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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh likes catboys?

Nowadays, whenever someone confronts him about it, he is very quick to denounce it and say he was only a teenager at the time.
View attachment 61633

Nowadays, whenever someone confronts him about it, he is very quick to denounce it and say he was only a teenager at the time.
What has Josh said about his grandfather?
The same reason any other website would: Publicity.
Remember, Josh said he wanted to "legitimize" the Kiwi Farms:
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By "legitimize" I suspect what he means is "make mainstream."

His goal seems to be to make the Kiwi Farms something within the realm of Twitter or YouTube. Probably closer to Twitter so he can be his own kind of Elon Musk. The people saying this is looking more and more like Something Awful are correct. However, I think Josh believes himself to be far cleverer than Lowtax and capable of succeeding where Lowtax failed.

Let's even take his recent conversation with Nick into focus. The way that Josh comes cross is almost as to warrant Nick owes something to him. Like, because Nick is a lolcow dirtbag, he needs to kiss the godfather's ring and show fealty. And what does Nick do? He laughs in his face and Josh has to scurry back to his website and cry about it. This is why he hates Keemstar and Metokur and why he cannot hide his jealousy of Turkey Tom. He believes the Kiwi Farms hold some kind special value that it does not.

Josh's ego is also transitory. Even among regular users, the Kiwi Farms fosters an unwarranted sense of self-importance. Like if you hurt someone's ego, they think they can just dox you and ruin your life.
Really Josh? For most of the Kiwifarm's existence your goal was to be King Badass, scream at anyone you didn't like to neck himself, eat shit, ban them, or tell them to get lost. You have stated that KF has been banned by 100 entities (countries, payment processors, credit cards, ISPs and so forth). You have been basically disowned by your family, and for all practical purposes blacklisted from the IT field. Mainstream Kiwifarms? That ship sailed out years ago and it's never coming back.
Only a complete faggot would cry about how his parents saved him from having to clean smegma out of his foreskin with a Q tip.
One time I got banned from Facebook for reposting a guy who said he was traumatized by being "birth raped with a knife" aka medically circumcised as a baby. He posted these long, public rants on an account with his face. I had to repost his hilarious rants with a summary and his face but got in trouble.
Mainstream Kiwifarms? That ship sailed out years ago and it's never coming back.
He should have hired you to be his normalcy ambassador.