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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm reading some of the old posts in this thread, and this post did not age well:

Not gonna lie, I hope that one of the first things Josh does when it officially becomes Elon's Twitter is make a new account that LFJ and crew won't be able to do a damned thing about.

Part of the current frustration everyone is feeling comes from updates about what is happening with KF being on platforms people are unwilling to use.

Null is still banned on Twitter and the handful of Twitter accounts that were cross-posting his Telegram messages to Twitter are also gone.

And yet just yesterday Null was ranting at his own users calling them addicts. :rolleyes:
I'm reading some of the old posts in this thread, and this post did not age well:

Null is still banned on Twitter and the handful of Twitter accounts that were cross-posting his Telegram messages to Twitter are also gone.

And yet just yesterday Null was ranting at his own users calling them addicts. :rolleyes:
The man has an addiction problems like no joke holy shit
Here's another old post from this thread that's kinda funny to quote right now, LMAO:

Null wishes he was Donald Trump now. :story:

Naw, Null wouldn't allow himself to get arrested on Tuesday like Trump supposedly expects to.
Null would immediately escape to bitchycoin paradise Curitiba and avoid arrest.
Donald Trump wishes he was Null right now.
Here's another old post from this thread that's kinda funny to quote right now, LMAO:

Naw, Null wouldn't allow himself to get arrested on Tuesday like Trump supposedly expects to.
Null would immediately escape to bitchycoin paradise Curitiba and avoid arrest.
Donald Trump wishes he was Null right now.
True but Null lies so badly that even his enemies think he still lives in his mom's basement because he believes he is that guy from the bourne supremacy when he is a fat fuck loser who even lies about what countries he lives in because he can't admit he still lives in Florida sucking daffy duck's dick
Reason: fixed crude
True but Null lies so badly that even his enemies think he still lives in his mom's basement because he believes he is that guy from the bourne supremacy when he is a fat fuck loser who even lies about what countries he lives in because he can't admit he still lives in Florida sucking daffy duck's dick
There’s no way that is not the case. Since moving would take time away from spergbanning like everyone else he claims to be better than.
null seething 1.png
null seething 2.png
null seething 3.png

This was the post I was referring to. LMAO @Chrysler Building you must've really pissed him off by referring to him as an addict in your post here:

Lennon abandoned his first child and then ignored his second to be raised by a parade of nannies and governesses while he stuffed himself with heroin. Josh is in a similar circumstance, being a food addict who binges during Lent instead of honoring the solemnity of the season. Neither of them really believed in anything and hence they both become directionless addicts floating from one obsession to the next and then getting mad when it doesn't save them. Both of them are pants wettingly terrified of pain.

If Null actually does have a kid then yeah, I'd bet that he does care about her as much as he is able to. But he still an addict who binges on Serbian goyslop after fighting with his (unmarried) girlfriend while he hangs out in the Kiwifarms chat whining about how hard it is to run a gay op website.

Null desperately wants Kiwis to acknowledge that his moderation policies and decisions are reasonable and fair, but we all know what the score is. If Null personally hates you he will still find or create an excuse to ban you, even if you're an account in good standing, even if you're following all the rules.

"There's a big fucking line around the green+purple boards. Don't cross it."
LMAO, Null is quoting Bjork:

Damn, he must be so happy now that his site down right now.
All those fucking people finally gone. Finally a moment's peace.
This was the post I was referring to. LMAO @Chrysler Building you must've really pissed him off by referring to him as an addict in your post here:

Wow what a sperg out. On the one hand I can understand getting exasperated with the whiners who can't stop talking to the HHH (a mangina if there ever was one) but jeez what a shitty culture Null has cultivated over there. It shouldn't have come to this at all.

Null desperately wants Kiwis to acknowledge that his moderation policies and decisions are reasonable and fair, but we all know what the score is. If Null personally hates you he will still find or create an excuse to ban you, even if you're an account in good standing, even if you're following all the rules.

