"I just changed country, I don't know anyone, I'm in a remote location, I don't have access to clubs or anything because I'm in a swamp very far from civilization"
So you willingly isolated yourself from civilization just to yell at Kiwis for trying to help you lose weight?
#DKF was what knocked me off my last meal plan.
Dude, you're blaming the troons for getting you fat?! This is literally like people blaming the Covid lockdowns for getting them fat. No, you got fat because you like to ate trash and live a sedentary lifestyle sitting behind the computer all day yelling at Kiwis.
Weight loss challenge for Null: Why don't you try walking to your nearest town to meet some of the locals, Null?
That's surely gonna help you lose weight faster than calling Kiwis
"absolute faggots".
What I want is to be slimmer just so I look more put together if I talk to someone important or if I have to appear in court. That's literally it.
Null, you really think people are gonna like you better based on the size of your waist? As if your shitty, grumpy, gaslighting, backstabbing personality isn't going to evaporate any initial goodwill on their part ,the instant you open your mouth behind their backs to trashtalk them on MATI, like you've done with anyone who's ever associated with you? Also, what's this crap about
"I have to appear in court"? What court? You mean the Torswats thing in February with Jeremy/The Quartering? AFAIK you're not in a court case right now, and besides, you never had to appear in court in the past, so what are you on about? You've always hid yourself behind your lawyers, sending them to court to rep you so you never had to go yourself. If you're planning to change this now, where did you get this sudden nerve to start appearing in court yourself? After completely isolating yourself from civilization, no less?
"If I talk to someone important", like, whom? Literally whom? Those Gen Z Youtubers who naively invite you on their Livestreams only for you to trashtalk them on MATI after the fact?
Damn, I ignored this guy for a while to work on my other thread, but the moment I check in on him he's back to posting crap like this.