Joshua has released an official statement on the lawsuit between Liz Fong-Jones and Vincent Zhen, as well as Liz's non-profit Tallpoppy.
>He then switched to being Chief Field Technology Officer of, a "solutions provider", and invested into Tallpoppy, a personal reputation management company for businesses and famous people.
It sounds like LFJ does basic-bitch search engine optimization services for people. That is a pathetic service and I would be shocked if ever he got business. However, this makes sense why he is at odds with Kiwi Farms, which is about ruining people's reputations.
>B-b-but we document freaks and lolcows.
That's subjective but sure, sometimes. Other times, you're merely doxing and harassing people you don't like. One could argue the entire Kiwi Farms is a blackmail site. You open a thread on someone that is your enemy, get a bunch of schizo spergs to dox and harrass them, then you are holding this blackmail thread over their heads. So anything they go to do, their reputation is in tatters and one spiteful sperg named Joshua Moon is holding your reputation in his hands and effectively holding power over you. It's easy to dismiss because most of us are anons and don't have threads but that is what it ends up being in practice. KF is known for being the place where you go drop dox and damaging info on your enemies. And Moon uses it as his personal attack dog against his enemies he feuds with.
>On Keffals: This was a knowing fabrication, and the CA$100,000 he raised off the back of this lie would later be spent on drugs, landing him in an Irish rehab facility after a few months.
What did you get by blowing through 160K on the Viny Zhen-Liz Fong Jones litigation? Nothing. At least Keffals presumably received pleasure from his drugs and paid trips to Ireland and upholding his lifestyle using that money. You might as well have flushed your fundraiser money down the toilet. Or is there something you're hiding? You do a surprising amount of traveling yourself and trips to Ireland. Do you do anything novel or do you only copy your enemies out of jealousy and FOMO?
>Liz Fong-Jones would sue Vincent Zhen, a personal friend of mine who was about five degrees separated from the Kiwi Farms.
And yet you will not detail those 5 degrees or steps. Bc you are full of shit. You are 100% linked to Zhen, including in business through the IP addresses. You admit this on stream before contradicting yourself in your damage control.
>Liz Fong-Jones (from what I have seen) made knowingly false representations to the court of Australia regarding Vincent's association with the Kiwi Farms, the importance of his Internet resources to our ability to stay up, as well as the content on the Kiwi Farms.
Citation needed for all of this bullshit. You weren't privy to the details of the Australian case and Viny stopped communicating with you. So what do you know? And btw, if it's all false statements about Vincent being linked to the Farms and the content on the Farms, when WHY DID HE LOSE? You're lying.
>the importance of his Internet resources to our ability to stay up,
You admit yourself that you used his company's IP addresses to stay on the Clearnet during #DropKiwiFarms, making him essential to running your business. You're lying again.
>(3) Russell Greer is currently in a death spiral in his case and has accrued a sanction, facing up to two more presently
Is he though? Or will he chug along for another 5 years? I think you're grossly exaggerating at best.
>(4) Liz Fong-Jones failed to get the court order he paid a lot of money for.
Strawman argument. Was this his goal? I don't think so. I think you moved the goalposts for this lawsuit to pretend his W is an L. LFJ bankrupted your friend Viny, made him submit and admit wrongdoing, receiving a private money settlement, depleted your KF warchest fund, and ruined your friendship with Viny. Looks like an overwhelming victory to me. You making up something about him wanting a court order just reeks of cope.
>to avoid a favorable court order against us which would significantly help Liz Fong-Jones scare our providers.
Huh? Hasn't he already been doing this? This is deflection. LFJ won.
>the superior court decided that Vincent's defense would likely prevail in the lower court. It would have ultimately resolved in Vincent's favor, but he went bankrupt, and signed a settlement behind my back.
Citation needed desperately. Ok, if it was so easy for Viny for win, why did he lose then?
>This settlement effectively was an apology with minor financial rewards
Minor? According to whom? Viny paid LFJ money and you are not privy to the amount. So you're bullshitting. You may
want it to be a minor settlement but you don't know.
>(Vinnie is bankrupt, so my assumption is he sold the IP range he had for approximately US$10k), and a note from Vincent saying he disavows both the forum and me personally.
He's bankrupt now, supposedly. But you gave him upwards of 100K for this lawsuit. LFJ knows this and records all your livestreams, so he probably just asked for an amount he knew he could get from your warchest.
>my assumption is he sold the IP range he had for approximately US$10k
Nope. You don't know this at all. This is pure speculation. It's more likely Viny gave him the KF warchest money that you gave him. You indirectly transferred KF'ers money into Viny Zhen's account, which he used to pay off LFJ and his lawyers. If Viny is truly bankrupt, where'd the settlement money come from, except from your warchest?
>This is not the win that LFJ wanted when he spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars
The document above your text states Viny Zhen was ordered to pay $128,000 for LFJ's wasted court costs in addition to the private settlement number.
>it would not have gone anywhere if Vincent had just listened to me and answered the case promptly.
Maybe? Maybe not. That's a different timeline now though. Your friend lost in this timeline and had to pay up.
>Fong-Jones will cling to this desperately as proof he's in the right when begging providers to drop us, but his real motivation was personal: he wants me to feel bad.
So now you're admitting it was never about getting some Australian court order? He won anyway so what are you going on about?
>Every weak man in the last 12 years who has tried and failed to make me censor whatever bullshit they're upset about will eventually start going after people around me who have no investment in the Kiwi Farms, usually women.
You don't allow a thread about yourself on your website so I assume you include yourself among these "weak men" that want censorship.
>allowing him (LFJ) to gild and glaze anyone willing to pay enough money for the privilege of a squeaky clean online reputation
You are indirectly admitting that the purpose of KF is to damage peoples' reputations and smear them. Basically a blackmail site.
>There will never be a reason to do charity outside of the country again.
There never was, to begin with. Nothing changed except you. You just wanted to travel and live in exotic countries that are known sexpat hotspots like the Philippines and Ukraine. Charity? Wtf are you on about? You're not offering the world anything anyway. You really think your God's gift to mankind, don't you?