An Onion Among Onions
It's also hilarious to me that Jershua thinks Nick owes him anything at all. They aren't friends, he did nothing to make him popular, runs an entire subforum devoted to shitting on him and Jersh is continually and endlessly sperging out about how he himself doesn't owe anyone anything, but if someone shovels a plate of his own shit back in his face, he is like WELL I NEVER HOW DARE HE? At one point during the MATI segment he did about the DMs Nick released, he literally broke down in a screaming fit about how Balldo needs to give him the footage now like a fucking 3 year old.
Nick is a lying piece of shit and not releasing the footage before it has to be is in his best interest. Jersh has some realization of this but he still thinks if he whines and screams enough to Balldo about it, he'll break down like a tired mother with a toddler in a grocery store that wants some piece of candy. It isn't going to happen, deal with it.

Keep in mind that he has people like this cheering him on. I'm sure his ego has reached the point he genuinely believes everyone, governments included, should just follow his every command lest they face his wrath.