Josh caught in possible another lie as to his reason for leaving the United States. Keep in mind that he and others spew that he moved to Europe
because "it's cheaper." This wasn't the real reason though. He previously stated in the Kiwifarms chat him moving to Europe was a "Plan B" and that he originally planned to move in with an egirl. Moving to Europe still would've been cheaper!
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However, in January 2021 he gave an even more pathetic, larpy, and ridiculous reason to his audience for leaving America. Particularly so now that he yearns to return. In this clip which is linked and timestamped below he claims he left America because for the same reason Styxhexenhammer66 has, "... he is outside for the same reason I am. He looks back on the US and sees a dead country in a state of decay."
Kiwi Farms Null recaps his twitter spat with shirtless youtube extraordinaire Styxhexenhammer666 over freeze peach, tech censorship and alternative platforms as well as how quickly Styx devolved to pe