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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
A sexually inexperienced shut-in, obsessed with trannies and poop, in this case.
Something about the term "touching the poo" triggers Josh so deeply that he'd rather it word filter to a phrase about HIV+ gay sex. What did he mean by this? :thinking:
I think we ought to start a new line of gay friendly kiwifarms promotional items.
Anyone other than Anne Hathaway Fan (RIP) bought anything? On the note of shit eaters, I think you've done enough "owning the kiwis" with that epic Brother Alameen interview. The gays have enough promotional items, it's time to start showing some love to all the coprophiliac Onions. What do you think the brown stripe on the "progress" flag means?
Something about the term "touching the poo" triggers Josh so deeply that he'd rather it word filter to a phrase about HIV+ gay sex. What did he mean by this? :thinking:

Anyone other than Anne Hathaway Fan (RIP) bought anything? On the note of shit eaters, I think you've done enough "owning the kiwis" with that epic Brother Alameen interview. The gays have enough promotional items, it's time to start showing some love to all the coprophiliac Onions. What do you think the brown stripe on the "progress" flag means?
View attachment 55302
When Adanna did the interview, I told her she could call the shots. She ran the interview: All of it. The black and brown stripes represent people of color not poo eaters.
When Adanna did the interview, I told her she could call the shots. She ran the interview: All of it. The black and brown stripes represent people of color not poo eaters.
Ok, I'll humor the whole bit about Adanna being a real person, even though everyone in their right mind remains unconvinced. Aren't these rather loaded questions?
It's so strange that "she" has such an agenda when it comes to KF / Null when by all accounts "she" should be mostly unaware of anything to do with this stuff. So if "she" exists, "she" had to be coached extensively and have been given an outline by you to follow. Never mind the fact Alameen ran around telling KF he had an interview with you coming up.
I'm really not trying to a-log you man but you've already painted yourself into a corner with this whole thing. Like I told you, the dude is a massive freak and you were going to do nothing but embarrass yourself by engaging with his schizophrenic nonsense in some bizarre attempt to make Josh look bad.
Bonus: rather strange how fluent "she" is in writing when this was "her" greatest pontification in the "verification" video, innit?


Look, all I'm really trying to say is do whatever with your Nigerian journalist larp, but stop aligning yourself with fucked up freaks like Alameen/Naught/Void just because they cry "Joshua Moon bad!" loud enough. There's a reason 0 0 is having a field day lurking here and it's completely a product of your own doing.

Edit: Archived this page since you apparently have a nasty habit of deleting things worse than Josh, which is impressive.

I'm sure it would cause the site to go down for 72 hours if you tried but I really wish you could restore my deleted Duolicious thread. The Kiwis just discovered the site the other day and their thread is on fire even though mine was made the week the site dropped and had some absolute gold I catfished out of retards. Stop deleting shit if you want someone other than Gays From LA to effort post
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Ok, I'll humor the whole bit about Adanna being a real person, even though everyone in their right mind remains unconvinced. Aren't these rather loaded questions?
View attachment 55305View attachment 55306
It's so strange that "she" has such an agenda when it comes to KF / Null when by all accounts "she" should be mostly unaware of anything to do with this stuff. So if "she" exists, "she" had to be coached extensively and have been given an outline by you to follow. Never mind the fact Alameen ran around telling KF he had an interview with you coming up.
I'm really not trying to a-log you man but you've already painted yourself into a corner with this whole thing. Like I told you, the dude is a massive freak and you were going to do nothing but embarrass yourself by engaging with his schizophrenic nonsense in some bizarre attempt to make Josh look bad.
Bonus: rather strange how fluent "she" is in writing when this was "her" greatest pontification in the "verification" video, innit?
View attachment 55307

Look, all I'm really trying to say is do whatever with your Nigerian journalist larp, but stop aligning yourself with fucked up freaks like Alameen/Naught/Void just because they cry "Joshua Moon bad!" loud enough. There's a reason 0 0 is having a field day lurking here and it's completely a product of your own doing.

