• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I had a same feeling with Josh's "help" with Chris. Especially when it came to financial matters. He suggested Chris make his silly knick knacks for money, which 1) Chris MUST report those earnings to Social Security, which he near certainly never did, which threatens the Tugboat. 2) that's very short-term and uncertain income, even if Chris had any consistent work ethic. Chris has never needed more money, he needed to learn how to stop wasting his money on toys.

Then there's all the donation shit which he encouraged, and that spread throughout the forum as then Josh had to side with other e-beggars as always Josh makes everything revolve around himself and then all his bootlickers derail everything.

And, yes, Josh was still helping Chris after he knew he raped Barb.
What other choice did Chris have when it came to an occupation?
People are falling for it. Have you looked at comments
It's hard to figure out how much support KF actually has because every time it's mentioned, those discussions usually get flooded by KF users who will have a bias in favor towards the forum.
Funny, because it's always been the exact opposite for me. Even those who are quite online all the time failed to recognize the name. And I'm talking about under-50s, too. Literally none of them knew what I was talking about, and at least a few asked if I meant a literal fruit farm.
It's becoming more public as the attacks against it have started ramping up.
Sounds a lot like Josh right there. Honestly, it's a miracle KF has even lasted this long with him at the helm.
It's lasted as long as it has because he's running it, like The Gays From LA said. No one else has the spite in them to keep it going through all the stuff getting thrown at it.
That reminds me. Many times Null has claimed KF is a comedy site and people should question before they post if their post is funny, instead of just seething. Has Null ever been funny even once? All he does is seethe. Ditto with his favored users.
That's just a problem with lolcows. They always turn into moral crusades or fade into obscurity.
Mike Thurlow made mistakes on the forum because he did not have the in-depth knowledge that for example a developer or programmer on Upwork would have. His intentions for the most part were not malicious and yes he did a lot for the forum. I would be less than honest to admit otherwise. But there was a personality clash with other staff as well as personal issues on discord and we came to a conclusion it was best to part ways.
Really? I heard he was a sexual predator and would run people off because he was an egotist and a retarded mongoloid.
That reminds me. Many times Null has claimed KF is a comedy site and people should question before they post if their post is funny, instead of just seething. Has Null ever been funny even once? All he does is seethe. Ditto with his favored users.

Honestly, the idea of Kiwi Farms is fine with me. In theory, it's pretty sound. But in practice? Yeah, no. Now I'm not saying KF should be thrown off the internet, but honestly? Like I said, I'm surprised it's lasted this long to begin with, considering how much of a total tool Josh has proven himself to be. And honestly, I've never really found anyone on KF funny. Insightful? Sure, at times. Interesting? Sure. But funny? No, not really.
Here are 3 quick examples:
Also the DSP alogs that fuck with his bankruptcy. Josh doesn't like the DSP subforum but has never bothered stopping it.
I remember watching Null's programming series on his personal channel and noticing how calm and zoned-out he sounded in those videos
Are these videos still around someplace? MATI made me think he doesn't like programming. Regular Sneedforo updates ended months ago and when he talks about what he's done in the last week it's either 1) everythings been fire!, or 2) done nothing played vidya.
It isn't a love-hate thing. I would say it's more comparable to a power imbalance and someone using the other for gain and ulterior motives
The kind of explains why Ralph taking the arrest video made Josh seethe fierce.
Are these videos still around someplace?
I just wanted to DM you the link but your account is super restricted. DM me otherwise.

And honestly, I've never really found anyone on KF funny. Insightful? Sure, at times. Interesting? Sure. But funny? No, not really.

OMG, then you've never seen the weird names thread on KF. Funniest shit ever. I dare you to read that thread and not ROTFLYAO.
Even the longtime users like AnOminous have gotten pretty a-loggy.

For the record, I personally blocked AnOminous within a year of being on KF because of how aggressive and angry he always sounded in his post. I didn't even know AnOminous was a divorced lawyer man IRL until I came to this forum. I thought he was some female TERF with extreme anger issues, perhaps post-menopausal flare-ups, LMAO. I never saw him contribute anything funny or thoughful to a thread, it was just pure anger and rage-posting all the time, so I pressed ignore very quickly. That was in 2018 if I recall, I don't know if he's gotten even worse since then, but he has always been hyper a-loggy AFAIC.

in some cockroach hole in the third world
FYI, there are parts of the US that are more third world than parts of Serbia. You need to travel moar if you think Serbia is that bad. You ain't seen nothing yet.
He'd have nothing without it
I disagree, I think Null has the capacity to do and create so much more than just KF.
KF should've been a stepping stone to other things for Null.
and lived somewhere that didnt look worse than CRP's toilet
Parts of the US are a fucking busted toilet too, so again, you need to travel moar:

nobody wants to acknowledge "I'm a piece of shit just addicted to meaningless drama whoring, so much so I literally ruined my life for it."
That statement applies to many of the dramacows profiled on KF actually. They are the ones who won't admit that to themselves.

