• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Could this have anything to do with that time he needed to borrow a bank account?
What with the broom's financial problems (all self inflicted), it does look like he is recruiting "clean skins" to use to launder money through. A charity is perfect, as the IRS (and you still have to file a return even if it's a 501, I watched a lot of Susan Woods Non Profit Solutions, who exposed BLM, like a year before ofeys like Matt Walsh) will have to expect a lot of anon donations. There is a chance that (like BLM, and Novaro Media) this 501 will dissolve before it has to file.

I'm interested to see who this board is (is Hardin one of the board?) made up of. The grift is blatant. "Give me gibs or they will lock you up for shitposting".
Reminder of his aims. "Fair access". Guess all those scams really bit him on his wobbly fat arse. "Depolit...." stop you right there, saying nigger online, that's what they care about most. "Consumer privacy etc" Yeah, right. joshy would happily sell your dox. "Defanging..." That means, joshy wants to be able to infringe your copyright, while bitching about how nobody pays propz to the Commie Farms....
What with the broom's financial problems (all self inflicted), it does look like he is recruiting "clean skins" to use to launder money through. A charity is perfect, as the IRS (and you still have to file a return even if it's a 501, I watched a lot of Susan Woods Non Profit Solutions, who exposed BLM, like a year before ofeys like Matt Walsh) will have to expect a lot of anon donations. There is a chance that (like BLM, and Novaro Media) this 501 will dissolve before it has to file.

I'm interested to see who this board is (is Hardin one of the board?) made up of. The grift is blatant. "Give me gibs or they will lock you up for shitposting".
View attachment 78520
Reminder of his aims. "Fair access". Guess all those scams really bit him on his wobbly fat arse. "Depolit...." stop you right there, saying nigger online, that's what they care about most. "Consumer privacy etc" Yeah, right. joshy would happily sell your dox. "Defanging..." That means, joshy wants to be able to infringe your copyright, while bitching about how nobody pays propz to the Commie Farms....
I wonder if he's trying to incorporate a physical asset like land and then use it as a 501c non-profit.

Incorporating land for a 501c3 nonprofit involves several considerations. By forming a nonprofit, you can separate the land ownership from your personal assets, providing some liability protection. However, you'll need to maintain the separation between your personal and business affairs to maximize this protection. Owning land also comes with tax implications, zoning restrictions, and management responsibilities. It's crucial to understand these aspects and consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

When incorporating a 501c3 nonprofit, you must list the initial directors and officers on the formation documents, but you don't have to put your personal name on the charity in other ways. Your name and the names of other officers and directors are a matter of public record, but you can maintain confidentiality by creating a separate legal entity to hold the land. However, this strategy comes with its own complexities. When fundraising, you don't need to list your personal name or the names of other donors or founders. Instead, you can simply list the nonprofit's name and its tax-exempt status.
I wonder if he's trying to incorporate a physical asset like land and then use it as a 501c non-profit.
You mean, in brief, is he trying to buy a house and use a tax dodge to not pay for it? Most likely. However, as it looks like he's trying to get in people to either be the "front", or fulfil roles he is legal not allowed to do, he could end up getting forced out.

If joshy is expects he will get Black Ladies Mansions bunce off of this... How "Screwed The Pooch" bad this could go... Oh, 2025, you are truly going to be a lolocaust.
As a charitable organization, a 501(c)3 is exempt from federal income tax. As for state income tax, his legal residency is South Dakota because SD does not have an income tax. Why WV? Because Hardin is licensed to practice in WV as well as in DC and Virginia. He is not listed on the SD Bar. Remember all that money from his IOLTA? He claims he has not received one penny personally and how it is going towards legal fees. It's probably being spent on Hardin's "legal work" to set up his charitable organization.
What with the broom's financial problems (all self inflicted), it does look like he is recruiting "clean skins" to use to launder money through. A charity is perfect, as the IRS (and you still have to file a return even if it's a 501, I watched a lot of Susan Woods Non Profit Solutions, who exposed BLM, like a year before ofeys like Matt Walsh) will have to expect a lot of anon donations. There is a chance that (like BLM, and Novaro Media) this 501 will dissolve before it has to file.

