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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
From the britbong thread


They're going to get rekt so quick if the SneedForo version goes live :story:
He's spent so long poking the programmer socks community that there's no way they don't find a fatal flaw in his work within a week
If you want a taste of what sneedforo will be like, have a gander at his dreadful chat plugin that consumes gigabytes of RAM, repeatedly polls a connection so that it drains phone batteries flat and allowed an XSS attack on the farms.
"The Pentateuch, or the books of Moses, are the first five books in the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These five books ascribed to Moses have a peculiar place in the structure of the Bible and an order which is undeniably the order of the experience of the people of God in all ages."

Gosh. Looks like I've actually bothered to read the Bible (Jesus says you need to read the Torah to follow him, btw). And the broom is talking out of his fat arse. Again.
Josh's big brain plan to ask SCOTUS to hear his case against Russell Greer has failed and been denied.
Screenshot_20240513_103120_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20240513_103320_Samsung Internet.jpg

He (definitely not a /pol/-tard!) naturally blames the jews for his loss.
Screenshot_20240513_103224_Samsung Internet.jpg

He and his legion of brainwashed ballwashers who believe they understand law go on to cope and say people will RUE THE DAY they denied his appeal to SCOTUS. "This is truly the death of the internet as we know it," yadda yadda yadda.
Screenshot_20240513_103335_Samsung Internet.jpg

Remember when he said he "hates weak people" who give up 2 or weeks go? That's him. A weak bitch. Josh would rather wallow in self-pity and reddit karma.
Screenshot_20240513_103246_Samsung Internet.jpg

It's possible he just doesn't want to pay Hardin again, but if this were such a concern he wouldn't have bothered appealing in the first place. Perhaps the money is drying up? Supposedly he has more people to sue.
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It's possible he just doesn't want to pay Hardin again, but if this were such a concern he wouldn't have bothered appealing in the first place. Perhaps the money is drying up? Supposedly he has more people to sue.
If you spend all the lawsuits money on lawsuits then there's none left over for what joshua wants, but if you don't spend any of the lawsuit money on lawsuits then people get angsty and call you a grifter.
Josh's big brain plan to ask SCOTUS to hear his case against Russell Greer has failed and been denied.
View attachment 55512View attachment 55516

He (definitely not a /pol/-tard!) naturally blames the jews for his loss.
View attachment 55514

He and his legion of brainwashed ballwashers who believe they understand law go on to cope and say people will RUE THE DAY they denied his appeal to SCOTUS. "This is truly the death of the internet as we know it," yadda yadda yadda.
View attachment 55517

Remember when he said he "hates weak people" who give up 2 or weeks go? That's him. A weak bitch. Josh would rather wallow in self-pity and reddit karma.
View attachment 55515

It's possible he just doesn't want to pay Hardin again, but if this were such a concern he wouldn't have bothered appealing in the first place. Perhaps the money is drying up? Supposedly he has more people to sue.

holy shit this is beautiful ahahahahaha
well at least he has all that money...right guys?
Josh might end up defending lolicons again on MATI because they once said nice things about Kiwifarms.
kirsche 1.pngkirsche 2.pngkirsche 3.png

Vtubers Pippa and Kirsche spend 30 minutes defending lolicon.
"They translated lolicon as child pornography?"
"Jesus Christ those disingenuous fucks!"

Avid vtuber fan and suspected pedophile Retink Retunk defends Pippa (as he always does) and states that "um she actually gives lip service to Kiwifarms" in a compete nonsequitor to suggest people not attack her which is sadly a sentiment most users subtly express. You can get away with alot of shit if you give the farms lip service every so often.

You have to remember how much bullshit Josh put up with from Daniel Stevens because he was useful to him for a time.
Remember, most vtubers are unwilling to bash lolicon/lolicons because they understand these people make up the majority of their parasocial fanbases. A quick search of Thhrang's history shows he is a big vtuber fan so put him on the sus list.
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Josh might end up defending lolicons again on MATI because they once said nice things about Kiwifarms.
View attachment 55568View attachment 55569View attachment 55570

Remember, most vtubers are unwilling to bash lolicon/lolicons because they understand these people make up the majority of their parasocial fanbases.

"Hey guys the owner of the site is just posting to ask about some obscure as fuck vtuber no one knows about talking about lolicon"
