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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null gets annoyed enough with obvious troll Saddam Hussein Obama to make a personal army thread calling him out as a sock. I wonder if this will be the way Null deals with annoying users. The threat of being halal'd being enough to make the user quit rather than banning them.
Null gets annoyed enough with obvious troll Saddam Hussein Obama to make a personal army thread calling him out as a sock.
you know what's funny? Null can just use his catalog of logged user's IPs to check whether or not the user he's sperging about is a sock but no, he chooses to overcomplicate simple things that could've been solved in a day or two
you know what's funny? Null can just use his catalog of logged user's IPs to check whether or not the user he's sperging about is a sock but no, he chooses to overcomplicate simple things that could've been solved in a day or two

Null is acting like the guy is using a vpn effectively though I am somewhat skeptical.

Even if the guy's using a VPN and hopping around between exit nodes there's still a whole pile of things you could do to profile a user and try to work out what other accounts they're using. Times when they're online, threads they visit, user agent, writing style, the list goes on and on. But we're talking about someone whose technical skill tops out at "ctrl-F through the log file" so of course he throws a shitfit and whines to get someone else to solve it for him.
Even if the guy's using a VPN and hopping around between exit nodes there's still a whole pile of things you could do to profile a user and try to work out what other accounts they're using. Times when they're online, threads they visit, user agent, writing style, the list goes on and on. But we're talking about someone whose technical skill tops out at "ctrl-F through the log file" so of course he throws a shitfit and whines to get someone else to solve it for him.
lulz, typical gargantuan L for null
meh, you are close enough.
View attachment 43391
My old app had a lot more features but it doesn't work for this phone because the app was old and this phone is a higher version than it can support. I would have been able to do a seamless photo merge. Still trying to find a replacement that does all the same things just as easily without a watermark or drop of quality. Thinking about running a virtual machine just for it.
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My old app had a lot more features but it doesn't work for this phone because the app was old and this phone is a higher version than it can support. I would have been able to do a seamless photo merge. Still trying to find a replacement that does all the same things just as easily without a watermark or drop of quality. Thinking about running a virtual machine just for it.
well just use any photo editor that allows you to use scissor select. it's not that hard
I'm no expert on tranny lingo but I'm pretty sure the troons were using "pass" and "passing" before the Kiwis did and they use it regularly themselves. I'm pretty sure any word invented by KF would be verboten in the troon community.
I'm no expert on tranny lingo but I'm pretty sure the troons were using "pass" and "passing" before the Kiwis did and they use it regularly themselves. I'm pretty sure any word invented by KF would be verboten in the troon community.
I'm pretty sure he's talking about 'troon', though I don't feel like researching to see if the word really was first uttered on KF or not.