shit.
I just opened Kiwi Farms and on the first page there is some incomprehensible "drama" about that Rekaka. Is Null just using featured posts to push his own bitter rivalries? Also, this Rekaka dude is weird looking, but he strikes me as quite virile.
Nick Rekieta is the alcoholic lawyer that does commentaries on legal cases in the news. It was revealed that one of his biggest paypigs who he thought was this beautiful female he openly wanted to screw and have some sort of threesome with his wife turned out to be a mlddle-aged man that had been pulling Nick's chain for a long time. Basically Nick ruined his marriage being catfished.
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Anyone who describes himself as "alt right" or takes the term seriously is a raging autist of some sort. I'm not here to talk politics too much but people take themselves way too seriously with that shit.
If right wing is racist and so is alt right what's the difference. (This also works if you replace right and alt right with left and radical left to piss off the other side too.) :trollface:
Is Null just using featured posts to push his own bitter rivalries?
Always has been, it was just less subtle before. He would always say things like "I'm not featuring some lolcow I don't care about" while pushing ones only he really cares about and the only reason they got any traction at all was him forcing it. It was always because he had something against them personally.
If right wing is racist and so is alt right what's the difference. (This also works if you replace right and alt right with left and radical left to piss off the other side too.) :trollface:
Racism is worse than murder, and everyone who does not crawl naked on their hands and knees on rusty nails and broken glass to worship me 24-7 is a racist.
His mass bannings make it more difficult to notice it's all gay ops only because he bans the ones that call him on it now more than he used to when he was relying on neg rates from dick riders to put them in there place for him but it doesn't work anymore and he just rage bans them.
It's even hard to find neutral takes lately because the dickriders and/or Null will jump on them and chastise them for not agreeing. Like in the total retard war thread one guy was like "maybe we should focus on improving the image of kiwi farms rather than going after trannies" and Null was just like "fuck you get those ladyboys"

Unless it's for some smaller threads that are unnoticed by Null and his goon squad it's not even worth it to lurk. Calling it cult-like isn't even hyperbole at this point.