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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh hates vtubers, their fans, and doxed Pippa on stream which was pretty based actually. It made the vtuber chomos so furious. You can find Pippa's long history of pandering to pedophiles here.
pippa thread is why im here her controveries are huge not to mention her apparently having a trans partner?? which is her life whatev but i just wasnt surprised to see she was a trans lover and know shes trailor park trash with bad teeth..
Josh hates vtubers, their fans,

I don't think any thread on the site has this many pages.
Was he planning on using that hamster thing?
I can't remember if he decided on what the ava would have been, I do remember that Pedmenco beat him to it. Whether that had anything to do with the broom's change of heart on Vtubers..... I don't know. Pedomenco still socks on Commie Farms tho, on an account he's admitted to being his. Soooo......
I can't remember if he decided on what the ava would have been, I do remember that Pedmenco beat him to it. Whether that had anything to do with the broom's change of heart on Vtubers..... I don't know. Pedomenco still socks on Commie Farms tho, on an account he's admitted to being his. Soooo......
Istfg if Josh switches up.....(well then again it is josh sooo....)
Istfg if Josh switches up.....(well then again it is josh sooo....)
It was one of the first streams after Flamenco started cup pupping. And it was clearly a joke.
But yeah, that's so Josh innit? Definitely not our resident Creutzfeldt Jakob victim's old man memory mis-serving him. Onion Farms always has the most accurate takes
Just because something takes more words to explain doesn';t mean it's wrong.
Ultra rare W for Derpherp2. He's a retard but shouldn't be banned for it.
Josh's big brain plan to ask SCOTUS to hear his case against Russell Greer has failed and been denied.
What a dumb shit.
"Hey guys the owner of the site is just posting to ask about some obscure as fuck vtuber no one knows about talking about lolicon"
Bans anime avas though.
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Bans anime avas though.

Null isn't going to scare off his new Salon paypiggies. He has to strike a careful balance of femanons and reddit simps with money to pay for his site. Internet nazis, schizos, NEETs etc have no money. And they upset the paypiggies, so if they rock the boat they have to go.

Which is why KF discourse has become so boring and surface level to me I'm expecting a "thankyou for the gold kind stranger!" post to come up. The sites just filling up with normies who secretly dress up in their wifes lingerie on the weekend to get pegged.
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"You can't have my disability cheque!" -NEET
You think disability checks are like a $1000 a week or something? It's enough to survive and put a little away in case something breaks down. Especially in this economic era. Theres a possibility of a few stay with parents on disability, but I think they would far more likely be Women. And far more likely to donate to the site. Male NEET's living with their parents don't have a good rap on KF.

FemNEET is just finding her feet, MascNEET is just a loser. There is no background, end of story.
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Eating shit isn't a thing amongst the gays I know. I suspect null is suffering from confirmation bias there, maybe he sees a lot of shit-eating because he associated with people who eat shit?

As for sucking dick being the "worst thing imaginable" I mean sure if it's a gross dick, but really what's the difference between smoking cock and munching box? Once again if you let people talk they'll tell you who they are. A sexually inexperienced shut-in, obsessed with trannies and poop, in this case.
Josh took the eat da poo poo Uganda meme literally.
I thought the deal was he doesn't out of topic post in certain threads and assumed this was one of them. You're still an annoying fuck tard regardless.
Can you please stop debating that stupid troll about Adanna in the Joshua Moon thread? I'm here to read updates on Null, not Adanna.

Post your discussion about Adanna here:

Both Christianity and Islam were loosely based on Judaism which is far older than either religion and the stories are very similar but made to fit their narrative. They have different beliefs but all have the same foundation and similar stories altered to their liking. Basically they're spin off religions with cherry picking and different gods depending on sect.
Reason: 3 whole sentences. Such an essay.