• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Surely he must know women intensely despise male feminists, they find them incredibly creepy and set off their innate fear instincts about strange men, that's before we get to women's natural revulsion for low T beta simp behavior anyway.
Or is he really that inexperienced with women he doesn't know this already.

He's not going to get that 'crumb of TERF pussy' no matter how hard he debases and humiliates himself for them.
(not that you'd want it anyway)
The only people who don't realize this by now are the male feminists themselves with no self awareness. The simp to incel to tranny pipeline.
We don't actually know if Null is employed.
There are some things you don't have to know to just know. Like when you see someone with undiagnosed autism.
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He should have added "unless you're Joshua Conner Moon, in that case we will be your personal army and give you a happy ending handjob after the fact"

I'm not an expert but I think this is a type of phenomena known as "bullshitting" I might be wrong though!
The only reason he even has the site is to push his anti tranny moralfagging crusade.
Exactly. Just like with his supposed job, he is clearly bullshitting.
Null wants it both ways where he can shit on people and then have them serve at his preference. He has had this at his fingertips for years thanks to KF.
Rules for thee but not for me? Now where have i seen that before?
Little does he know that he is the cause for /pol/ refugees to find ... refuge in KF. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen him make antisemetic or racial remarks.
>invites poltards with his own retarded attitude by acting like them
>wonders why there are so many poltards
>gets mad when they act like him
Something Something people hate things they themselves do when others do it something something psychiatry.
Even fucking Hamas has better PR than Null. Think about that. Inbred arabs that are aloha snackbarring themselves are better at communicating and keeping their heads down than Null. holy shit
It makes a little sense if you think about it. You gotta keep your head down in places like that to keep your head on. That's how they keep a good head on their shoulders while null loses head figuratively like he would literally if he set foot in a Muslim country with sharia law.
So Elaine and this other guy I've never heard of apparently believe that Null moved from Utah to Dallas, Texas in 2020, that Null doxxed himself as being in Dallas (where? when?), and that Null is currently working for a radio station? @Empresa is this a good summary of their claims during this Livestream you were a part of?

Why do y'all never post this shit here in the Null thread so we can all go over it and laugh at it together? Like, Elaine apparently has no less than 14 .pdf files with Null's Discord messages? She also apparently has a megadox masterfile that she will mail out to anyone paying any attention to her, with all of Null's known addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, work history and all of his family members' doxx, 6 degrees separated?


Elaine, why don't you share your bounty with the rest of the planet? All these .pdfs and you keep them all to yourself? Spread the love, Elaine. Sharing is caring and all that.

On a more serious note, neither Elaine or the other guy share any of their actual receipts for any these claims, because if they did, people could go over them and debunk them. To give you guys just one example, I looked up the address that Elaine gave for Null's alleged whereabouts in Dallas, TX... and lo behold, there is no such address in Dallas. There are two different cities at about half an hour from Dallas that have an address that is similar to the one Elaine gave, but neither under the home number that Elaine gave.

Also, several of the trannies who have threads on KF and hate Null and KF to the bone, like Laurelai Bailey - whom Null mentioned again during the most recent MATI - and Bardfinn the censorious Reddit Supermod - whom Null has also brought up on MATI this year - these hardcore SJW troons both live near Dallas. I bet if Bardfinn reads this post he's gonna have a near heart-attack thinking that Null is anywhere near him, LMAO (Bardfinn lives in Garland, in the NE Dallas metroplex.) Why the fuck would Null ever move straight into the lion's den?
dood theres too many livestreams to keep track off
im in the chat watching a livestream i took part in yesterday.

Do you believe her though? Have you ever seen this masterdox .pdf that she's apparently spreading around to everyone? I looked up the address that she blurted out during this stream, that she claims is Null living in Dallas ... and there is literally no such address in Dallas! Apparently she's using some kind of a program that allows her to dig up all these addresses, and she's treating the results like it's the gospel without fact-checking anything for herself. Do you know what program she's using that's giving her all these false positives that she doesn't have the brain to fact-check for herself?