I'm interested to see who this board is (is Hardin one of the board?) made up of. The grift is blatant. "Give me gibs or they will lock you up for shitposting".
View attachment 78520
Reminder of his aims. "Fair access". Guess all those scams really bit him on his wobbly fat arse. "Depolit...." stop you right there, saying nigger online, that's what they care about most. "Consumer privacy etc" Yeah, right. joshy would happily sell your dox. "Defanging..." That means, joshy wants to be able to infringe your copyright, while bitching about how nobody pays propz to the Commie Farms....
So I'll give my thoughts on these four things Jersh is proposing for America.

1. I don't disagree with him that the credit card companies and the banks should be prohibited from engaging in debanking. I see this likely to happen but I don't think Jersh will be the straw that will break the camel's back. At this point, many people from every part of the political spectrum (whether it's some Progressive that supports LGBT media or some Conservative that supports Gun Rights) have gotten stick and tired of how the financial system treats people (the financial system has made an enemy of just about everyone on the political spectrum). I do see debanking being outlawed sooner or later but it won't be because Jersh made it happen.

2. I don't disagree with him on this either. But for this to happen, you need to reform and repeal many federal laws that are often abused by the three letter agencies that hinder free speech (both online and IRL) as well as abolishing the National Security Agency and abolishing the Department of Homeland Security. It would be based if this happened (many right-wingers are already calling for abolishing the U.S. Department of Education and abolishing he FBI because of how terrible America's education system really is and the FBI often abuses their position of power) but there needs to be a growing movement within the American Right to abolish and reform several federal laws along with abolishing and gutting much of America's mass surveillance system. I think Jersh is based for this but I don't think he will be the one to lead the fight against big government.

3. I think this is a case of 'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". I don't disagree with Jersh that Big Tech is unethical with America's private data. But if America were to get a national privacy standard for the Internet then Jersh can kiss Kiwi Farms 'goodbye'. Kiwi Farms is a website that promotes harassment and doxing as well as being filled to the brim with hate speech. If America were to someday make a national privacy standard into law, I imagine that a law like that would include a "Right to Be Forgotten" statute similar to the EU's GDPR and fine any websites that fail to protect the privacy of their users along with the posting personal information without the consent of the individual (doxing would no longer be a gray area thing anymore and would become a federal offense from that point on). America having its own version of the GDPR would force websites like Kiwi Farms to either rebrand or shut down. You can having doxing or you can have privacy, you cannot have both.

4. This is something that he will definitely not achieve anytime soon. Part of the reason why America's copyright laws are so fucking broken is because of very powerful lobbying groups that act on behalf of America's entertainment industry. The reason why Disney's 'Steamboat Willie' took so long to enter the public domain is because back in the day the Walt Disney Company meddled with Congress to extend the copyright protections for their legacy characters and thus they were able to keep the copyright for Steamboat Willie for a lot longer. Jersh is a bug that can be easily crushed by the big entertainment studios. It be based if Congress realized that many of America's copyright laws hinder free market competition and laws like the DMCA should be at least reformed to make things much more fair in regards to fair use and free market competition but I don't see this happening anytime soon.

I don't disagree with what Jersh is proposing here. But it's clear he wants to go back to America to start a non-profit and get rich off his cult that will give him money to buy a house and play crappy video games while doing next to nothing to benefit his website from that point on.
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1. I don't disagree with him that the credit card companies and the banks should be prohibited from engaging in debanking.
He's been debanked, because he's dodgy af, and has been caught, numerous times.
often abused by the three letter agencies that hinder free speech (both online
This the glowskis Internet, tho. Always was, always will be.
3. I think this is a case of 'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". I don't disagree with Jersh that Big Tech is unethical with America's private data. But,
joshy has a history of "Muh publicly available info", soooo...
4. This is something that he will definitely not achieve anytime soon.
You start producing knock off kiwi merch. See how the faggot likes them apples.
You mean, in brief, is he trying to buy a house and use a tax dodge to not pay for it? Most likely. However, as it looks like he's trying to get in people to either be the "front", or fulfil roles he is legal not allowed to do, he could end up getting forced out.

