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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Believe or not, I have a few family members, though not really close, in big international companies. We are content capitalists because well, we make money, and quite frankly, we are selfish lots. But my relatives are open about big companies acquiring small, successful companies to buy the IP and products, rebrand them as their own and make profits. That's how multibillion businesses grow; they are very conservative in their own R&D because the CEOs and stockholders are interested in money, money and money only, and they will not undertake any risks that cost them profits. So, it's easier to scout smaller start up companies with promising products, collaborate them, and eventually buy them. This means that big companies will only get bigger and bigger to the point their only real competitors are other big multibillion companies. Small businesses can't survive anymore with every commodity being "walmart"-fied one way or the other. I mean, do you want to go to a no-name piece of shit clothe store in your downtown, or Walmart that sells cheap shit that you can return later? Customers are always selfish, as they should, and they will pick whta's easy for them, just like how multibillion businesses do. That is why, per my uncle, "innovation is dead and we are all pretending."

From my perspectives, lolbertarians default mindset is to argue in favor of "winning side," which is always, businesses. Customer rights or labor rights are afterthoughts or even detriment to their pro-business beliefs, as Ayn Rand openly loathed workers and any government attempts against businesses. In essence, it's a self-serving ideology with self-fulfilling prophecy; elect corrupt politicians, the politicians do some shit that fuck people's lives, other corrupt fucks say "government is corrupt, we should downsize their influence!", people buy that KoolAid, and elect other corrupt fucks that will funnel taxpaye'rs money to their business friends. IT's a vicious cycle that has happened since that retard Reagan became the President.
liberterans are all people that work at mcdonald's, but instead of siding with labor on any issue, whether it be on controlling the inflation of rent; or raising their vacation days, wages, or other benefits; or on any societal wide thing like healthcare, they throw labor under the bus and suck up to literal billionaires to feel a slight sense of power and validation like crabs in the bucket. One day, they'll own private property, and a small business off of selling virtual bananas and they're not totally fucked like everyone else is.
liberterans are all people that work at mcdonald's, but instead of siding with labor on any issue, whether it be on controlling the inflation of rent; or raising their vacation days, wages, or other benefits; or on any societal wide thing like healthcare, they throw labor under the bus and suck up to literal billionaires to feel a slight sense of power and validation like crabs in the bucket. One day, they'll own private property, and a small business off of selling virtual bananas and they're not totally fucked like everyone else is.
Liberterians constantly say "to pull yourself up by the bootstraps" - but all they do to try to earn money is lazy, get-rich-quick schemes like virtual bananas and NFT's, and when working people collectively pull themselves by the boostraps and form things like unions or labor parties they fume over it.
Josh claimed last MATI that "Kiwifarms has gotten pedophiles arrested."

His evidence of this was the article below which was part of a post he once featured.

There is no evidence that Kiwifarms has aided the arrest. Not even DrNow claims credit which he has done previously (which is still dubious and yet to be fully proven.)

Who are these pedophiles Josh is speaking of that his "Lolcow website" has allegedly helped arrest?
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Some niggerish coon gave this fat uncle tom his own fursona and the likes and dislikes is accurate, found this in the "Art for Null" thread
reminder that this the same site that post this.
View attachment 57302

TBF... setting up a movie night on cytube isn't hard, half the tricky part is getting people to actually install the tampermonkey script to use stuff on gdrive.

So it not happening, site troubles or no was kind of fuckin' lol. Kengle really shouldn't have announced it til he actually knew what he was doing and it was kind of obvious he didn't.

(I literally do the shit 4 days a week on cytube)
TBF... setting up a movie night on cytube isn't hard, half the tricky part is getting people to actually install the tampermonkey script to use stuff on gdrive.

So it not happening, site troubles or no was kind of fuckin' lol. Kengle really shouldn't have announced it til he actually knew what he was doing and it was kind of obvious he didn't.

(I literally do the shit 4 days a week on cytube)
Setting up the account was easy if it is just YouTube videos.
Setting up the account was easy if it is just YouTube videos.

I mean I can setup a little something for you, the gdrive thing really isn't hard even there is an installer for the script on cytube that I didn't even know about.