Elaine, if you're reading this, I don't know what program you're using but your program is broken.
Null is not going to move into a big city where two of his biggest sworn troon enemies live.
If you know anything about Null you should know that Null is too paranoid to even consider risking it so recklessly.
Shocking announcement from Null on the latest MATI:

[Superchat Question] Jewrsh, I'd like to hear more about your globe-trotting. You like living in ex-Yugoslavia or are you thinking about leaving Belgrade some day? Are you still holding onto your China plans?

I will not be going to China. They've decided they don't want white people to go into their country no more, which I perfectly understand. More power to' em. I will probably return to the US sometime in the next couple of years.

What are you doing Null?! Little China Girl wants just a little, itsy-bitsy more playtime!

Null's Chinese dream is DEAD: "I hope in 10 years I'm a Chinese Jim, sitting in a big apartment at the top of a tower in Singapore, drinking sake n eating stir fry n shit, safe from world war 3, with a second nationality."


Shocking announcement from Null on the latest MATI:

What are you doing Null?! Little China Girl wants just a little, itsy-bitsy more playtime!

Null's Chinese dream is DEAD: "I hope in 10 years I'm a Chinese Jim, sitting in a big apartment at the top of a tower in Singapore, drinking sake n eating stir fry n shit, safe from world war 3, with a second nationality."

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Null unironically wants to have a white monkey job to degrade himself and grovel at the feet of the ccp for shillings. I forgot who posted null said he looked at china as a place to make money but he unironically fell for the Chinese boomer trap that all the retarded shills fell for and found out the hard way they basically take over your entire company or prevent you from having freedom to do what you used to and end up controlling it anyway by threatening to not pay you.
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Null once again lashing out at the userbase he cultivated.

I love how Null continues to deny his far right radicalization and how for years he has been surrounding himself with far-right antisemites who literally hate Dzooz and whose only bad feelings towards Hamas is that they envy them for being able to get away with their terrorism while having open mass support all over the planet. Remember that No Motive song Null closed off MATI with a couple of weeks back? One of the lines in the song is: "Jews rule, ain't it cool?", which is meant to be ironic. An antisemite understands that you're supposed to take that statement to mean, not that Dzooz are cool people, but you're to take it literally, as if Dzooz literally rule everything, which is what antisemites believe: that the New World Order is a Jewish elite running everything in a way that unfairly favours their fellow Dzooz and deliberately undermines good moral Christian white people.

Anyone know if there's a "Null being antisemitic for 30 minutes straight" compilation on an alt-tech video site somewhere? There has to be at least 6 of those going on for ours.
I love how Null continues to deny his far right radicalization and how for years he has been surrounding himself with far-right antisemites who literally hate Dzooz and whose only bad feelings towards Hamas is that they envy them for being able to get away with their terrorism while having open mass support all over the planet. Remember that No Motive song Null closed off MATI with a couple of weeks back? One of the lines in the song is: "Jews rule, ain't it cool?", which is meant to be ironic. An antisemite understands that you're supposed to take that statement to mean, not that Dzooz are cool people, but you're to take it literally, as if Dzooz literally rule everything, which is what antisemites believe: that the New World Order is a Jewish elite running everything in a way that unfairly favours their fellow Dzooz and deliberately undermines good moral Christian white people.

Anyone know if there's a "Null being antisemitic for 30 minutes straight" compilation on an alt-tech video site somewhere? There has to be at least 6 of those going on for ours.
You should keep something in mind about Null: he didn't grow up in Pensacola. He grew up in a town, Niceville if I recall correctly, that's approximately an hour away. He lived in a trailer and didn't have a father. He never even met the man. As a result, he's likely to spend his whole life bouncing from one ideology to another because he was never given proper moral grounding. If you listen to his podcast, he inadvertently reveals this about himself many times, often criticizing fatherless people, etc. He also likes to crap on people that make a living from the internet. Like him. SHAMFURU DISPRAY!