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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Still going through the old posts in this thread, and I wanted to respond to these posts about Null's alleged 6TB KiwiFarms torrent:

It will be interesting to see how many people pick up the torrent and set up clones. Even Josh himself could do that.

I don't have 6TB of storage space.

He's always said that he would anonymise everything, so I assume that means everything except the posts themselves would be stripped.

Emphasis on "said" and "would".

#DropKiwiFarms announced that they will "sabotage every shitty torrent you seed with massive IPV6 peer flooding":

Hey freebeef on Telegram,
If you think we are not going to sabotage every shitty torrent you seed with massive IPV6 peer flooding, I have news for you, just try me.
Kiwifarms is a gutter site in the same way tumblr used to be, they'll take anybody. Tumblr used to be the same way which is how a right wing discourse culture got a foothold there in the first place. The same things happened to Kiwifarms for the reason you just cited. But since Josh refuses to be thoughtful about what kind of users he wants to have there then he gets stuck with the same faggots that post to Gab, Minds, etc. KF has become just another alt social media site. One of the reasons why the sektur is so riddled with autismos is because its populated by the retards that can't hack it on regular social media. So that means the site gets weighed down with right wing loli enthusiasts, politispergs, wignats, etc.

I guess Josh keeps them around because they're so desperate for ~validation~ that they will put up with any abuse from him and still give him money. They desperately want a clubhouse to themselves.

The thing is if Josh really wanted KF to be free of this stuff then he needs to be ruthless about banning and excising the people who indulge in this behavior. The site is terminal for politispergery. If he bans the people who act up, closes registrations for a year, and encourages more discussion of lolcows and less wailing about Biden, then he could make the site fun again.

But as we know this goes against what Josh really wants. Josh wants to be Lolcow King and wants to control every single bespoke gossip site in the world, he's desperate to monetize the site, etc. It's always his ego getting in the way and his desperation for money. So he needs to keep this userbase around because no one else will put up with being insulted and blamed all the time while still sending him money.
Null getting rid of the political discussions and banning people for posting their right-wing political opinions (which would include all of the anti-trans insults and posters) would ruin his reputation online and be seen by tons of people as yet another website owner caving into the demands of transsexuals and liberals (and they'd be right). Even if he was willing to take the risk of that on top of closing registrations, he'd still have a site full of a-logs that cause more problems for the site then any white nationalist poster ever has. He's screwed either way.
Kiwifarms is a gutter site in the same way tumblr used to be, they'll take anybody. Tumblr used to be the same way which is how a right wing discourse culture got a foothold there in the first place. The same things happened to Kiwifarms for the reason you just cited. But since Josh refuses to be thoughtful about what kind of users he wants to have there then he gets stuck with the same faggots that post to Gab, Minds, etc. KF has become just another alt social media site. One of the reasons why the sektur is so riddled with autismos is because its populated by the retards that can't hack it on regular social media. So that means the site gets weighed down with right wing loli enthusiasts, politispergs, wignats, etc.

I guess Josh keeps them around because they're so desperate for ~validation~ that they will put up with any abuse from him and still give him money. They desperately want a clubhouse to themselves.

The thing is if Josh really wanted KF to be free of this stuff then he needs to be ruthless about banning and excising the people who indulge in this behavior. The site is terminal for politispergery. If he bans the people who act up, closes registrations for a year, and encourages more discussion of lolcows and less wailing about Biden, then he could make the site fun again.

But as we know this goes against what Josh really wants. Josh wants to be Lolcow King and wants to control every single bespoke gossip site in the world, he's desperate to monetize the site, etc. It's always his ego getting in the way and his desperation for money. So he needs to keep this userbase around because no one else will put up with being insulted and blamed all the time while still sending him money.
Didn't he speak propose splitting A&H into its own site years ago, similar to 4chan/channel? my problem is that once you get rid of the political spergs the traffic would be a lot lower to proper kiwifarms and it wouldn't look as good because every lolcow thread is filled with nutters at this point or seems like it.

he won't allow chris-chan discussion and the Ethan ralph & DSP threads are sperg central. Beauty parlor mainly goes after the trans at this point like kiwifarms without A&H is somehow worse reputation wise especially because the trans community smartly decided to make all discussion about them inherently political. people seem to be forgetting that the biggest site drama in recent times hasn't come from the spergs of A&H at all, they might be nazis or alt-light boomers but its the guys like the chudbuds users that really drag the site down. #dropkiwifarms wasn't started because people were annoyed at the guys doom posting on another washington post article, it was because of the keffals thread

Kiwifarms is in an odd place where being considered a neo-nazi hive site is literally better than the reality overall.