Honestly the thing that gets most people with the script is brave shields or just not hard refreshing the page after installing it, or not being logged into google.
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I'm not installing scripts on my browser. Why can't the videos be hosted on Onionfarms.com?

It's the only way you get shit off gdrive and probably the only way you could get the videos to work on cytube even if you host them here. Cytube is designed out the box to only work with a handful of sites but to get it to accept stuff from gdrive or another site you do need the script.

And the reason to not host here, do you really want Kengle getting in trouble for piracy? Do you think random assholes won't maybe report him?

In general if you want the movies not look like dogshit and crash all the time you probably do want to do it this way, there are other options but trust me from experience I can tell you it's asking for problems a lot more.

Though I do get the reasons for concern, been using it for years with different gdrive socks and been fine.
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It's the only way you get shit off gdrive and probably the only way you could get the videos to work on cytube even if you host them here. Cytube is designed out the box to only work with a handful of sites but to get it to accept stuff from gdrive or another site you do need the script.

This is what I'm not understanding though. The best hosting solution for cytube is a misuse of fucking google drive, only possible by way of a hack script running locally on every client?

I'm all for sticking it to Pajeetkikes, but surely there must be a better way in 2024?
This is what I'm not understanding though. The best hosting solution for cytube is a misuse of fucking google drive, only possible by way of a hack script running locally on every client?

I'm all for sticking it to Pajeetkikes, but surely there must be a better way in 2024?

Feel free to ask around, but far as I know that's what all the channels do in one way or another. If you aren't having to install the script they are running in the background and injecting it into the files if it's hosted on google.

Youtube, Odysee, Internet Archive, bitchute, and a few other places will work too but if you want anything that's not there basically the only way I know of.

You could try other places to host the files but I do think if you aren't doing it from them the script comes into play? I'd have to check to be sure.... I've seen other people use catbox (it runs like shit), or https://pomf2.lain.la/ .... you know just weird file hosting shit but it's mostly too small for movies of any decent resolution.


Ran it through Chat GPT and asked for it's thoughts on it and this what I got back. (whatever that is worth to you)

This Tampermonkey script allows users to play Google Drive videos on CyTube, a platform for synchronized video watching. Here's a detailed breakdown of its components and functionality:


Copy code
// ==UserScript==
// @NAme Google Drive Video Player for CyTube
// @namespace gdcytube
// @description Play Google Drive videos on CyTube
// @include https://cytu.be/r/*
// @include https://www.cytu.be/r/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @connect docs.google.com
// @run-at document-end
// @version 1.7.0
// ==/UserScript==
  • @NAme: Name of the script.
  • @namespace: Namespace to prevent naming conflicts.
  • @description: Short description of the script.
  • @include: URLs where the script should run.
  • @grant: Permissions the script requires (unsafeWindow for interacting with the webpage's window object, GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM.xmlHttpRequest for making cross-origin requests).
  • @connect: Domain allowed for cross-origin requests.
  • @run-at: Specifies when the script should run (at the end of the document loading).

Main Script​

Utility Functions​

  • debug: Logs messages to the console.
  • httpRequest: Handles HTTP requests, compatible with different versions of Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey.
  • ITAG_QMAP and ITAG_CMAP: Maps ITAG values to video quality and content types.

Core Functionality​

  • getVideoInfo: Fetches video information from Google Drive using the provided video ID.
    • Constructs the URL for the request.
    • Makes the HTTP GET request.
    • Processes the response to extract video metadata.
    • Handles various errors (e.g., requiring login, missing video streams).
  • mapLinks: Organizes video links by quality using the ITAG mappings.

Polling Mechanism​

  • getGoogleDriveMetadata_GM: Sets up polling for fetching video metadata.
    • Polls for the video ID.
    • Calls the callback with the fetched metadata.
  • setupGDPoll: Sets up a polling mechanism to handle cross-boundary communication between the browser's JS environment and the script's sandbox.

