Kunikazu Okumura
Remarkable Onion
I'm not even shitposting or trolling here, but in all my years of being around Indians, in undergrad, grad school, and working with them, they've never smelled like curry. Usually, they overdo American cologne/perfume. Like bathe in it level if anything. Their food does have a smell that lingers, but it's delicious. Way different than "normal" USA food because the spices don't complement as much as they hit everything at once. Jersh once again shows that he has the tastes of Pcola trailer-trash. Let's see what he says about sushi next. "RAW FISH NO! SLANT EYES TRYIN TO KILL ME!"."Tell me you have autism, without telling me you have autism". We knew from the infantile PIZZA DAY, but the broom really should look into the cuisine of the Indians. Same for PPP. If you lay off the ghee, it's really good for you. Ginger is good for T (something the sektur is obsessed with, while exhibiting signs of having NONE). The sun never set on the Empire. Curry was part of that.
The rest of the world thinks Ofey smells of gone off milk... It's not the W you think it is.