• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Gays is educationally subnormal, and one of those bitter Kwiffar faggots who gets banned for back seat modding too much, you've seen the "I don't think this is the correct place for this post..."

I'm saying that Gays is a trannie. Just because it's funny.

btw, looks like Gays has blocked nearly everyone on the site. (((They))) still have the dood who dox'd his tranny looking wife, and is "an ironic internet nonce". Great company there.
Gays the king of tin foil hats blocked me because i called him a scizo for not reading and strawmanning my post where i said statistically some type of life could exist beyond our planet, even if it's just our own contamination, and neither us or them would ever be aware of each other's existence (aside from us studying our own contamination) let alone be capable of reaching each other so it doesn't mean extra terrestrial ufos are real. Ironic
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I only blocked him because his posts crashed not only my browser by entire phone ui on multiple occasions and some were unrecoverable to the point i had to hard restart my phone on multiple occasions because it was completely unresponsive.
I believe it is the volume down and power button on all Androids for longer than the screenshot feature until it powers off.
I wonder what trad-LARPing Josh has to say about single mothers and if he would ever consider dating them. I suspect his incel pol-tard side would come out and clash with his enlighten feminist persona. We all know he thinks women who race mix are trash.

The pickings are slim for trad males. Most men like Josh either live with or marry single moms and then adopt their kids if twitter is anything to go by. Many of the meninist podcasts will rail about le single moms but then when they inevitably get doxxed their "19 year old virgin brides" that they brag about always end up being obese 38 year olds with tattoos, fupas, and at least one kid. Josh may not end up the same way but the simple fact is that Western women are independent and able to support themselves which means they won't settle for a trad failson. The only women these types can attract are desperate down on their luck fatties with tattoos stretched to look like roadkill.
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Null has a massive flipout in the Woman-Hate thread, rants about how the politispergs he allowed to infest the site ruined it and bans multiple users.
Jersh is nothing but a man that never had a good parent. It just drips from these posts. Who would have thought that a father abandoning you and your mom not being able to hack it as a nurse would lead to the failure of a "man"? SHAMEFUR DIRPLAY!

The guy is writing wall of text posts that just come down to "It's my Mortal Kombat 2 (on Genesis) and if we don't play the way we want, I'm going home with it".

A recurring theme with Null's increasingly more rabid homophobia is the idea that gay sex is more destructive to the body than straight sex.

Null thinks that gay sex is inherently destructive and that this is why no one should have any kind of gay sex. Null ideas about gay sex are based entirely on the hardcore BDSM gay porn he was watching online as a teenager and not on the experiences of actual gay men. Many of whom, surprise surprise, do not practice any anal sex at all.

However, is straight sex not very destructive on the body too? Especially the bodies of women experiencing the (un)intended effects of straight sex?

Birth injuries to mothers are physical injuries experienced during childbirth. Some of the common types and causes of birth injuries to mothers are:

- Vaginal or perineal tears
- Post-natal depression (PND) and Post-natal Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Post-partum Haemorrhage (PPH)
- A ruptured or prolapsed uterus
- Damage to the pelvic floor muscles or nearby organs
- Pelvic fractures or obstetric fistulas
- Back injuries or surgical instruments left inside

Is the above really less destructive on the human body than a fag losing their ability to hold up their shit from anal sex?

Straight women get so torn from child birth, they will sometimes decide to re-tighten their vaginas with plastic surgery (so-called "Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery") so they are tight enough for their husband to be able to come again inside of them:

Didn't Null say that the tip of his dick was very insensitive due do his circumcision? Maybe Miss Null herself will eventually need to have such a vaginal rejuvenation surgery, especially after having some of Null's fat offspring.

In fact, the virgin-fetishism so common amongst KF trad-LARPers has taken on such extreme forms that straight women will sometimes subject themselves to hymen reconstruction surgery so they can pretend to be virgins before their trad-LARPing husbands:

Maybe the future Miss Null will have such a hymenal reconstruction surgery to fool Null into thinking she isn't the happy slut aymore that she was in a previous life.

These are all things that straight women will subject themselves to for the sake of their sex life and, by extention, their married life and family life.

Now, I personally don't think a woman should have to tighten her vagina after giving birth just for the sake of her husband, and I don't think women should have to subject themselves to hymenal reconstruction so they can pretend to be virgins when they are not. But this is the kind of trad-LARPing straight sex culture that Null happily contributes to. A straight sex culture he insists is somehow less destructive than gay sex culture.

But no, gay men are the gross ones who destroy themselves having degenerate gay sex.
While straight women happily experience vaginal tears, prolapsed uteri, pelvic fractures, haemorraghes, etc.
Well thanks for confirming once and for all that The Gays From LA is a gay man I guess. Holy shit what an absolutely ridiculous cope post comparing shoving your dick up a dirty man's anus that poop comes out of (unnatural) to the natural act of vaginal sex for the sake of reproduction. Only a gay faggot would write something so insane. My previous suspicion that all the gay fanfictions written by Gays about Null and Lidl and BDSM Eric Cartman etc. are all his own homosexual fantasies. Do you think Gays From LA types all of his posts on here one-handed?


Gay man from LA would like you all to know that his asshole is extremely stretchy and would definitely NOT tear even after severe abuse, can you guess who he would like to let abuse his ass the most?
Ken not only continues to talk about a convicted child abuser like they're close friends, he also blocked any linking to Mike's thread and there's a filter that keeps you from posting his full name. One can easily deduce why Kenneth here would do a favor like that for a guy that was hitting on underaged girls on social media.

I just tried to link to Mike's thread and it won't allow me to post the reply. You can link to any other thread on Kf, though. So why exactly do you not want people to talk about your moderator's arrest history, Ken?
Because you have linked to the thread umpteen times like a broken record. I did not make any adjustments to the forum but whoever did I don't care.