Compatibility and Initialization​

  • isTampermonkeyCompatible: Checks if the script is running under a compatible environment (Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey).
  • Initialization: Depending on compatibility:
    • Directly assigns getVideoInfo to unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata.
    • Uses the polling workaround for other environments.
Copy code
if (isTampermonkeyCompatible()) {
unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata = getVideoInfo;
} else {
debug('Using non-TM polling workaround');
unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata = exportFunction(
getGoogleDriveMetadata_GM, unsafeWindow);

unsafeWindow.console.log('Initialized userscript Google Drive player');
unsafeWindow.hasDriveUserscript = true;
unsafeWindow.driveUserscriptVersion = '1.7';
  • Initializes the userscript, setting up the necessary functions and indicating that the script is active.

Error Handling​

  • Catches any errors during the script execution and logs them to the console.
Overall, this script allows CyTube users to fetch and play Google Drive videos by handling the necessary metadata requests and processing the video streams, accommodating different environments with a polling mechanism when required.

Is there anything weird or suspicious going on with the script?

The script appears to be designed for a legitimate purpose: enabling the playback of Google Drive videos on CyTube. However, there are a few points to consider to ensure its safety and legitimacy:

1. Permissions and API Usage​

  • @grant unsafeWindow: This allows the script to access the webpage's window object, which can be risky if misused. It can potentially interact with or alter the webpage in ways that the user might not expect.
  • @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest / GM.xmlHttpRequest: These are necessary for making cross-origin requests, but they also have the potential to be misused for data exfiltration.

2. HTTP Requests to Google​

  • The script makes requests to https://docs.google.com/get_video_info to fetch video metadata. This is a normal use case for obtaining video streams, but it's important to ensure that these requests are not being used to collect sensitive information.

3. Polling Mechanism​

  • The script uses a polling mechanism to check for metadata requests, which is a bit unconventional. This might be a workaround for sandbox limitations, but it can also introduce performance overhead and complexity.

4. Potential Privacy Concerns​

  • The script requires the user to be logged into their Google account to access certain videos. This means that it might be able to access information associated with the user's Google session if misused.

5. Debugging Messages​

  • The script logs messages to the console, which is typical for debugging. However, excessive logging can sometimes be used to mask other activities.

Recommendations for Verification​

  1. Review the Source: Ensure that the source of the script is trustworthy and well-reviewed by other users.
  2. Analyze Network Traffic: Use browser developer tools to monitor the network requests made by the script to confirm that no unexpected data is being sent.
  3. Check for Updates: Ensure that the script is regularly updated and maintained, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Detailed Review​

  • Error Handling: The script has robust error handling, which is a good practice.
  • Compatibility Handling: The script accounts for different environments (Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey), which indicates thorough development.
  • Metadata Mapping: The mapping of video quality and content types is straightforward and seems focused on its intended functionality.


There doesn't appear to be anything overtly malicious or suspicious in the script. However, the use of unsafeWindow and the need for cross-origin requests necessitate a careful review of the source and behavior. Ensuring the script is sourced from a reputable place and monitoring its network activity can help mitigate potential risks.
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Feel free to ask around, but far as I know that's what all the channels do in one way or another. If you aren't having to install the script they are running in the background and injecting it into the files if it's hosted on google.

Youtube, Odysee, Internet Archive, bitchute, and a few other places will work too but if you want anything that's not there basically the only way I know of.

You could try other places to host the files but I do think if you aren't doing it from them the script comes into play? I'd have to check to be sure.... I've seen other people use catbox (it runs like shit), or https://pomf2.lain.la/ .... you know just weird file hosting shit but it's mostly too small for movies of any decent resolution.


Ran it through Chat GPT and asked for it's thoughts on it and this what I got back. (whatever that is worth to you)

This Tampermonkey script allows users to play Google Drive videos on CyTube, a platform for synchronized video watching. Here's a detailed breakdown of its components and functionality:


Copy code
// ==UserScript==
// @NAme Google Drive Video Player for CyTube
// @namespace gdcytube
// @description Play Google Drive videos on CyTube
// @include https://cytu.be/r/*
// @include https://www.cytu.be/r/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @connect docs.google.com
// @run-at document-end
// @version 1.7.0
// ==/UserScript==
  • @NAme: Name of the script.
  • @namespace: Namespace to prevent naming conflicts.
  • @description: Short description of the script.
  • @include: URLs where the script should run.
  • @grant: Permissions the script requires (unsafeWindow for interacting with the webpage's window object, GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM.xmlHttpRequest for making cross-origin requests).
  • @connect: Domain allowed for cross-origin requests.
  • @run-at: Specifies when the script should run (at the end of the document loading).

