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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

He should have added "unless you're Joshua Conner Moon, in that case we will be your personal army and give you a happy ending handjob after the fact"

We don't actually know if Null is employed. He's made weird statements about driving to Syria through Turkey, and having to throw branches as mines on the road to get them to explode so he could drive through. Unless Null is LARPing as Bald and Bankrupt in his private life, I don't see why someone would want to undertake such a trip.
I'm not an expert but I think this is a type of phenomena known as "bullshitting" I might be wrong though!

Null's interest in China seems to be purely mercenary. On a MATI entirely dedicated to China, he said:
There's a MATI entirely dedicated to China?!

Since you're apparently new to the forum, this bears repeating:

About the time I discovered OnionFarms, there was a guy here who purported to have researched Joshua Moon, his companies and his associates. This guy started posting all these wild and entirely unsubstantiated claims about supposed drug dealing that Null and VIncent were supposedly involved with, claiming that Null is a Chinese intel asset, even more crazy theories about how Fancy Bear (the Russian hacker group) is "Chinese actually" and how Null was allowing Fancy Bear to use KF as a platform... he stated all of these wild claims as if they were an established indisputable fact (kinda like Malice is right now doing in the Lidl thread). I pointed out that, during that apparent deep-dive into the depths of his obsessed insanity just to get to the bottom of it all, Ody apparently overlooked the fact that Null did a 3+ hour MATI Livestream interview with Vincent back in 2019, during which Vincent was introduced to Null's audience and was extensively Q&Aed about China and Chinese culture by MATI listeners:

Vincent, who you will see is referred to as "Vee" in the chat, identifies himself as a Chinese man living in Australia who last visited China in 2015 (4 years prior at the time of the podcast). During this Livestream Null and "Vee" discuss Dota2, confirming that "Vee" is the "Vinnie" that Null's associates with on his Steam account.
Null states during this interview that he himself has never been to China, but would like to visit Shenzhen together with Vincent at some point in the future to sample local food.

The point about wanting to visit Shenzhen with Vincent was repeated in yet another MATI podcast two years later in 2021, namely the "Hangry" episode (12/10/2021). But this time with a huge catch: Null claimed that he blew off a Chinese trip he and Vincent were planning, because Null feared that Vincent wanted film him doing something embarrassing that Vincent could later use as leverage to blackmail Null:

On this MATI episode Null starts off saying that he and Vincent wanted to take the trans-Siberian train line all the way to Vladivostok (51:10) "and then down to Beijing, to meet my buddy there". The buddy in Beijing presumably isn't Vincent Zhen but someone else, yet another Chinese person that Null is (remote) friends with. (I briefly considered whether Null was referring to Coach Red Pill, but I don't see why Null wouldn't just mention him by name if that was who he planned to travel to China with.)

Null then says that he and Vincent also wanted to travel to Western China to experience "untouched ethnic Chinese areas that are still pretty traditional" outside of the big urban centers and known tourist spots.. This vague reference to "Western China" I personally took to mean that Null wanted to visit Tibet, which Westerners are now actually banned from visiting, which really begs the question why Null thinks that he, unlike everyone else, can just travel there. "But I did want to visit Shenzhen, the big warehouse district next to Hong Kong."

Here's the truly crazy part of the podcast:

I don't know if Null was just being sarcastic or joking when he said this, but the idea of going on a trip to China with someone that you know wants to blackmail you is rather peculiar and places a huge question mark on Null's continued association to Vincent as well as his continued Sinophilia and studies of Chinese.
Someone in the Rumble comments confronts Null about his takes on Rekieta ("It's clear to me he takes his vows seriously and that he seriously loves his wife and kids"), Null doubles down, claims to have special secret knowledge of Rekieta's relationship with his wife being "not as rosy as you hope" (and how does Null know this?) and then proceeds to micromanage the responses of his former not-friend:

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Someone else comes in and claims Rekieta disparaged his wife's body after, hello, 5 births and 3 miscarriages, but the person defending Rekieta claims that was all in jest and that he's very much still into his wife:

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Behold the nuclear submarine sinking hypocrisy of Null complaining that someone lied to him, which made him look bad:

"He[Rekieta] lied to me, to my face"... so? Remember when Null lied to me about what was causing the issue with the disappearing text box on the forum, then tried to gaslight me into thinking it was something on my end to make me look bad like it was somehow my fault? Yeah, "that was like a neck-snapping moment, when I realized he just fucking fed me fucking bullshit, and you can't tell me that he didn't know", exactly how I felt when Null tried to gaslight me, then got mad and threatened to ban me because I wasn't as dumb as he expected me to be. "About something to easily disproven too, something so easily corrected.".
Wow, look at all these words I'm not reading.
Surely he must know women intensely despise male feminists, they find them incredibly creepy and set off their innate fear instincts about strange men, that's before we get to women's natural revulsion for low T beta simp behavior anyway.
Or is he really that inexperienced with women he doesn't know this already.

He's not going to get that 'crumb of TERF pussy' no matter how hard he debases and humiliates himself for them.
(not that you'd want it anyway)

He doesn't really mean it. He has hit his breaking point with the eternal unbroken cycle of failsons where they seethe/cope/dilate/transition in order to get revenge on women because women won't fuck them. I doubt Null is a serious feminist in any way, he has just grown disgusted and bitter about the time he has wasted on involving himself in these dead end communities that never stop featuring the same bitter, seething and incompetent people.

Think about it from Null's POV: he has sunk years of his life into these faggy communities that are built off failure and a refusal to take ownership for one's own life. He has supposedly left the US, been debanked and kicked off payment processors, had his life upended and his face pasted all over the internet the assertion that his website may have driven someone (or multiple someones) to commit suicide. He has to depend on crypto to survive, an industry that is filled with backstabbers and thieves. He has traveled the world but squandered these experiences because he cannot escape his inner failson.

It seems like Liz Dong Gone's attack on his website may have changed things for him. He is older now and isn't the same guy who took over the Chris chan wiki all those years ago. It seems to me that he is having a crisis where he is finally putting his life in review. Maybe he's starting to realize that it isn't worth it.

For the regular person this kind of talk is just standard whining on the internet. For Null, he's actively tried to live by the principles of the failsons and the "based folk." It has brought him nothing but misery, bad press, and has effectively destroyed his life. The peanut gallery observing KF has stated several times that it is Null's fault that he has driven his website into the ground. Perhaps he too is realizing this and that by following the principles of the failsons and "based" people, he has permanently fucked his life up, hence his comments about needing to change his name and identity if he ever wants to get away from the baggage of KF.

Null is still himself and he isn't trying very hard to change that right now but I think his perspective has changed as he has gotten older and he is realizing the real cost of running KF, his terrible mismanagement of his community, and that he will not live forever which means his QOL really matters in a way that it didn't when he was in his 20s. Once that happens, someone else has to pay. It might as well be the failsons who make up the deadend communities that exist solely to blackpill men, stop them from reproducing, and actively discourage them from finding any kind of hope and happiness because "that isn't based." The biggest emblem of these internet cul de sacs is woman-hate.

Null isn't trying to get TERF pussy. He is just actively disgusted by his userbase and is furious with himself for destroying his life for the sake of people who do not care about him and are setting him up for failure. So he's trying to do the opposite thing and seeing if that will work instead.
For the regular person this kind of talk is just standard whining on the internet. For Null, he's actively tried to live by the principles of the failsons and the "based folk." It has brought him nothing but misery, bad press, and has effectively destroyed his life. The peanut gallery observing KF has stated several times that it is Null's fault that he has driven his website into the ground. Perhaps he too is realizing this and that by following the principles of the failsons and "based" people, he has permanently fucked his life up, hence his comments about needing to change his name and identity if he ever wants to get away from the baggage of KF.

Null is still himself and he isn't trying very hard to change that right now but I think his perspective has changed as he has gotten older and he is realizing the real cost of running KF, his terrible mismanagement of his community, and that he will not live forever which means his QOL really matters in a way that it didn't when he was in his 20s. Once that happens, someone else has to pay. It might as well be the failsons who make up the deadend communities that exist solely to blackpill men, stop them from reproducing, and actively discourage them from finding any kind of hope and happiness because "that isn't based." The biggest emblem of these internet cul de sacs is woman-hate.