Oh Lor', how many times...

PPP was reading Commie Farms, and started reading about NP2, he came across the site and checked the TOS.

He thought "That's a bit dodgy, I'm sure you can't just put that..." Or he just saw someone's comment about it being iffy. Either way, PPP started talking about it, that got Diddler to telling lies about his housing situation, and getting joshy to sweep it up for him.

Funny how PPP has got to be gaslit here. "Why did he have a grudge?" Again, PPP was just the little boy who pointed out the king was in the all together. NP2 went down because the tards couldn't just ignore the fat dyke.

And joshy was only ever nice to PPP to manipulate him.

We should be asking why PPPwinson rowed back on NP2 (Plodwinson now saying it was "PPPs thing", even tho, Plodders claims to have created PPP and directed his every move). PPP, I'm guessing, did it to get the soapy tit wank from Jim. As for Winnie... Ask him. He probably won't ban you from chat.

guys like the chudbuds users that really drag the site down
You meanPVS and Autistic Spite...
Kiwifarms is in an odd place where being considered a neo-nazi hive site is literally better than the reality overall
TBH Kwiffar don't really have any politics, even the A&H cattle nigger, it's small parts of the media (for all of joshy's malformed ego's lust, he isn't world famous) who want a boogey-man. nfn The term Alt Right doesn't really mean much. I remember it back in the Sarah Palin days. Looking at the scene nowadays, it's like the term "Far Right" as I can see, Fed Entrapment Op. Seriously, go back to Waco, Rudy Ridge, OKC Bombing. You know what Deep Cover means?

Being a bitter shut in tard who wants to blame the Nigger Kike Wop for their own failings (did nothing but wank and laugh at people slightly less retarded than themselves through out their lives, and now complain things aren't going their way, yeah, I'll cry tomorrow) isn't a political stance.
Most people on the site are there to laugh, some are overly political and no fun, but primarily the userbase would rather lean off a stool with a noose round their neck than actively lean right or left. Feral overly territorial spergs are the sites problem, not them being nazis or whatever.
I love watching people deny that there are far-right Natsees on KF. Even KF mods themselves conceded in the Telegram chat during #DropKiwiFarms that there are outright Natsees on the forum, just at a very small number relatively to the rest of the users, so they're easy to just block and ignore:


And no, I don't think most Kiwis are "englightened centrists", you can pretty much tell which way most of them lean by reading some of their contributions. They generally express bog-standard center-left/center-right opinions or talkingpoints. A lot of Kiwis are unapologetic racists, xenophobes, antisemites, misogynists, misandrists, homophobes, eugenicists, nihilists, misanthropes and other views generally associated with extremism. I don't see any reason to pearl-clutch and deny the existence of such users on KF. Anyone who spends a day on KF browsing threads will inevitably come across such views. The difference is that KF tells you to adult and just press ignore on such users. whereas other platforms ban them.

#dropkiwifarms wasn't started because people were annoyed at the guys doom posting on another washington post article, it was because of the keffals thread

#DropKiwiFarms long predates Keffals though, the SWATting of Keffals just galvanized a campaign that Liz Fong Jones had already started back in 2017. That campaign still continues to this day without Keffals, just under a new hashtag #EndKiwiFarms which gets a lot less attention. Where do you think the continuing DDoS attacks are coming from?
I love watching people deny that there are far-right Natsees on KF. Even KF mods themselves conceded in the Telegram chat during #DropKiwiFarms that there are outright Natsees on the forum, just at a very small number relatively to the rest of the users, so they're easy to just block and ignore:

View attachment 30910

And no, I don't think most Kiwis are "englightened centrists", you can pretty much tell which way most of them lean by reading some of their contributions. They generally express bog-standard center-left/center-right opinions or talkingpoints. A lot of Kiwis are unapologetic racists, xenophobes, antisemites, misogynists, misandrists, homophobes, eugenicists, nihilists, misanthropes and other views generally associated with extremism. I don't see any reason to pearl-clutch and deny the existence of such users on KF. Anyone who spends a day on KF browsing threads will inevitably come across such views. The difference is that KF tells you to adult and just press ignore on such users. whereas other platforms ban them.

#DropKiwiFarms long predates Keffals though, the SWATting of Keffals just galvanized a campaign that Liz Fong Jones had already started back in 2017. That campaign still continues to this day without Keffals, just under a new hashtag #EndKiwiFarms which gets a lot less attention. Where do you think the continuing DDoS attacks are coming from?

The girlfriend of Null is talking about some idiot named RiceGum a now-dead YouTuber who quit the internet because he can't get pussy online. It's ironic Null is grooming kids today with TurkeyTom as the useful idiot he is. Hey Null why don't you tell Turkey Tom to drive to Syria and see how he would love the country over there? :/
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And it has a lot more to do with whether he's gotten to binge lately, whether he's menstruating or not, etc.

OMG, you just reminded me of something I found through this forum, LMAOOO:


For the record, I think this post is either typical image board fanfic, or the result of a game of Chinese whispers - Null said on an episode of MATI that as a kid he had once stolen a pack of gum which is mom made him return to the store, and I guess that pack of gum became a pack of tampons on the image boards. Still, it's hilarious, and I kinda like the idea of Null secretly working on a novel about a cult leader that's based on his experiences on KiwiFarms, with characters in the book modeled after Kiwis. If there's a character based on AltisticRight, that character should get a whole chapter in the book after everything that's come out recently.
Date the wrong bitch/asshole: it's your own damn fault, take some personal responsibility for your own choices

Vote for the wrong president: OMG, he ruined young men's lives on behalf of the CIA and Mossad!

Nothing these people ever do is their personal responsibility, unless they're pointing the finger at someone else's mistakes.
Null is such an idiot I'm shocked he hasn't just dropped dead and focused on making anime or something like that one YouTuber that made an anime out of 4Chan shitposts.

You mean that jew finally made something that isn't around the purple haired skank meme character that stopped being funny almost a decade ago?

TBH Kwiffar don't really have any politics,
The glowies spamming most of the site with current events would beg to differ.
The glowies spamming most of the site with current events would beg to differ
Ah. Now. If you were a glowie spamming Commie Farms (not to say I'M saying that), you would be looking to impose your own "political views" on the gullible Kwiffar*, grooming them into whatever you want to groom them into... I'm reminded of Plodwinson talking about a conv he had with joshy and him asking the broom about Commie Farms and School Shooters... y'know nfn.

*Kwiffar are people who are part of the cult, you can tell them by their "we" speak, like "we are the last bastion of free speech". The swivel eyes.
Null saw The Whale, a movie about a fat gay man eating himself to death and of course he liked it:

The Whale

Watched it and liked it. Just general thoughts I could form into paragraphs if I wanted to:

-I don't know exactly who the Moby Dick is in the obvious allegory they were trying to set up. Maybe each character had their own white whale?
-Fraser's attempt to reconnect with his daughter is almost wholesome, but any father that had the capacity to be so patient and optimistic with their child would not have abandoned them to begin with.
-The idea that a creepy old gay man would not commit murder to get at a young straight white Christian man broke my suspension of disbelief harder than anything.
-His daughter had no redeeming qualities as a person and I'm not sure what they were going for. I hated her more than I hated anyone else.
-The Asian getting upset he had money when he offered to give her money does not make sense to me.
-The honesty motif with the writing didn't connect with the rest of the story.
Main issue I had was the ending.

it implies that he ascends to heaven as a being of pure light. I think they want you to feel he has in some way redeemed himself by trying to help his daughter. I'm not sure how that would make sense.
-His daughter is only so broken and evil to begin with because of he abandoned her.
-Dying in front of her definitely fucked her up in the head more.
-Even while actively trying to repair his relationship with her, he allowed himself to binge eat and denied himself medical care to save money, when clearly she just needed him as a dad more than she needed his money.
-His ascension to heaven directly contradicts the biblical message about denying carnal desires because he is literally indulging every desire he has until the second he dies.
I feel like the ending makes sense only if you view it through the most nihilistic lens possible.

