Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
What with the broom's financial problems (all self inflicted), it does look like he is recruiting "clean skins" to use to launder money through. A charity is perfect, as the IRS (and you still have to file a return even if it's a 501, I watched a lot of Susan Woods Non Profit Solutions, who exposed BLM, like a year before ofeys like Matt Walsh) will have to expect a lot of anon donations. There is a chance that (like BLM, and Novaro Media) this 501 will dissolve before it has to file.Could this have anything to do with that time he needed to borrow a bank account?
I'm interested to see who this board is (is Hardin one of the board?) made up of. The grift is blatant. "Give me gibs or they will lock you up for shitposting".

Reminder of his aims. "Fair access". Guess all those scams really bit him on his wobbly fat arse. "Depolit...." stop you right there, saying nigger online, that's what they care about most. "Consumer privacy etc" Yeah, right. joshy would happily sell your dox. "Defanging..." That means, joshy wants to be able to infringe your copyright, while bitching about how nobody pays propz to the Commie Farms....