Edit: Archived this page since you apparently have a nasty habit of deleting things worse than Josh, which is impressive.

I'm sure it would cause the site to go down for 72 hours if you tried but I really wish you could restore my deleted Duolicious thread. The Kiwis just discovered the site the other day and their thread is on fire even though mine was made the week the site dropped and had some absolute gold I catfished out of retards. Stop deleting shit if you want someone other than Gays From LA to effort post
Adanna was not "coached". All I told was to be purely neutral when she did the interview. What "outline"? All I told her was to try and get as much information as possible and be neutral. Part of the problem was technical, I was not quite sure how to set it up in WordPress so we did it on the forum. Adanna is a global moderator on the forum. Alameen offered to do the interview on Facebook but I said no: I wanted Adanna to remain anonymous.
Can't wait to see what kind of schizophrenic social / economic / political takes da broom has today

Barely made it 30 minutes in the kast last one when he started foaming aut US economic policy and tax codes

This niggerish coon being an expat and doing that is one thing , but when said niggerish coons sole tax payouts are whatever meagre withholdings Whataburger allegedly made ,it becomes nauseating
As for the confirmation videos, that is not where Adanna lives. As I mentioned before, she lives in Lagos. The videos she did were filmed in Ibadan (about 2 hours north of Lagos).

There is a very simple reason why she is fluent in English. Nigeria was a British colony just like Ghana was.
The videos verified literally nothing but ok Ken. Regardless, the way it's perceived is you tried to use a schizophrenic shit-eating pedophile to somehow score points against Josh.
If you want the site to grow, stop platforming every possible freak that whines about Josh loud enough. Remember @Constant? Xhe's a pedophile and a zoosadist but you still have xher "Psychology of Josh Moon" thread featured.

Regardless of how "good" you thought that TL;DR piece of armchair psychology was, that's another stain on this site, not dislike the shit stains around Alameen's mouth
The videos verified literally nothing but ok Ken. Regardless, the way it's perceived is you tried to use a schizophrenic shit-eating pedophile to somehow score points against Josh.
If you want the site to grow, stop platforming every possible freak that whines about Josh loud enough. Remember @Constant? Xhe's a pedophile and a zoosadist but you still have xher "Psychology of Josh Moon" thread featured.
View attachment 55315
Regardless of how "good" you thought that TL;DR piece of armchair psychology was, that's another stain on this site, not dislike the shit stains around Alameen's mouth
What "points" did I score against Josh? I'm not sure you mean by this?
Barely made it 30 minutes in the kast last one when he started foaming aut US economic policy and tax codes
I've stopped even attempting to listen to his show. I hadn't in months and rage quit within ten minutes of him sucking off The Westboro Baptist (((Church))).
Like I said when I was sperging about his partnership with Sanctioned Suicide, he has some bizarre dream of building an alliance with all the worst people who use freeze peach as an excuse for their destructive behavior.
I'll probably check out any future Person Streams™ he does since those are good but fuck putting his noise in my head
What "points" did I score against Josh? I'm not sure you mean by this?

Can you please stop debating that stupid troll about Adanna in the Joshua Moon thread? I'm here to read updates on Null, not Adanna.

Post your discussion about Adanna here:

Can you please stop debating that stupid troll about Adanna in the Joshua Moon thread? I'm here to read updates on Null, not Adanna.

Post your discussion about Adanna here:

>24 hours later
>Please stop making me click next page once
>Backseat jannying
Do us all a favor and stop taking your PrEP
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@thefrogninja can you imagine Null being grilled like this about KF in court upon returning to the US? ...US?

"As a collective, your platforms really suck at policing themselves"

"Young ones are the best ones."

"There's families of victims here today"

If it were to ever happen, somebody need to record that shit, lmao, whoever against in there finna whoop that nigga into a different realm if he ever go to court, lol