• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Basically a whole lotta bullshit
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Null accused Sam Hyde of having sex with a 16 year old girl and got upset when people asked for proof of this which he posted in this wall of text.

Chris Brunet is doing a deep dive into Sam Hyde and the pedophilia accusations as part of his conveniently timed war on pedophile groypers: https://nitter.poast.org/realChrisBrunet/status/1874896763703922701

He is threatening to post a mega article about RW pedophiles to Substack which I'm keeping an eye on: https://www.karlstack.com/archive

I don't particularly like Chris but he is the only vaguely trustworthy reporter that is actually looking into this. I think Null will be vindicated but it will be "broken clock" situation since she hosts underage nudes on KF.
lol when has doxing ever meant b)?
it was always done to fuck with someone or just for shits and giggles cause people would freak out over it
doxing has only ever meant b) in josh's delusions maybe
here is the ED page for "dox" from 2011, where it is quite clearly shown that a) is the definition of "dox" (see: section 'Release the Kraken')
doxing has only ever meant b) in josh's delusions maybe
here is the ED page for "dox" from 2011, where it is quite clearly shown that a) is the definition of "dox" (see: section 'Release the Kraken')
Always has done. Always will. As though Null/Lidl ever intended anything other than (a).

I would just like to point out the hilarity of the kwiffar that are going rabid over Elon being "Adrian Dittmann" while turning a blind eye to the exact same thing happening with Null/Lidl on their very own website, in the very same thread.
I love the way people are now using the stroke for Null/Lidl because its that obvious.
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Null had a total meltdown after someone gave him unsolicited weight loss advice, ranting about how they're no different then people trying to shut Kiwi Farms down and how lonely he is in his new swamp compound.
Jersh, Planet Fitness is like 15 dollars a month. Surely you can spend a few hours out of your time to do some butterflies and abdomen crunches on the cable machine.
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Null accused Sam Hyde of having sex with a 16 year old girl and got upset when people asked for proof of this which he posted in this wall of text.
For a guy that claims that he doesn't want bullshit on his website about lolcows, he sure loves making bullshit claims like this.

I'll admit I don't know too much about Sam Hyde but I'll admit it's dumb to accuse the guy without any solid evidence.
Ill admit, Jersh isn't wrong here. In recent years, many government jurisdictions have made doxing a crime or at least passed privacy laws that severely hinders people's ability to do any doxing.

Several countries now (both liberal democracies and autocratic countries) have since made doing a crime and some U.S. States (both Blue and Red states) have also made it a crime as well.

I think Jersh is feeling the winds not blowing in his favor as governments around the world get more and more serious about cybersecurity. Remember, there was a point in time when stuff like DDoSing was tolerated but once threat actors started to do DDoS attacks on power grids, hospitals, city water pumps, and other forms of critical infrastructure is when governments started to crack down on DDoSing because it poses a significant threat to everyday life.

Currently there is no American federal privacy standard for the Internet and doxing is still seen as a gray area thing within U.S. law but that may change soon because doxing these days is now associated with more serious crimes.

Some crimes related to doxing includes swatting (making fake police calls to harass or intimidate someone), sim swapping (stealing someone's phone number to gain access to valuable assets like bank accounts and brokerage accounts), identity theft (like buying a new car or opening a credit card account using someone's stolen identity), and other crimes related to harassment and fraud. It seems Jersh is wise enough to realize that eventually even the American government will someday crack down on doxing and he wants to keep his website to stay legal within the confines of American law but it seems some of the Kiwis are too stubborn to accept the reality of things. Eventually, the American government will see Doxing in the same way they see DDoSing and Phishing, they will see Doxing as another type of cybersecurity threat that they feel needs to be dealt with.
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That two retards fighting meme would fit here nicely. Just 2 sites (KF and soyjak) seething at each other.
I'm aware that they both have a rivalry. Someday they may end up destroying each other in the same way the Catholics and Orthodox Christians murdered each other during the 4th Crusade.
>Josh is astonished his forum of redditors are acting like redditors

Reddit Farms.
Well Kiwi Farms just needs a Karma system like Reddit does to make their transformation fully complete.
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