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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
On the latest MATI Null talks about how he was viewing porn and had unsupervised computer access at 9 years old. 35:07 if the link doesn't work.
I wonder if there's a defined pipeline for pornography exposure at a young age turning people into NEETs or trooning out. I would love to see research put into the correlation. Every single person I've met who has admitted to being exposed to porn or crazy shit online from a young age is the worst kind of person.
I just opened Kiwi Farms and on the first page there is some incomprehensible "drama" about that Rekaka. Is Null just using featured posts to push his own bitter rivalries? Also, this Rekaka dude is weird looking, but he strikes me as quite virile.
The Rekaka thing comes from him being mad at Rekaka not wanting to be his daddy and that he isn't willing to play edad for kiwifarmers anymore:

"We need to show people that there are still families and normal people out there! That the 50's style is still possible and not a bygone era!"
This is just bizarre on so many levels. First off to who? Who doesn't believe that normal families doesn't exist anymore? Spergs on /pol/?
I wonder if there's a defined pipeline for pornography exposure at a young age turning people into NEETs or trooning out. I would love to see research put into the correlation. Every single person I've met who has admitted to being exposed to porn or crazy shit online from a young age is the worst kind of person.

It is not defined but it absolutely should be investigated. Every tranny I've ever met online was either a) exposed to porn before 10 years old b) befriended by a pedophile or c) both. When you factor in how modern Republicans and online right wingers like Catboy Fuentes are connected to child abusers and how right wing "trad" accounts all flog pornography with the "trad" veneer, then a weird picture starts to form. Trannyism and modern neo-natsocs are absolutely formed from pornography exposure to children and exposure to pedophiles. But we're ahead of the curve, it could take another 5 years for someone to start investigating this.
I wonder if there's a defined pipeline for pornography exposure at a young age turning people into NEETs or trooning out. I would love to see research put into the correlation. Every single person I've met who has admitted to being exposed to porn or crazy shit online from a young age is the worst kind of person.

There is a big article on this:
The following observations were noted regarding young adults exposed to pornography compared to the control group:19, 20

  1. Male subjects demonstrated increased callousness toward women.
  2. Subjects considered the crime of rape less serious.
  3. Subjects were more accepting of non-marital sexual activity and non-coital sexual practices such as oral and anal sex.
  4. Subjects became more interested in more extreme and deviant forms of pornography.
  5. Subjects were more likely to say they were dissatisfied with their sexual partner.
  6. Subjects were more accepting of sexual infidelity in a relationship.
  7. Subjects valued marriage less and were twice as likely to believe marriage may become obsolete.
  8. Men experienced a decreased desire for children, and women experienced a decreased desire to have a daughter.
  9. Subjects showed a greater acceptance of female promiscuity.
Null needs another helper for his scam charity.
The helper will have to be experienced in copyright law :story:
It is not defined but it absolutely should be investigated. Every tranny I've ever met online was either a) exposed to porn before 10 years old b) befriended by a pedophile or c) both. When you factor in how modern Republicans and online right wingers like Catboy Fuentes are connected to child abusers and how right wing "trad" accounts all flog pornography with the "trad" veneer, then a weird picture starts to form. Trannyism and modern neo-natsocs are absolutely formed from pornography exposure to children and exposure to pedophiles. But we're ahead of the curve, it could take another 5 years for someone to start investigating this.
That's exactly what I'm thinking.
Exposed to porn early > Higher chance of being groomed and/or exposed to more extreme content > Furthering the cycle of abuse through extreme behavior (trooning out, body mutilation, zoosadism, pedophilia, rape, etc.) > Seeking out victims online/grooming

Something I noticed when looking into the zoosadism people too is almost all of them say their first zoophilia encounters were VERY young, anywhere from the ages of 5-14. Now, most of the noteworthy ones are from before the internet age, but it wasn't like they were accidental occurrences. These were purposeful, or if they weren't purposeful they were being coached or influenced by someone who was.

With the internet age you have to wonder how many of these people have slipped through the cracks and end up being uncovered when it's too late. How many go on to end up in jail, commit 'mass' shootings, commit suicide. And at the same time the internet is fostering environments for these people, who need to seek professional help, to meet others like them and make their mental health exponentially worse under the guise of "destigmatizing" the conversations around mental health. It wasn't necessarily a taboo in the past to discuss mental health, but there was good reason for it not being openly discussed and romanticized like it has been in the internet age....it needs to be addressed by a professional. Putting these freaks together is like taking a neurotic animal and putting it with animals who do not exhibit the behavior. If you leave them alone for long enough without any moderation of their behaviors, they will all copy the neurotic one.

Thanks! Should be an interesting read.
Not the same. I just checked and they updated it. Now I get get rid of these garbage apps and download my favorite again. It does everything I need except a few things I don't care about or need.
the app name?

Its ironic because some other cow committing charity fraud was a happening on the site not too long ago.
this is josh we're talking about. hypocisy is one of his specialty :haha:
i already discovered this months ago but decided to share it now.
View attachment 43424
kek, the fact null gave this guy the trophy cup is hilarious. this is one of those rare times where his mask of religious purity slipped off

by the way, LikeIcare is an edf mod
View attachment 43425
Yeah it is the samefag on both sites. I noticed a while back but it was never relevant to mention it until now. Can confirm. Same typing mannerisms and personality if you compare post history. Almost worthy of a post in the same username thread on kiwifarms but I don't use the site. I'll let a kiwi lurker do it.
Reason: For more info see: https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Likeicare
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Many members on the forums over there face doxed themselves and are open to memeing their irl photos if anyone is interested. Edforums is actually worthy of it's own thread here.
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