OK I’m fucking confused because I remember the whole different thing of what happened. Null has always had a love-hate relationship to the point where null has Chris’s account number with him. However, if I remember correctly, once null found out that Chris Chan stole from his mother while he was on the run from the cops because he was (well someone called the cops on him for having sex with his mother. )That was a big violation of the no contact policy. Null decided to cut ties with Chris Chan completely.
There are people on this forum who have to make Null seem as demonic and evil as possible, so they've made up this bullshit narrative where Null only rejected Chris Chan because he stole money from his mother, not because of the rape, because how could Null not be in support of someone raping their mom? Null is perverse evil personified, so of course he would be totally OK with a motherfucker as long as he can exploit him (according to the alogs who have to demonize Null utterly). People taking the most uncharitable interpretations of everything Null ever does is really fucking tiring.
Josh cut ties with Chris for the last time not because of the rape, which is when Josh SHOULD have cut ties with him, or because of any theft. In his own words, Josh cut ties with Chris because he lied to his face, then he reported him to police so he'd get in more trouble.
"...so I just blocked him at that point and I sent an email to the police and I say, 'look, he violated his EPO.' Fuck this. Because he lied to me. He lied to me then, in that conversation." (And let's ignore Josh having access to Chris' personal email account which he likely still has access to.)
This is what I mean. You seriously think Null supports motherfucking and is OK with it? :rolleyes: Like, we know Null is a cranky bastard, why do you have to make him seem as perverse and as evil as possible? As if his shitty personality isn't enough to turn people off.

Null didn't report Chris to the police so that Chris would get into more trouble, he reported him because he knew Chris was being investigated, which likely meant that Chris' coms were being surveilled, perhaps even IRT. If LE were surveilling Chris' coms and discovered that he had stolen money from Barb, and then discovered that Chris was in touch with Null about it but Null didn't report it upon being made aware of it, that could've implicated Null for having direct knowledge an unlawful act and not reporting it. Null had no choice but to block Chris and report it. I'd like to see how you would've acted in his place, knowing your coms were being surveilled and LE were likely watching you become aware of an act of stealing IRT (I said the same thing on KF about the time when Adrian Lamo got arrested for snitching on troon Manning). And besides, if Null had not reported it to the cops, you would still be blasting him for doing the opposite too ("Why didn't he report the stealing? Is it because Jewrsh is OK with STEALING MONEY?!").
Josh doesn't support motherfucking, but motherfucking wasn't the line for him as was clearly demonstrated by his constant contacts with Chris after the motherfucking reports were out there. This is all I've stated and it's entirely factual.

I will quote him again:
"...so I just blocked him at that point and I sent an email to the police and I say, 'look, he violated his EPO.' Fuck this. Because he lied to me. He lied to me then, in that conversation."
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You know you're in for a treat when the first page of every thread has the disclaimer at the top about feeling the need to tell people that you're better than the lolcow. People ignore that and a-log anyway, and it makes them look like pathetic retards to anyone skimming through. It didn't seem that long ago that people like Hirtes and Lagoona Blue got halaled for pulling that shit over and over.

Case in point, Jack Scalfani. Most of the thread is basically DIE JACK DIE and "look, I can totally cook better than this slob," and it's like dude, what? Jack Scalfani is just some stereotypical boomer - he's pretty much benign. There's nothing about him that means he ought to die, especially when KF itself literally has the zoo-sadists and the like catalogued, which brings me to this...

The only reason anyone even pretends to not hate Josh is because he's literally the only person in the world stupid enough to give up having a meaningful or fulfilling or enjoyable life, and live as an isolated incel in some cockroach hole in the third world, just to keep up a gossip website.

He'd have nothing without it, and its hilariously sad how he tries to make the site this all-in-one=place for all his socializing needs from gaming to politics because he cant exist anywhere without the trollshield of running the place he's at, but at one point in his life, he could have had a life instead, maybe even met a fat girl who'd settle for him, and lived somewhere that didnt look worse than CRP's toilet, if he wasn't a total retard.

