GG went on for considerably longer than that, Alex killing himself is what finally put an end to any activity.
Oh! 2019 huh?

The Trump years would have been even more fun if it had been.
Also why would an unrelated person's suicide have caused GamerGate to stop?
GamerGate ended in 2016 with our successful lawsuit against Gawker Media, which at the time was the parent company of Kotaku. We bankrupted them. Shortly there after all the remaining companies installed ethics polices and the vast majority of the corrupt journalists were fired. Sargon himself marks Leigh Alexander leaving gaming as the moment we won GamerGate and declares it over. Here you can see everyone saying goodbye to each other:
Sargon then held a gay ass pancake breakfast which I can't find on YouTube because it's probably been shoahed. Then they attempted to do some kind of post GamerGate confrence/debate with anti-GG where anti-GG doesn't show up and Antifa calls in bomb threats.
Sargon then moves all the momentum from GamerGate to his "civic nationalist" Kekistan movement and the election of Donald Trump. After the election, however, it falls apart over the persecution of RageAfterStorm a female YouTuber who's takes were more alt right (but nothing comparied to what people are regularly saying these days on twitter) than the rest of the group could handle. They bulled her off the internet and humiliated themselves in the process, completely destroying their audiences. And with that the movement that had been GamerGate completely disappears. That was 2017. Murdoch Murdoch hilariously parodies that here:
(Seriously, this is hilarious. Watch it.)
Leaving out the Internet Aristocrat video that made that post noticeable, interesting.
You've got it exactly backwards. TotalBiscuit had a 2.2 million subscriber YouTube channel. Jim is huge these days. But he got popular talking about GamerGate. When Bane first made his twitlonger post and his first video calling for action, no one had even heard of The Internet Aristocrat.
TotalBiscuit made Internet Aristocrat's videos noticeable, not the other way around.
This is a blatant lie, they are still mega profitable power houses
Proved that wrong with a citation.
When a fact shows me to be wrong, I change what I believe to match the facts, instead of attacking the person who told them to me. That's what being a man is, in my opinion.
It still isn't getting heard due to the sheer number of chi chi men on Youtube all reading from the same reddit posts hoping to gain subs to their patreon accounts.
I don't know what that means. The point is that none of the people controlling games reviews are journalists any more and the power of journalists is a fraction of what it was in 2014. You can literally see on my chart that they hold about just about 1/10th of the influence that they did in 2014.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you calling me Jesse?
You're one of the people who ruined his life and destroyed his family after he died.
Bane could have remained our leader and led us to a very different GamerGate movement, but he chose not to, and that was his choice to make. No one targeted his family after he died. The fact that he had been associated with that
dirty alt right chud nazi GamerGate is what destroyed his memory for a lot of his fans.
It's also really worth considering what would have happened if Jim had remained our leader after TB backed out. GamerGate would have been a lot more alt right. I don't know. Would have been interesting.
It was honestly like a goldilocks kind of thing. Bane was too soft. Jim was too hard. Sargon was a complete cringy faggot, but he led us to sink Gawker media.
Like how you used Google stats to try proving that one of the most well known and prolific gaming journalism outfits in the world is "dead"? You're kind of a dumbass man.
Google stats show it to be dead.
I don't know what else to say. Instead of getting mad at me for presenting you with facts that show you to be wrong, why not just correct what you believe so that you believe something true instead of false?
Again, it's what being a man is.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?
Is this a Breaking Bad reference. I've never seen that show.
That was all I needed to see tbh.
Yeah, because you're a girl. You're going to believe whatever you want to believe and facts be damned. And you're going to throw bitch fits at me over just having facts you don't want to be true.

Instead, just realize you are wrong and calmly correct yourself to be right. Is it hard?