Main Script​

Utility Functions​

  • debug: Logs messages to the console.
  • httpRequest: Handles HTTP requests, compatible with different versions of Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey.
  • ITAG_QMAP and ITAG_CMAP: Maps ITAG values to video quality and content types.

Core Functionality​

  • getVideoInfo: Fetches video information from Google Drive using the provided video ID.
    • Constructs the URL for the request.
    • Makes the HTTP GET request.
    • Processes the response to extract video metadata.
    • Handles various errors (e.g., requiring login, missing video streams).
  • mapLinks: Organizes video links by quality using the ITAG mappings.

Polling Mechanism​

  • getGoogleDriveMetadata_GM: Sets up polling for fetching video metadata.
    • Polls for the video ID.
    • Calls the callback with the fetched metadata.
  • setupGDPoll: Sets up a polling mechanism to handle cross-boundary communication between the browser's JS environment and the script's sandbox.

Compatibility and Initialization​

  • isTampermonkeyCompatible: Checks if the script is running under a compatible environment (Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey).
  • Initialization: Depending on compatibility:
    • Directly assigns getVideoInfo to unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata.
    • Uses the polling workaround for other environments.
Copy code
if (isTampermonkeyCompatible()) {
unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata = getVideoInfo;
} else {
debug('Using non-TM polling workaround');
unsafeWindow.getGoogleDriveMetadata = exportFunction(
getGoogleDriveMetadata_GM, unsafeWindow);

unsafeWindow.console.log('Initialized userscript Google Drive player');
unsafeWindow.hasDriveUserscript = true;
unsafeWindow.driveUserscriptVersion = '1.7';
  • Initializes the userscript, setting up the necessary functions and indicating that the script is active.

Error Handling​

  • Catches any errors during the script execution and logs them to the console.
Overall, this script allows CyTube users to fetch and play Google Drive videos by handling the necessary metadata requests and processing the video streams, accommodating different environments with a polling mechanism when required.

Is there anything weird or suspicious going on with the script?

The script appears to be designed for a legitimate purpose: enabling the playback of Google Drive videos on CyTube. However, there are a few points to consider to ensure its safety and legitimacy:

1. Permissions and API Usage​

  • @grant unsafeWindow: This allows the script to access the webpage's window object, which can be risky if misused. It can potentially interact with or alter the webpage in ways that the user might not expect.
  • @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest / GM.xmlHttpRequest: These are necessary for making cross-origin requests, but they also have the potential to be misused for data exfiltration.

2. HTTP Requests to Google​

  • The script makes requests to https://docs.google.com/get_video_info to fetch video metadata. This is a normal use case for obtaining video streams, but it's important to ensure that these requests are not being used to collect sensitive information.

3. Polling Mechanism​

  • The script uses a polling mechanism to check for metadata requests, which is a bit unconventional. This might be a workaround for sandbox limitations, but it can also introduce performance overhead and complexity.

4. Potential Privacy Concerns​

  • The script requires the user to be logged into their Google account to access certain videos. This means that it might be able to access information associated with the user's Google session if misused.

5. Debugging Messages​

  • The script logs messages to the console, which is typical for debugging. However, excessive logging can sometimes be used to mask other activities.

Recommendations for Verification​

  1. Review the Source: Ensure that the source of the script is trustworthy and well-reviewed by other users.
  2. Analyze Network Traffic: Use browser developer tools to monitor the network requests made by the script to confirm that no unexpected data is being sent.
  3. Check for Updates: Ensure that the script is regularly updated and maintained, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Detailed Review​

  • Error Handling: The script has robust error handling, which is a good practice.
  • Compatibility Handling: The script accounts for different environments (Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey), which indicates thorough development.
  • Metadata Mapping: The mapping of video quality and content types is straightforward and seems focused on its intended functionality.


There doesn't appear to be anything overtly malicious or suspicious in the script. However, the use of unsafeWindow and the need for cross-origin requests necessitate a careful review of the source and behavior. Ensuring the script is sourced from a reputable place and monitoring its network activity can help mitigate potential risks.
Interesting 🤔