If joshy is expects he will get Black Ladies Mansions bunce off of this... How "Screwed The Pooch" bad this could go... Oh, 2025, you are truly going to be a lolocaust.
I think it's a workaround so he can bypass being censored from Payment processors..
1. How was Jersh even able to afford to move to Ukraine or the Philippines if he had no money to spare? Moving to a country (let alone moving to a second-world country or a third-world country) is a very expensive and life changing decision. My question is where did he even got the money to make such big decisions like this?
To add on to this point, he's claimed before to visit other countries such as in a mati stream, he said went to "the last communist country" and was on a boat ride with some dude going on about how much he loves communism.
1. How was Jersh even able to afford to move to Ukraine or the Philippines if he had no money to spare? Moving to a country (let alone moving to a second-world country or a third-world country) is a very expensive and life changing decision. My question is where did he even got the money to make such big decisions like this?

2. Jersh seems to be angry that the banks and payment processors are more likely to side with porn artists than siding with a website that promotes harassment, doxing, and hate speech which brings up an important point. Generally speaking, the banks and credit card companies are often wary of supporting porn due to porn being a high risk industry (the same can be said with other high risk businesses like nuclear material, jewelry, firearms, marijuana, tobacco products, etc). But the porn industry still manages to get by which is doing things on their part that satisfies the banks and credit card companies. I'm no fan of debanking (because debanking is a tactic used by the elites to censor free speech and we can sit here for hours and discuss why debanking is unethical) but if the porn industry and the tobacco industry can still manage to keep their lights on then so can Jersh.

3. Again, other high risk business still manage to keep their lights on. We know Jersh has an alt Twitter account so that is a lie. Jersh, you will very likely be driving an EV sooner or later as the big car manufactures phase out of fossil fuel powered vehicles (that may likely include patented Tesla parts regardless of what EV you drive in the same way every computer these days uses the USB standard regardless of what brand of computer you use anyway).
You know now that you mention it that is a little strange I never gave it any thought because I figured he saved up money from working.
When you thrown in the plane fare, the passport and visa costs and other things such as transportation when living in a foreign country, you are not saving anything. When he went to the Ukraine it was immediately after that expose with the Idea Guys. By the time he contacted the Greene County Sheriff, the FBI and some other internet organization, with the evidence, he was already on a plane heading off to the Ukraine.

When CWC was scammed by the Idea Guys, one of them (Stephen Boyd) was living in Kentucky. Null never took the evidence to the district attorney's office in Kentucky where Stephen was residing. I contacted Chris and explained that rather than pursuing this as a criminal matter, he would have a better chance of pursuing this in civil court with an attorney who was licensed to practice in both Virginia and Kentucky. Let me explain why:

In a criminal court there is a very high standard that has to be met in order to find someone guilty. You have to find someone guilty beyond a "reasonable doubt" which is around 95% certainty.

In a civil court, the standard is much lower (basically a preponderance of the evidence) which is a certainty over 50%. Why is there such a difference? Because in a civil court you can lose only money. In a criminal court, you can lose your freedoms and possibly your life if you get the death penalty.

I contacted Null by email when this was happening and basically he told to fuck off. I messaged a friend of Chris privately and conveyed my thoughts that there was something very suspicious about this whole thing. The person I talked to felt the same way and when this person tried to talk to Null about this, Null threatened this person with their life being ruined if they did not stay out of it.
When you thrown in the plane fare, the passport and visa costs and other things such as transportation when living in a foreign country, you are not saving anything. When he went to the Ukraine it was immediately after that expose with the Idea Guys. By the time he contacted the Greene County Sheriff, the FBI and some other internet organization, with the evidence, he was already on a plane heading off to the Ukraine.

