• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
it's not out of the question. lots of streamers, content creators, etc do that. so it's no brainer to think like this
That's why I was thinking along those lines and,
Given his consent legal issues as well as his inability to not involve himself in considerable amounts of controversies. I wouldn't be surprised if he does have external sources of income that we don't know about.
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This is strange because I could have sworn wodanaz was a woman who was in with the BP types though I may be wrong on that or mistaking them for another user.

Wodanaz a man, a MATI thread regular and a rabid antisemite:

Many such cases when someone's bread is threatened. I try to look past the personal failings and simply blame the jewish trickery of the payment system. It's more important that the act man is either unaware of or unwilling to speak the truth about visa, mastercard, stripe, etc. If people were simply allowed to disagree with his retarded opinions without being unpersoned then it wouldn't be an issue.
Also his videos are slop and always have been.

This guy has been posting antisemitism in the MATI thread since forever. He is the living proof debunking Null's false claim that antisemitism only made it to KF due to 4chan infiltration. Wodanaz is a 100% resident antisemite on KF itself.

Here's what Dayimo was referring to when he said that "you can learn about the Dzooz on KF", he was referring to shit like this:

AbyssStarer said:
Now that is an old one. Likely in the stream.me days maybe a stream called midnight mad or a Hanukah stream, early 2019 at the latest. I know what you're talking about but I couldn't place the exact episode.
Also 1920 was before the 6 gorillion advent. :\

Wodanaz: that was the point, slimy kikes using the phrase "6 million" long before ww2. in retrospect I'm not sure if those newspapers were real though.

When Null very unambiguously said on MATI that gay kids deserve to be groomed and raped on the internet for being gay (this was discussed here in the thread at the time), Wodanaz showed up to gaslight on behalf of Null, trying to explain away what Null had very clearly said, dankogrg2 rejecting the gaslighting and repeating that that's literally what Null said:

Wodanaz said:
I don't think he has ever said what happens to children is justified because x, its that the cause of adult faggotry is child grooming. Are you slow in the minds?
dankogrg2 said: No, he explicitly said, if you a gay minor and abused, you dont deserve pity and it's on you. It was in his miniladd stream

JFC, I can't believe Wodanaz has read Dune and refers to it as "one of the best science fiction works of all time". How can you read something like Dune and still be such a vile scumbag:

Also Josh you should totally add the Dune series to your ever growing list of prison ebooks to never get around to. It's a masterwork of cultural and sociopolitical analysis through the supernatural ability of genetic memory. Some choice excerpts include an immortal worm-human hybrid taking over humanity and enforcing his rule through an all female army since according to the nerar infinite knowledge of all his ancestors, all-male armies always default to oppressing, killing, and raping their own populus if there is no external enemy to fight. Women on the other hand are much more nuturing and are much better at pacification. This male/female dichotomy is also further reinforced by the two main groups that hold esoteric knowledge that they use to guide the course of humanity, being the Bene Gesserit which is all female, and the Bene Tleilax which is all male. Their methods reflect their nature.
Also he implements hydraulic despotism throughout the galaxy by withholding the most valuable substance that he solely controls from those that displease him. Obviously America is an example of a hydraulic empire right now because they control the vast majority of the infrastructure that makes the world run, including Internet/information dispersal, banking/payment processing and military/naval, among others. Many observations on the interplay of between religion and government as well. Definitely one of the best science fiction works of all time.

Perhaps Wodanaz should take some "spice" himself, might help him with his misanthropy.
In fact, Wodanaz should go to Burning Man and do some "spice" there with the Burners, as he's staring at the Silver Globe space ship from Dune 2 floating over the playa:


But bro... Stop. For your own sake man

You know you can just press the ignore button on that user and stop derailing this thread any further, right?
He's upset because the person who he accused of being a dog fucker for a month, didn't turn out to be Chase and so he's derailing any thread I'm on. It's a personal obsession. It's kind of funny. But bro... Stop. For your own sake man, come on. Wake up.
I'm not letting it go, and I'm not going to pretend like you haven't been lying this whole time. You lied about what Ken said, and you still posted no proof about that. You've been lying about your motivations in the PIPA thread, and now you've even lied about being a part of Gamergate and Antifa."
jewsh: "we are not an autistic illuminati" blatantly lies
also jewsh: "lets get some kiwis on the ground in the rekieta hearing and make it a huge happening announced across the site"
also also jewsh: *admits to alogging several lolcows or getting his site members to do that for him*

This nigger is going to be hoisted by his own tranny colored petard one day and it will be hilarious.
Like holy shit, not even troon run websites are as obsessed with trannies or kids as jewsh and his autistic BP cabal are.
I'm not letting it go, and I'm not going to pretend like you haven't been lying this whole time. You lied about what Ken said, and you still posted no proof about that. You've been lying about your motivations in the PIPA thread, and now you've even lied about being a part of Gamergate and Antifa."
Alright this shit has turned into a giant eyesore. I've clipped out the damn feud and threw it in the Bullshit and Onion Autism Form. This is too good of a thread to let it go to hell.
Alright this shit has turned into a giant eyesore. I've clipped out the damn feud and threw it in the Bullshit and Onion Autism Form. This is too good of a thread to let it go to hell.
Then you should have tard wrangled the little bastard when you had a chance to. Instead he's now in this thread going on about gamergate and how he was totally one of of them. Writing entire one page expos on mostly bullshit that nobody believes.
I believe it was but wasn't she accusing Jace Conners at the time?

Okay never mind I did a little more digging I found this article

He was a trolling sketch artist?

Josh caught in possible another lie as to his reason for leaving the United States. Keep in mind that he and others spew that he moved to Europe
because "it's cheaper." This wasn't the real reason though. He previously stated in the Kiwifarms chat him moving to Europe was a "Plan B" and that he originally planned to move in with an egirl. Moving to Europe still would've been cheaper!
View attachment 64305

However, in January 2021 he gave an even more pathetic, larpy, and ridiculous reason to his audience for leaving America. Particularly so now that he yearns to return. In this clip which is linked and timestamped below he claims he left America because for the same reason Styxhexenhammer66 has, "... he is outside for the same reason I am. He looks back on the US and sees a dead country in a state of decay."
Bullshit when he was in The ukraine he was supposed to move in with Dax in California and return to the US but covid prevented it so he went to "Serbia" or wherever he really is.
Bullshit when he was in The ukraine he was supposed to move in with Dax in California and return to the US but covid prevented it so he went to "Serbia" or wherever he really is.
And now he lives with Lidl Drip, secretly completed a law degree, had five kids and is a regular Annie Oakley when it comes to firearms. My Stars, what can't Null do?
He'll forgive me for saying he covered up Catler DMs out of embarrassment for Blocklands shota,
His Fatness most certainly did NOT cover up the Catler DMs.
Well they don't call them Joshua's Tranny Jannies for nothin'. I don't know why it's got him uptight though. You'd think his Tranny Jannies would have a bit thicker skin than that.

Anyway welcome to Onionfarms. There's also a new kiwisplinter you're welcome to check out.