Josh, and NEET literal-autists who spend all day every day on KF, cope that they're on the cross sacrificing for free speech. The reality is... they've devoted their lives to posting catty shit about some alcoholic or retard, or both, at the expense of being alone and losers, but if they acknowledged it they'd probably end themselves.

Ironically Null and his favored paypigs always mock "freeze peach" advocates, but then become the biggest free speech whiners themselves at their own convenience. Cause they're hypocritical retards who actually don't have any believes or ethics like they claim, but again, nobody wants to acknowledge "I'm a piece of shit just addicted to meaningless drama whoring, so much so I literally ruined my life for it."

This post encapsulates how I honestly feel about Kiwi Farms and Josh, as a whole. I mean, you've nailed it, honestly. It's why I brought up Nik Ritchie, because he's everything Josh wishes he was: Nik runs an unabashed gossip site, has gotten married, has had kids, is well respected in the same circles Josh frequents, and has gotten away unscathed from lawsuits and deplatforming attempts. Nik hasn't burned all his bridges, either, nor has he had to leave the States to run his site. Hell, his site has a worldwide userbase - you can look at submissions from all over. But Josh? He's the complete opposite, and when you take one good look at him, divorced from all the culture war inspired shit, what do you see? A sad sack of shit whom you're honestly surprised hasn't just necked himself yet.

I believe Josh solely created Kiwi Farms because he was desperate to prove he wasn't a loser, that he wasn't as bad as he himself felt, let alone what others felt about him. I mean, imagine if you were Josh. AFAIK, he's never mentioned he's ever had a father. He hates his mother (yet depended on her quite a while), he hasn't had any luck with women, he spent his life in a Southern backwater, and the only people who even care to acknowledge he exists solely do so because he lets them say nigger openly. He longs for real, meaningful connection, but he's never going to get that. He hates other people and drives them away so that he won't feel bad when they inevitably dislike him. It would explain why he got so invested in CWC. Because here was, finally he must've thought, someone worse off than me. That's why he got into lolcows in the first place. Because he has to put up this front that he's this based alpha male who has his shit together, but he doesn't, not really. Josh uses the lolcow shit solely to avoid coming to terms with himself.

I mean, IIRC, didn't he call Caesar a loser for not having kids? By his own standards, Josh is a loser. He says men need to procreate? Well, shit, Jack Scalfani has two kids. Men should find a wife? Well, Wings of Redemption has a wife. So does DSP. Does anyone think Josh really gives a shit about trannies or free speech? He pretends to because if he loses KF, then that's it for him. He has to stare his ugly mug in the mirror and acknowledge that he will be forever alone over a fucking gossip site because he was too arrogant to get over himself. And you see it in his userbase too, with Dom Cruise being a great example.

And what's funny is that Josh could've easily made this work for him. He could've said yeah, I'm fucked up, but aren't we all? He could've really leaned into that, because as we all know, self-deprecation is the in thing right now. Josh could've easily made it work.

For the record, I don't hate Josh. I don't think he's this evil bastard like The Gays From LA feels others view him as. I see him as a lost, broken fellow who was likely failed by the adults in his life growing up. We've all met plenty of folks who fit such a description. I just feel like KF as an idea is great, but Josh has horribly botched the execution. Like I said, it's a miracle it's lasted as long as it has in the first place to be even able to be deplatformed by whoever.
created Kiwi Farms
He didn't even really do that. He just changed the name of a forum after all the other jannies went on to do other things.

And what's funny is that Josh could've easily made this work for him. He could've said yeah, I'm fucked up, but aren't we all? He could've really leaned into that, because as we all know, self-deprecation is the in thing right now. Josh could've easily made it work.
But he's a lolcow. That's the other thing he can't get over. And he's a lot closer to King Cobra JF/Cyrax than to Gunt in cowdom. If you know what I mean. After all, Gunt has had TWO wives (and he won't stop there, just you see), teenage strumpet, two kids. And isn't that much older than joshy. Makes you think.
Also the DSP alogs that fuck with his bankruptcy. Josh doesn't like the DSP subforum but has never bothered stopping it.

Are these videos still around someplace? MATI made me think he doesn't like programming. Regular Sneedforo updates ended months ago and when he talks about what he's done in the last week it's either 1) everythings been fire!, or 2) done nothing played vidya.

