• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
If they actively enforced that, the Sharty would have been gone a long time ago.
It's what you do with the dox that depends on whether you run afoul of the law. Some dox such as bank account numbers, passwords. social security numbers, credit card numbers are never okay under any circumstances.
>POV: A retarded troll on the Internet with bad OPSEC doxes a lolcow and then tells their "Based and Redpilled" friends to harass this person and steal their online accounts and take their money
>Their "Based and Redpilled" friends:

If there is one objective reason to not be a doxer is that now and days doxing is done by skids on the Internet that are involved in various illegal black hat hacker activities. If someone were to join these kinds of communities, they don't really know if they are talking to a fellow like-minded troll or if they're talking to a fed that's looking to collect evidence to nail someone and the "Based and Redpilled" community that they joined may probably be a honeypot or some other kind of entrapment operation set up by the glowies. It happens a lot and this is how skids or trolls that don't know any better often get busted.

Common sense would tell you that if you're walking down the street and you see an abandoned bicycle that isn't secured with a bike lock, don't take the bicycle because chances are there's an unmarked police car that's waiting for someone to take the bait so they can arrest them.
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So what does it matter to us how it was wasted, whether it was blown on a sportscar or blown on a stupid lawsuit that could have been avoided?
Because being spent on a lawsuit means he has nothing to show for it. Spending it on whores and gambling he would at least have fun memories to look back on.
Null, get serious here. Caraballo is not going to get arrested for posting an e-mail address and implying people should mailbomb it with queer porn. If posting an e-mail address is grounds for an arrest, what do you think would happen to anyone who's ever doxxed a lolcow's e-mail address on KF?
People got fucking SWATTED because of KF's doxxing and yet they are still up.

While some fat chu lost her brother to a shooting another person also got shot. This guy works for Infowars who Alex Jones has a Kiwifarms thread there but somehow Jones isn't lolcow enough somehow….
Liz-Fong Jones debunks the narrative Josh is desperately trying to portray to his users. Josh claims that "LFJ never got the court order she paid a lot of money for!" Let's ignore the fact that there was never a "court order" to begin with and Josh has conceded this last year.
lfj debunks josh 1.pnglfj debunks josh 2.pnglfj debunks josh 3.png

In short, because Vincent never fought on the grounds that the comments on Kiwifarms were not defamatory (which the entire basis for the lawsuit) the allegation/ruling that Kiwifarms is defamatory still stands. Vincent concedes this in writing to his personal leter and apology to LFJ which is a LEGAL DOCUMENT and a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD despite Josh trying to gaslight you otherwise. Josh wasted everyone's money and helped LFJ become richer.
how fucking ironic. lol

And Jersh banned him.
I guess Null is the perfect username for an admin who bans people this easily.

The ban hammer really does have a hair trigger over there depending on Jersh's mood.
Reason: Correcting grammar and adding a bit more.
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I asked Grok why Josh is banned for so many banks and credit card processing companies.
Joshua Moon, the owner of Kiwi Farms, has faced significant challenges with banks and credit card payment processing companies due to the controversial nature of his website. Kiwi Farms is widely known as an online forum that has been implicated in coordinating harassment campaigns, doxing, and trolling, often targeting vulnerable individuals, including minorities and members of the LGBTQ community. This reputation has led to a series of deplatforming efforts by various service providers, including financial institutions.

The primary reason for Moon's bans from banks and payment processors appears to be the association of Kiwi Farms with activities that violate the terms of service or acceptable use policies of these companies. Many financial institutions and payment processors, such as Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal, have strict rules against supporting platforms that facilitate illegal activities, harassment, or hate speech. While Moon has argued that his site is a free speech platform, critics and service providers have pointed to specific instances where Kiwi Farms users have engaged in behavior that crosses legal and ethical lines—such as doxing, swatting, and sharing pirated or infringing content. These actions have been linked to real-world harm, including suicides and violent incidents, further amplifying the pressure on companies to distance themselves from Kiwi Farms.

For example, after repeated terminations by payment providers, Moon set up a separate donation site, lolcow.us, to obscure his payment processor. However, this too was shut down when Mastercard terminated the merchant account following reports of compliance violations and suspicions of illegal activity, such as potential credit card fraud or money laundering risks tied to the site’s operations. Terminated merchants are often added to the MATCH (Member Alert to Control High-Risk Merchants) list maintained by Mastercard and Visa, making it extremely difficult for individuals like Moon to secure new payment processing services for years. This blacklist effect likely contributes to his ongoing struggles with financial institutions.

Additionally, public campaigns, such as the #DropKiwiFarms movement led by activists like Clara Sorrenti, have pressured companies to cut ties with Kiwi Farms. These efforts have successfully convinced hosting services, security providers like Cloudflare, and financial entities to reevaluate their relationships with Moon’s site. Banks and payment processors, as private entities, prioritize risk management and public reputation, and associating with a site like Kiwi Farms—accused of enabling harassment and even terrorism-related threats—poses significant legal, financial, and PR risks.

Moon’s own actions have compounded these issues. His refusal to comply with takedown requests (e.g., for copyrighted material, as seen in the Greer v. Moon copyright case) and his public defiance toward law enforcement and service providers—such as his response to New Zealand authorities after the Christchurch shooting—have painted him as a high-risk client. This behavior, combined with the site’s notoriety, makes it unsurprising that banks and payment processors have banned him, viewing Kiwi Farms as a liability not worth supporting.

In summary, Joshua Moon’s bans stem from Kiwi Farms’ reputation for facilitating harassment and illegal activities, violating payment processor policies, and triggering public and legal backlash, all of which make him an undesirable client for financial institutions seeking to avoid risk and controversy.
TLDR: It's all Josh's fault.
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When is jewsh going to be held responsible for the $100k+ xhe scammed out of his paypigs for "litigation fees"?
Held by whom? kwiffar? Never.
Xhe absolutely deserves to be permabanned from every bank on the planet.
Even joshy knows this. I mean, there is shit we all know about (Silver Coins), for why he has trouble with banks. But who knows what else he's been up to?
Pretty sure it's the soda and cheese, combined with the sedentary lifestyle that makes you a bloater, broom.
I don't need an AI to tell me that Jersh sucks at money management and has poor business sense.

While it's true that Jersh got screwed over by things that are beyond his control (like being debanked), much of the reason why Jersh gets a lot of shit is because often it's self-inflicted.

In the business world, you want to be known as someone they can count on. If you know the story of how Sega dropped out of the console race, the short version is that they botched their later console releases. But the long version was that they pissed off too many of their business partners with their incompetence that they got blacklisted; retailers began to stop selling Sega consoles and developers moved on to Nintendo and later on Sony because Sega was not being a good business partner. If you piss off your fans then you can easily win them back by giving them what they want but if you piss off your business partners then those are a lot harder to get back because a business wants to make money and if someone is a liability then it's going to be very hard to for them to be trusted as a reliable business partner again. Sega was forced out of the console race because their investors and business partners didn't trust them anymore so they had to stop making consoles.

Jersh burned far too many bridges and it's now hard for anyone to trust him again because he's difficult to work with and his massive ego often makes him do impulsive decisions.

If only Jersh would realize that the universes does not revolves around him.
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