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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I would *TOTALLY* believe Null at his word that he just wants to show footage of the house and will never, no, not me show the children with coke in their hair. It's not like Null has a million ways of leaking the full video of the raid in a way that the leak is never traceable back back to him. Null exists and thrives in the kind of darknet milieu that facilitates exactly those kinds of untraceable leaks. And once again, we have Null insisting that Rekieta is controlling April into refusing to release the house search footage, a woman that Null doesn't know anything about yet insists would have otherwise totally agreed to embarrass herself and her boyfriend before one of the most toxic and obsessive standoms in the world. Null the feminist is once against perpetrating the idea that women have no thought or willpower of their own and are gullible children who are easily manipulated by men - which is obviously the kind of woman Null wants for himself.
we have Null insisting that Rekieta is controlling April into refusing to release the house search footage, a woman that Null doesn't know anything about yet insists would have otherwise totally agreed to embarrass herself and her boyfriend before one of the most toxic and obsessive standoms in the world. Null the feminist is once against perpetrating the idea that women have no thought or willpower of their own and are gullible children who are easily manipulated by men - which is obviously the kind of woman Null wants for himself.
So the weirdest thing about this is that April's ex husband Aaron who was one of the members of the Rekeita polycule is being swept for by pretty much everyone on the Kiwi Farms side from Null to Kino Casino to that Fat Lawyer dude who Josh talks to sometimes. Thing is the guy was proven in the aftermath of the Rekeita arrest to have assaulted April and had a number of incidents with his ex wife from which he now has a restraining order to not talk about her on his show because he was using his internet show to get back at his ex wife who is the mother of his kids btw.

This guy is a verified piece of shit almost to the level that rekieta is being accused of but Null et al wont touch him because they like using him as a cudgel against Rekieta knowing that some of the info Aaron drops is probably untrue.
So the weirdest thing about this is that April's ex husband Aaron who was one of the members of the Rekeita polycule is being swept for by pretty much everyone on the Kiwi Farms side from Null to Kino Casino to
Didn't Kino, during the Mutahar crossover on Rekieta, brought up how Aaron also lied to them?
Null is still fighting with the DSP board and it kind of seems like he wants to close it down as he is arguing that DSP isn't a lolcow. The reason for this will become clear here.

Null thinks if he can just get to 40, calm down and find a woman dumb enough to marry him he will definitely not be a lolcow and the implication that DSP is one wounds Josh greatly. "incompetent and inflexible. rarely goes outside his comfort zone" thats josh to a T.


Null resents that he obviously doesn't know much about DSP and has people try to tell him why DSP is funny because of this. Ironically he completely contradicts himself and ruins his own point. At one point he says he doesn't need to have it explained to him but later he says he likes Ethan Ralph as a lolcow better because he understands what the backstory is. Way to ruin your own point dipshit.
Yet another Kiwi Farms user has been outed as a pedophile. I cannot stress enough that this person's existence on a website that doxes children and is currently trying to get footage of junkie lawyers children released is a) funny b) free speech c) absolutely no problem whatsoever because said pedo has not personally embarassed Joshua Connor Moon; proprietor of Pedo Farms.
Josh had a massive spergout this morning that ended in him insulting his entire userbase. The provocation? They offer him troubleshooting advice because he is a terrible programmer.
That one hits ${Sandy} really fucking hard that Sandy begins to seethe over being lambasted over offering an incompetent programmer advice.

"Because null is angry and thinks everyone is a..."
I didn't capture that last one but I just realized that ${Sandy} is unironically pissed that his offering of legitimate programming advice in the face of not knowing much about the real issue plaguing Null at hand, the issue which is most likely that Null accidentally pulled his own fucking power cable and is now blaming DA TROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONZ!

If you are on Kiwifarms, you will be rewarded with either being yelled at by a fat retard who regularly fantasizes about murdering his own mother or with a ban.

Null, you are a fucking asshole.:story:
Josh had a massive spergout this morning that ended in him insulting his entire userbase. The provocation? They offer him troubleshooting advice because he is a terrible programmer.
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That one hits ${Sandy} really fucking hard that Sandy begins to seethe over being lambasted over offering an incompetent programmer advice.
View attachment 62941

"Because null is angry and thinks everyone is a..."
I didn't capture that last one but I just realized that ${Sandy} is unironically pissed that his offering of legitimate programming advice in the face of not knowing much about the real issue plaguing Null at hand, the issue which is most likely that Null accidentally pulled his own fucking power cable and is now blaming DA TROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONZ!

If you are on Kiwifarms, you will be rewarded with either being yelled at by a fat retard who regularly fantasizes about murdering his own mother or with a ban.

Null, you are a fucking asshole.:story:
Null is not a man and has no idea about other men so he vents like a woman and expects other men that had fathers to understand that he just wants to talk about his feelings and be heard. He doesn't want to be given advice he just wants to complain about his problems like an old lady.
View attachment 62942
Yet another Kiwi Farms user has been outed as a pedophile. I cannot stress enough that this person's existence on a website that doxes children and is currently trying to get footage of junkie lawyers children released is a) funny b) free speech c) absolutely no problem whatsoever because said pedo has not personally embarassed Joshua Connor Moon; proprietor of Pedo Farms.
What it is about the Kiwi Farms that attracts so many pedophiles? What could it be? What a mystery this is...
Jorsch continues to rage at the DSP board contradicting himself the whole way and revealing his real motives for keeping the board up.