When CWC was scammed by the Idea Guys, one of them (Stephen Boyd) was living in Kentucky. Null never took the evidence to the district attorney's office in Kentucky where Stephen was residing. I contacted Chris and rather than pursuing this as a criminal matter, he would have a better chance of pursuing this in civil court with an attorney who was licensed to practice in both Virginia and Kentucky. Let me explain why:

In a criminal court there is a very high standard that has to be met in order to find someone guilty. You have to find someone guilty beyond a "reasonable doubt" which is around 95% certainty.

In a civil court, the standard is much lower (basically a preponderance of the evidence) which is a certainty over 50%. Why is there such a difference? Because in a civil court you can lose only money. In a criminal court, you can lose your freedoms and possibly your life if you get the death penalty.

I contacted Null by email when this was happening and basically he told to fuck off. I messaged a friend of Chris privately and conveyed my thoughts that there was something very suspicious about this whole thing. The person I talked to felt the same way and when this person tried to talk to Null about this, Null threatened this person with their life being ruined if they did not stay out of it.
So where did he get the money to find this move?
So where did he get the money to find this move?
Honestly, I don't know. Maybe part of it was probably from donations and maybe part of it was probably from small computer jobs he did for people as a freelancer. But did he do this to "save money"? No. That is basically a bunch of BS. My guess is that he may have been in some kind of hot water legally or otherwise and he decided to hide out in Europe.
Honestly, I don't know. Maybe part of it was probably from donations and maybe part of it was probably from small computer jobs he did for people as a freelancer. But did he do this to "save money"? No. That is basically a bunch of BS. My guess is that he may have been in some kind of hot water legally or otherwise and he decided to hide out in Europe.
Strange especially given just how dodgy he is about everything. He got money from somewhere and it's not just his pay piggys not at first anyways
Honestly, I don't know. Maybe part of it was probably from donations and maybe part of it was probably from small computer jobs he did for people as a freelancer. But did he do this to "save money"? No. That is basically a bunch of BS. My guess is that he may have been in some kind of hot water legally or otherwise and he decided to hide out in Europe.
On one stream, Jewsh Moonpie mentions selling his 100 ETH at $11 a piece. This was back many years ago when ETH was cheap. It now hovers at ~$3500 these days. He said he used this $1100 to buy a plane ticket. I can't remember if it was him going to live in Buffalo, NY or to the Philippines. But anyway, he describes that as an almost "ropeable" moment because if he had held onto that, he would now have $350,000. But of course, you can't really view crypto like that or you drive yourself insane. You sell when you need the money. No one can time the market or is a psychic. But it's interesting that this is one of the scenarios that makes him suicidal thinking about missing out on all that money.

Strange especially given just how dodgy he is about everything. He got money from somewhere and it's not just his pay piggys not at first anyways
Moonpie is very shady. On one stream he mentioned meeting complete strangers in Ukraine in some warehouse. He was swapping BTC or buying something (not sure he ever said what he was buying). But it was basically just him and a couple people he didn't know that he was exchanging BTC with. And I think he said he felt scared that he was gonna get robbed or murdered.
Moonpie is very shady. On one stream he mentioned meeting complete strangers in Ukraine in some warehouse. He was swapping BTC or buying something (not sure he ever said what he was buying). But it was basically just him and a couple people he didn't know that he was exchanging BTC with. And I think he said he felt scared that he was gonna get robbed or murdered.
His story just doesn't add up. With Ukraine's history of cybercrime, it's hard not to be suspicious.

Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a proliferation in online criminal activity in Eastern Europe, and Ukraine is no exception. Famous for its hacker com- munity, Ukraine ranks among the Top 10 countries in the world in cyber crime1 and number 15 as a source of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.