And it has a lot more to do with whether he's gotten to binge lately, whether he's menstruating or not, etc. He's banned people for no reason at all, he locked thousands of users out of their accounts with his password changes because he can't maintain the security of his website on his own. Etc.

LMAO, Null is quoting Bjork:

Real question is, will Null also make a bunch of creepy tapes about Bjork before killing himself in a fit of disillusionment
The broom showing as much grip on reality as Elaine. Can't see any threat there, joshy. Do we have a Spamela situation here? Will he take the advice of the poster on Spammy's thread and call an older relative?

Of course the (barely discussed) SWATs, they wouldn't be something to look at. ANd her connection to MHWFG. Two birds with one stone. But then, Kwiffar are the Sonnevolk etc...
View attachment 30895
The broom showing as much grip on reality as Elaine. Can't see any threat there, joshy. Do we have a Spamela situation here? Will he take the advice of the poster on Spammy's thread and call an older relative?

Of course the (barely discussed) SWATs, they wouldn't be something to look at. ANd her connection to MHWFG. Two birds with one stone. But then, Kwiffar are the Sonnevolk etc...
Null is such an idiot I'm shocked he hasn't just dropped dead and focused on making anime or something like that one YouTuber that made an anime out of 4Chan shitposts.

null 1.png
null 2.png
Wow what a sperg out. On the one hand I can understand getting exasperated with the whiners who can't stop talking to the HHH (a mangina if there ever was one) but jeez what a shitty culture Null has cultivated over there. It shouldn't have come to this at all.
I can't completely blame Null for how the site has become politically. It became widely know as a "free speech bastion" in 2018 when Null told the New Zealand investigator asking for user IP's to go fuck himself. His only real choices then were to give in and get declared a cuck or tell them no and get a bunch of right-wing people thinking he's the second coming, and it can't be downplayed how pervasive the "culture war" was throughout 2016 to 2020 and still is. Null also still believed in free speech back then before 2020 broke him. What I can blame him for is continuing to lie about still wanting to fight for other's rights, grift money and support from desperate people and then wail about how those same people are killing his site and how much he hates them and publicly blaming them for all his site's problems.
I can't completely blame Null for how the site has become politically. It became widely know as a "free speech bastion" in 2018 when Null told the New Zealand investigator asking for user IP's to go fuck himself. His only real choices then were to give in and get declared a cuck or tell them no and get a bunch of right-wing people thinking he's the second coming, and it can't be downplayed how pervasive the "culture war" was throughout 2016 to 2020 and still is. Null also still believed in free speech back then before 2020 broke him. What I can blame him for is continuing to lie about still wanting to fight for other's rights, grift money and support from desperate people and then wail about how those same people are killing his site and how much he hates them and publicly blaming them for all his site's problems.

Kiwifarms is a gutter site in the same way tumblr used to be, they'll take anybody. Tumblr used to be the same way which is how a right wing discourse culture got a foothold there in the first place. The same things happened to Kiwifarms for the reason you just cited. But since Josh refuses to be thoughtful about what kind of users he wants to have there then he gets stuck with the same faggots that post to Gab, Minds, etc. KF has become just another alt social media site. One of the reasons why the sektur is so riddled with autismos is because its populated by the retards that can't hack it on regular social media. So that means the site gets weighed down with right wing loli enthusiasts, politispergs, wignats, etc.

I guess Josh keeps them around because they're so desperate for ~validation~ that they will put up with any abuse from him and still give him money. They desperately want a clubhouse to themselves.

The thing is if Josh really wanted KF to be free of this stuff then he needs to be ruthless about banning and excising the people who indulge in this behavior. The site is terminal for politispergery. If he bans the people who act up, closes registrations for a year, and encourages more discussion of lolcows and less wailing about Biden, then he could make the site fun again.

But as we know this goes against what Josh really wants. Josh wants to be Lolcow King and wants to control every single bespoke gossip site in the world, he's desperate to monetize the site, etc. It's always his ego getting in the way and his desperation for money. So he needs to keep this userbase around because no one else will put up with being insulted and blamed all the time while still sending him money.