The kind of explains why Ralph taking the arrest video made Josh seethe fierce.
if Josh was smart he would have used that video to try and cause a conflict between Ralph and May, Josh could have stole his girl and really fucked over Ralph. imagine Ralph trying to organize a 3some like daddy dick only for his baby mama and his current hoe to both leave at almost the exact same time.
This post encapsulates how I honestly feel about Kiwi Farms and Josh, as a whole. I mean, you've nailed it, honestly. It's why I brought up Nik Ritchie, because he's everything Josh wishes he was: Nik runs an unabashed gossip site, has gotten married, has had kids, is well respected in the same circles Josh frequents, and has gotten away unscathed from lawsuits and deplatforming attempts.
Nik has been divorced twice, has MS, and will be going to jail for unpaid child support in the very near future. he sold off his site because he could't afford the lawsuits pretty much once he got doxxed. the main reason he got doxxed was his first wife getting tired of his shit. you can tell he was a weirdo because his 2nd marriage was just to a user/famewhore he found hot and proposed to hours after irl meeting.

Honestly Null could have an entire harem if he too was willing to hook up with the chicks on the site. May and Elaine look a lot better than lorrenzo lamas' daughter. Plus as we saw from what may put up with when it came to ralph. Josh could have done everything short of beating them and they'd still be around. If Josh really wanted to be fruitful and mulitply he probably could have done it extremely easily. but i'm sure he also knows it doesn't fucking matter if you married someone if it doesn't last. same with kids. as a child raised by a single mom he probably understands more than anyone that not being in your kids life means you might as well not have had them at all.
Josh cut ties with Chris for the last time not because of the rape, which is when Josh SHOULD have cut ties with him, or because of any theft. In his own words, Josh cut ties with Chris because he lied to his face, then he reported him to police so he'd get in more trouble.

"...so I just blocked him at that point and I sent an email to the police and I say, 'look, he violated his EPO.' Fuck this. Because he lied to me. He lied to me then, in that conversation."
Another quote by Josh that proves my point undeniable:
"In his defense, I've never asked him not to fuck his mother so he hasn't betrayed my trust in that concept. I will make it clear to him that regardless of the actuality of these accusations he should not fuck his mother and if he has fucked his mother he should no longer fuck his mother. I will lay that out on the table crystal fucking clear and if there's any more mother fornication happening I will have to distance myself from Chris at this point."

Fuck your mother once, shame on Chris. Fuck your mother twice, shame on Josh. As far as we know, Chris did not fuck his mother after Josh's warning. However, he lied to Josh which is what made Josh cut off Chris completely. It wasn't the motherfucking.
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I don't hate Josh. I appreciate he operates a site that I have enjoyed. It's just that... I shouldn't know who he is, like most people who run sites and forums. I'm there to waste time reading about eccentric people, talk about their wacky situations and have some laughs.

Josh isn't a lolcow. He's a lonely dude that can only get attention online. Like the other 63% of lonely men around his age.
Mike Thurlow made mistakes on the forum because he did not have the in-depth knowledge that for example a developer or programmer on Upwork would have. His intentions for the most part were not malicious and yes he did a lot for the forum. I would be less than honest to admit otherwise. But there was a personality clash with other staff as well as personal issues on discord and we came to a conclusion it was best to part ways.
Mike never claimed to be a developer, and a single conversation with him could have given you that much. I don't hold malice towards you but it's enlightening to see the level of manipulation you've experienced. By issues on discord, do you mean how Mike was shielding and trying to be romantically involved with an individual who tried to murder you via swatting?
This was my personal experience with him on the forum. I never got involved with him outside the forum.
It's almost as if was their intention.

I disagree, I think Null has the capacity to do and create so much more than just KF.
KF should've been a stepping stone to other things for Null.
If Null wasn't a retard, he could have gone places like Moot did after 4chan but he continued to rub his reputation in shit because he placed his ego over optics, that is the end of web 2.0 that we are experiencing everywhere. Kiwi is simply collateral, but perhaps it could have lived longer had Josh not pissed so many people off and alienated his allies. He doesn't even have a connection to his living family because he put kiwifarms over everything else and he wants to be a martyr. He wants people to pity him and believe that this is about free speech when he doesn't have a consistent ideology borrowed from /pol/. I understand why he needs to believe this because I would rope myself in his position with zero prospects or hopes of landing a respectable job.
There are people on this forum who have to make Null seem as demonic and evil as possible, so they've made up this bullshit narrative where Null only rejected Chris Chan because he stole money from his mother, not because of the rape, because how could Null not be in support of someone raping their mom? Null is perverse evil personified, so of course he would be totally OK with a motherfucker as long as he can exploit him (according to the alogs who have to demonize Null utterly). People taking the most uncharitable interpretations of everything Null ever does is really fucking tiring.
Except it isn't a-logging or a fabrication of events. This is simply what happened according to Nulls own words and the timeline of events.
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