Brendan Fraser, having completely ruined his own life and the lives of at least three other people in the process, receives a death sentence and decides to commit to it. In a final week of never-ending self-indulgence, he eats continuously, takes his anger at god out on a random missionary, torpedoed his own online classes so he could self-aggrandize senseless platitudes about honest. His daughter is called up to beg in his life again, knowing he is going to die and with reckless disregard for how it would affect her, just because he wanted to see her one last time (and he lies to himself that she is a good person so that he does not need to take responsibility for her horrific cruelty). As he dies, he imagines himself a redeemed angel ascending to heaven - but this is merely his imagination's final act of wish fulfillment as his heart stops.

It's possible that's the intention. There's enough going on to leave you puzzling. My question is if you're supposed to feel bad for Fraser or see him as a selfish prick. I expected the plot to be about him overcoming adversity to fix his life, but instead he seems to get a medical diagnosis and decide he's going to make it everybody else's problem.

Null · Post #29 · 20 minutes ago · Forum: Multimedia

Remember everyone: Null broke his Lent fast for the mozzarella sticks:

Reason: italization
Null getting rid of the political discussions and banning people for posting their right-wing political opinions (which would include all of the anti-trans insults and posters) would ruin his reputation online and be seen by tons of people as yet another website owner caving into the demands of transsexuals and liberals (and they'd be right). Even if he was willing to take the risk of that on top of closing registrations, he'd still have a site full of a-logs that cause more problems for the site then any white nationalist poster ever has. He's screwed either way.

At this point but it's probably too late. But ultimately it depends on what he wants the site to be. That's why I emphasize the paypig nature of his audience and how important it is that Null has an audience he can abuse with absolute impunity.

Null has stated that he wants the site to be more "fun" but the only way to do that is to get rid of the politispergs and sektur autismos. They're the ones who make the site unbearable and Null has good cause to rail against them the way he does. (One of the reasons why right wing political opinions are blown off so frequently is that right wing politispergs are unlikable. Getting rid of them is not a hard sell.) If Null actually wanted KF to be what he claims he wants it to be then he would simply move against the people who make the site unbearable and to hell with his reputation. Who exactly is going to stand by him at this point anyway? He's already alienated tons of people through his faggotry and his "allies" are frankly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to right wing politispergery. This is partly what makes it such an easy sell to kick right wingers off platforms and why no one really protests: they are annoying and whiny.

I would add though that he shouldn't just settle for getting rid of politispergs; he should also just get rid of bad actors in general. A-logs are just as annoying and dumb. The site would shrink considerably once he jannied them out but that's not a bad thing and he would be able to cultivate a better userbase. IDK, I've been a janny too and there was never an issue from getting rid of people who were making the community experience worse. It was always a net benefit.

If he had done this years ago then he would have been able to salvage the site and it would truly just be an e-celeb gossip site with some edgy elements. Instead though he decided to go all in on having the worst userbase and the result is the current situation.

Didn't he speak propose splitting A&H into its own site years ago, similar to 4chan/channel? my problem is that once you get rid of the political spergs the traffic would be a lot lower to proper kiwifarms and it wouldn't look as good because every lolcow thread is filled with nutters at this point or seems like it.

So what if the traffic is lower? That's not important so long as you have the right community.

I think the point I'm trying to make is, he can't salvage the current crop of users. They're too dumb and annoying. If he was actually serious about making the site better then he would get rid of them all. Since he's not willing to do that, the site will continue to get worse.

Of course the real problem is that Null is really really dumb.
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