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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
His Fatness most certainly did NOT cover up the Catler DMs.

Well they don't call them Joshua's Tranny Jannies for nothin'. I don't know why it's got him uptight though. You'd think his Tranny Jannies would have a bit thicker skin than that.

Anyway welcome to Onionfarms. There's also a new kiwisplinter you're welcome to check out.
Hey good to see you btw.
He'll forgive me for saying he covered up Catler DMs out of embarrassment for Blocklands shota, but god forbid you disrespect a beautiful transwoman. He's a weirdo just like Hotwheels. Gas them both.

Forgive the PFP I'll update it when I feel like it.
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Who is this "woman" he is talking about and how does "she" support the forum by going to court? Has anyone been banned for "harassing" (on the internet!) men who went to court to support the forum?
josh the feminist.png
He'll forgive me for saying he covered up Catler DMs out of embarrassment for Blocklands shota, but god forbid you disrespect a beautiful transwoman. He's a weirdo just like Hotwheels. Gas them both.

Forgive the PFP I'll update it when I feel like it.
View attachment 64441
So let me get this straight. He had no issue with the Blockland Shota drama being exposed but he gets mad over the trannies getting mocked? Sounds very much like him being a troon or troon lover. Come to think of it, given how obsessed KF was with Jonathan Yaniv I suspect that they were loving to see his mutilated genitals but hide behind a veil of mockery.

Its fucking sick, and I am ashamed to have ever been on KF.
Null hosts revenge porn of DSPs sister in law who is a vulnerable drug addict
Yeah remember that, don't know if the statute of limitations apply to that incident. But one thing is for sure, they don't touch the cow, they fuck it. It's honestly why I've grown to dislike KF, their hypocrisy is too much and then they play victim afterwards when they are busted. It's typical bitch behavior and the fact that they go after the lowest of the low is dispicable. Don't get me wrong, lolcows deserve to get laughed at but at the same time, their antagonizing of the lowest of low hanging fruits exposes them as complete cowards.