Josh angry that people are trying to discuss with him on a disscussion forum.


Josh writes more novels about how not mad he is.

I don't even know what he's smoking here "you can't criticize me unless you punch a gypsy" Uh ok Josh nice deflection.

So what Josh? You just got done telling us how little you care about DSP. He's totally mask off here as he admits he just wants to control discussion of lolcows cause he sees them as his own personal little trophy having accomplished nothing in his sad shitty life.
Null being a feminist:

"They very quickly switched out of their stockings to what appears to be prostitute clothing. Like legit, if you saw April on the fucking street, you would just assume that she was a whore, that you could just buy at that moment. Kayla doesn't look much better, but April in particular, she looks like she's fucking for sale.", says the vindictive scumbag who offered April four figures thinking she'd be dumb enough of a blonde to sell out her privacy and that of her boyfriend's kids to someone like Null who will totally definitely never doxx the kids before the most rabid, vindictive standom on the planet.

Let's get real here, if April had accepted Null's offer and agreed to sign away her privacy for the sake of Null getting the video of the drug raid, Null would've complimented April on her fashion sense in that very same picture where he now calls her a whore. All Null cares about is how useful people are to him in his various vendettas.
They offer him troubleshooting advice because he is a terrible programmer.

Null doesn't troubleshoot anything, he expects his fellow brocoders to do it for him. OK, TBF IIRC he did suggest he's using Docker containers to test things, but still, when the crap with the disappearing text box was happening on KF (which entirely the result of Null using unlicensed forum software, I bet whoever was targeting KF must've known about that bug in Xenforo), Null literally came into the TG thread and told Kiwis that they shouldn't post about their issues unless they are a professional troubleshooter who can write him a pro bug report. I got so MATI that he would pull such a fucking lame RTFM move on his users.

At one point I started working on a bingo card with Null's usual excuses for his site being in a shit state, but I stopped because it was getting too full as he was making up more and more excuses:


You should've seen the way Null was lashing out against Kiwis in the Technical Grievances thread during #DropKiwiFarms ("I really really really really do not understand how you guys are breaking the ddos page.", LMAO!), who were only trying to help him deal with the DDoS attacks. The asskissing on KF towards Null as if he's some kind of tech genius is so silly:

As time has gone on since the #DropKiwiFarms failed attempt - I've followed along your KiwiFlare endeavor. Big props to the effort put forth and modifications from its original form. I get excited on each notable version update lol. Part of me has wanted to ask if you ever plan to open source it but I entirely understand why you wouldn't. Most individuals couldn't possibly host it for their own needs and certainly lack the infrastructure in place to accommodate the resource requirements. Would you say it's more CPU or bandwidth heavy for the attacks you've seen in the past 6-12 months? Maybe even 2 years. Obviously doesn't require a reply but the tech talk of it does intrigue me.

"Part of me has wanted to ask if you ever plan to open source it but I entirely understand why you wouldn't", tellingly, Null didn't bother to point out to this curious Kiwi that the anti-DDoS software he's using, namely HAproxy, is already open source:


And Null's anti-DDoS protection for the .onion, Endgame, is also open source, and is in fact mirrored by CrunkLord420 on his Gitgud account:

Re my previous post where I asked, "Is CrunkLord420 perhaps Alec Murphy, the disappeared TempleOS developer": I have been browsing CrunkLord420's gitgud.io account a bit, and he sounds way more serious and mature in his software documentation than he does on KF or on his neocities website. It's pretty obvious from the quality of his games and the audio-visual effects that he incorporates into them that he's a fluent C programmer, way more seasoned than Null is. I get the impression that CrunkLord420 is more experienced with tech stuff generally than Null is. Null once said on MATI something to the effect that he "doesn't always understand his [CrunkLord's] reasoning" when implementing solutions for KF, which made CrunkLord sound like some weirdo eccentric engaged in the online equivalent of redneck engineering. But the more I look at his stuff, the more I wonder whether if this remark was one of Null's typical backhanded insults, just because Null didn't want to admit that CrunkLord420 is the more experienced nerd between the two of them, so that Null wouldn't have to reveal his reliance upon him. I suspect that CrunkLord420 is LARPing as a dumb teenager online because he doesn't want people to guess at his real age. Which is very troony, they too like to infantilize themselves, but it could also be some OPSEC age-LARPing.

Not only did CrunkLord420 introduce Null to Monero in 2017 ("@CrunkLord420 turned me onto XMR and I have a considerable amount of thanks to give him for that", people on this forum already noted that CrunkLord420 is a "crypto-shill"), I also now suspect that CrunkLord420 was the one who introduced Null to that POS anti-DDoS software HAproxy, that Null started using after he was dropped by Cloudflare. But I need to do a little more research into this.
What it is about the Kiwi Farms that attracts so many pedophiles? What could it be? What a mystery this is...
I just know for a fact it has nothing to do with those groomer gooner DMs, the rampant CSAM posts, anyone Odd Opossum ever accused of posting underage nudes, or the Kiwi @ipreferpickles busted for creeping on teenagers.