Null isn't trying to get TERF pussy. He is just actively disgusted by his userbase and is furious with himself for destroying his life for the sake of people who do not care about him and are setting him up for failure. So he's trying to do the opposite thing and seeing if that will work instead.

We don't have to look very far to see how anti social rhetoric can mentally infect people and destroy them. Many can handle this kind of shitposting but there are also many who cannot. Null was one of the people who could not handle it, he took the shitposting way too seriously and it motivated him to clusterbomb his life until it has become the vague shell that it is now. I think he's using the TERF rhetoric as a way to pin the blame on the people that he believes infected him.

In some ways I can't blame him, I would be angry and feel betrayed too. It is confusing for his userbase because it is a 180 from years of behavior. He is attacking them because he doesn't want to blame himself. He is still an antisocial person that is angry at the world and was betrayed by an absent father that likely did not give a damn about him which left him vulnerable to being exploited and taken advantage of. Null is a victim of this in some ways, he was always in way over his head and he didn't understand the consequences of hanging out with alt right pedophiles and white nationalists with his name and face attached. Now he is staring at the consequences. This is a very sad state of affairs. His mother tried her best but its hard for a woman to raise a son on her own. Null is sadly a very typical result of all this.

Maybe I've been too hard on him in the past and he has to go through these motions in order to exorcise whatever demons he is currently facing. It is hard to have an albatross like KF around your neck. It is easy for me to shitpost but I really can't imagine what that's like for your name and face to be known everywhere with the worst labels and all the while your userbase is revolting behind your back and using your website as their personal information resource to bully people and drag you into their stupid fights.

It is called the sunk cost fallacy. Maybe Null's call for help going unheeded made him realize how alone he is in this fight. Not even his own users like him and he's burned bridges with so many other people. Changing your dysfunctional ways is difficult even with help.

Null will not be happy and fulfilled until he takes back control of his website and reshapes it into what he wants it to be. In many ways he is already positioned well to do this. What exactly are they going to do to him if he decides to shed these people that he now hates and doesn't want to be around? He doesn't have credit cards they can steal. They can't get to his crypto. He is back in the United States and may be living with family again. What are they going to do, dox him and say mean things about him online? They have already done that.

Josh: stop letting these people control you. They are deadends and are going no where fast. Their sole goal is to drag you down and keep you as miserable as they are. Just keep in mind that they are using your website. They need you more than you need them. You don't have any reason to be afraid of them. You can take it back and you can get better. You can change if you want to. You don't have to be locked into this forever. Don't end up like Metokur.
OMG you guys, I just discovered @b1tchs1tch aka Kay Ann! Thank you @GuntChatRegular for alerting me to Null's biggest fangirl!

Look at this, why has no one shared this shit here before? Instead of cherubs flying around, she drew... hot dogs with wings?! LMAOOO!

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She even has a Youtube account where she posts edits of Null laughing and other clips of him:

The weirdest fangirl Null has ever had. OOF
Although Josh is an (alleged) champion of free speech, he loves and promotes China, despite China's government being very hostile of free speech. It really makes you think.
The only reason I can think of on why Josh simp for China is because China is against le heckin troonies. my guy is willing to betray his own values just so he can spite trannies.
We don't actually know if Null is employed. He's made weird statements about driving to Syria through Turkey, and having to throw branches as mines on the road to get them to explode so he could drive through. Unless Null is LARPing as Bald and Bankrupt in his private life, I don't see why someone would want to undertake such a trip.

Null's interest in China seems to be purely mercenary. On a MATI entirely dedicated to China, he said:

Since you're apparently new to the forum, this bears repeating:

About the time I discovered OnionFarms, there was a guy here who purported to have researched Joshua Moon, his companies and his associates. This guy started posting all these wild and entirely unsubstantiated claims about supposed drug dealing that Null and VIncent were supposedly involved with, claiming that Null is a Chinese intel asset, even more crazy theories about how Fancy Bear (the Russian hacker group) is "Chinese actually" and how Null was allowing Fancy Bear to use KF as a platform... he stated all of these wild claims as if they were an established indisputable fact (kinda like Malice is right now doing in the Lidl thread). I pointed out that, during that apparent deep-dive into the depths of his obsessed insanity just to get to the bottom of it all, Ody apparently overlooked the fact that Null did a 3+ hour MATI Livestream interview with Vincent back in 2019, during which Vincent was introduced to Null's audience and was extensively Q&Aed about China and Chinese culture by MATI listeners:

Vincent, who you will see is referred to as "Vee" in the chat, identifies himself as a Chinese man living in Australia who last visited China in 2015 (4 years prior at the time of the podcast). During this Livestream Null and "Vee" discuss Dota2, confirming that "Vee" is the "Vinnie" that Null's associates with on his Steam account.
Null states during this interview that he himself has never been to China, but would like to visit Shenzhen together with Vincent at some point in the future to sample local food.

The point about wanting to visit Shenzhen with Vincent was repeated in yet another MATI podcast two years later in 2021, namely the "Hangry" episode (12/10/2021). But this time with a huge catch: Null claimed that he blew off a Chinese trip he and Vincent were planning, because Null feared that Vincent wanted film him doing something embarrassing that Vincent could later use as leverage to blackmail Null:

On this MATI episode Null starts off saying that he and Vincent wanted to take the trans-Siberian train line all the way to Vladivostok (51:10) "and then down to Beijing, to meet my buddy there". The buddy in Beijing presumably isn't Vincent Zhen but someone else, yet another Chinese person that Null is (remote) friends with. (I briefly considered whether Null was referring to Coach Red Pill, but I don't see why Null wouldn't just mention him by name if that was who he planned to travel to China with.)

Null then says that he and Vincent also wanted to travel to Western China to experience "untouched ethnic Chinese areas that are still pretty traditional" outside of the big urban centers and known tourist spots.. This vague reference to "Western China" I personally took to mean that Null wanted to visit Tibet, which Westerners are now actually banned from visiting, which really begs the question why Null thinks that he, unlike everyone else, can just travel there. "But I did want to visit Shenzhen, the big warehouse district next to Hong Kong."

Here's the truly crazy part of the podcast:

I don't know if Null was just being sarcastic or joking when he said this, but the idea of going on a trip to China with someone that you know wants to blackmail you is rather peculiar and places a huge question mark on Null's continued association to Vincent as well as his continued Sinophilia and studies of Chinese.
Or he wants to get some type of a Null exclusive that he can post on Kiwifarms.
Reading this thread makes me miss Lukas, Josh needs a proper foil, so he doesn't become all isolated and weird. LFJ doesn't work because he has a real job and can't get too dirty. Ivory Tower Josh is dull as dishwater, he was likeable during the Lukas arc.
i completely agree without a threat to rally the troops behind , he just looks like a despot with out a cause.
Or he wants to get some type of a Null exclusive that he can post on Kiwifarms.
Who wants an exclusive? What kind of exclusive did you have in mind?

In other news, the Russians might invade and occupy Odesa, the Ukrainians have already evacuated parts of Odesa expecting this to happen... and Null still has nothing to say about it, despite claiming to have lived there for years:

Who wants an exclusive? What kind of exclusive did you have in mind?

In other news, the Russians might invade and occupy Odesa, the Ukrainians have already evacuated parts of Odesa expecting this to happen... and Null still has nothing to say about it, despite claiming to have lived there for years:

Null has been unsuccessful at saving face, so he won't score for any future country he moves to.
Who wants an exclusive? What kind of exclusive did you have in mind?

In other news, the Russians might invade and occupy Odesa, the Ukrainians have already evacuated parts of Odesa expecting this to happen... and Null still has nothing to say about it, despite claiming to have lived there for years:

Did he straight up mentioned Odesa? I thought he only mentioned "Ukraine"
Reading this thread makes me miss Lukas, Josh needs a proper foil, so he doesn't become all isolated and weird. LFJ doesn't work because he has a real job and can't get too dirty. Ivory Tower Josh is dull as dishwater, he was likeable during the Lukas arc.
I don't know, the Keffals time was when I first noticed Josh acting like a big tool. It's when he would yell at me in DMs for my PFPs being too sexy for his website.