• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
kiwifarms would be better if nullo killed himself.
Null is too educated and worldly to end his life.
They're right, the site would be better off if Null deleted both threads. Instead, he picked the side of the TERF's instead of the incels and is dealing with the consequences of it.
the site would be better off if he dropped dead stopped interfering and declared that posting in either thread made you fair game for mockery in off topic threads.instead he allows the fat whores to antagonize other users until they hide behind his gunt when criticized. Ive lost count of the amount of times his terf ho's start a fight or sperg dumbass remarks and users that says anything gets punished or banned

i noticed this creature who sucks joshys balls at every opportunity

gets away with posting MATI threadlinks in the manhate thread despite the "crossposting ban":


All it posts is manhate and crying about da juice but is also more fragile than Reddit trannies

i wish i had the time to do a deeper dive on the manhate posters its like a goldmine of psychopath and personality disorders
the site would be better off if he dropped dead stopped interfering and declared that posting in either thread made you fair game for mockery in off topic threads.instead he allows the fat whores to antagonize other users until they hide behind his gunt when criticized. Ive lost count of the amount of times his terf ho's start a fight or sperg dumbass remarks and users that says anything gets punished or banned

i noticed this creature who sucks joshys balls at every opportunity
View attachment 60845
gets away with posting MATI threadlinks in the manhate thread despite the "crossposting ban":
View attachment 60844
View attachment 60843
All it posts is manhate and crying about da juice but is also more fragile than Reddit trannies
View attachment 60841
i wish i had the time to do a deeper dive on the manhate posters its like a goldmine of psychopath and personality disorders
This is history repeating. If you look at some of the first posts in this thread from all the way back in 2020/2021, people were saying the same things about A&H posters.
this fat bitch couldve just lied and said he was working on it
hes too much of a wuss to go on camera so nobody would know he was an ever expanding blimp
he powerlevels as much as the BPHags then whines when people mock him for his stupid takes
same as the terfs there
Null often talks about how trannies intrude in to female spaces and the women are to polite to tell them to fuck off not having the selfawarness that he is doing the same exact thing.

The "ladies" in BP dropping hints.
The sad thing is I'm in a similar boat, I'm not technically overweight now atleast (yay!) But I only recently started daily gym in the last 2 weeks. I'm down almost 4 pounds and feel much, much stronger. It's really not hard and I'm a womban, but I bet I can already lift more than him 🤭 His excuses feel like me a month ago, which was 100% fat cope

They let wombats into your gym? Times have changed, our gyms are still segregated.
All shitty jokes aside, back when I was part time employed it was ridiculous how easy it was to get in and stay in shape. Null has most of the day to prepare meals, hit an elliptical for 40 minutes and get sun. He has zero excuse.
Like @Moist said, he could easily look up trails and gyms near wherever he is currently living if he does not have the ability to buy his own equipment.
The "fish" @Null can't pretends to not remember.

View attachment 60848
"The fish that I ate when I was specifically keeping track of the food I ate to lose weight? I don't remember."

Lol he is such a bad liar. Also he seems to have taken on a lot of self destructive female behaviors like having eating disorders which is probably why he doesn't see the TERFs as a problem since it reminds him of his nightmare upbringing.
"The fish that I ate when I was specifically keeping track of the food I ate to lose weight? I don't remember."
"I am so smart I have a bazillion IQ according to the University of Flo Rida and people always stand up and clap at my remarks while gushing how brilliant I am. The fish I got bored with from eating so often? No, I don't remember! Kill yourself faggot!"
If I could tolerate MATI at all it would be good to make a list of "Nullisms" aka the dumbfuck stuff he says. Didn't he once say that women can't stop from pissing themselves?
He will make some beastly trolless very happy with his supreme gentleman knowledge of female anatomy.
Null often talks about how trannies intrude in to female spaces and the women are to polite to tell them to fuck off not having the selfawarness that he is doing the same exact thing.

The "ladies" in BP dropping hints.
View attachment 60840
Newsflash Tutu, men don't like women who meticulously analyze male behavior like this.

I bet she's wonderful in person.