All Races, ethnicities, religions. Gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Community Featured Submissions 🧅
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  • Retraction: The Mystery Ashley is not the Original Ashley
Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh is, once again, writing something that perfectly describes himself.
109 services.png
So they're just like Kiwifarms, who sent their strongest fatties and assbleeding trannies to ogle at Rackets. Anyone who has used KF will feel right at home in Something Awful
Something Awful & Something Awfuller.
Josh miserably copes and seethes about the kiwis appearance at the Rekieta trial on MATI today. Personally lambasting several users for their comments in the trial thread. Particularly the one about Rekieta's kids and the troon kiwis ass.
>"nooooooooo you just can't comment on people's appearance unwarranted like we do in every single thread about cows and noncows because you just can't okay?"
Just join the 41% already if making fun of a trooned out Hank Hill sets his impotent rage off because he was courting said tranny.