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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Cook like people have done since prehistoric times.

I think there is already a real charity that adds hashes or something computery that identifies CP images so it's easier to keep them off sites:

I think he is relating to Putin because he "doesn't even try anymore".
>inb4 the jewsh "tranny spy" paranoia arc
We already had several "total retard war" arcs that went nowhere. This is gonna be good.
Everyone always cross-posts and re-posts the Blockland staledox ad nauseam, but here are some latter chatlogs between Stockings and Null that I think not enough people have read. Stockings herself shared these log in 2013:

Stocking 09/11/13(Sat)00:14 No. 29892 [Edit]
As someone who's known Null for years, you sound way too much like him to not actually be him.

Yeah I'll admit it was a bit crazy readding him and even talking to him after the threats he made. He's extremely bipolar, and he'd act extremely nice and would be actually amicable and fun to talk to, and then he'd explode into mass-murderer rants or yell very loudly through text that nobody loves him. I considered him a friend, and I guess I just forgave his weird outbursts because of that. He'd remove me at least once a week, and then readd me a couple days later. Sometimes I'd just readd him on my own, especially when he'd start telling everybody he knew that he was going to kill himself.

His life story is just so sad it's hard not to feel a tiny bit sorry for him. He was morbidly obese in school and ended up getting bullied so bad he dropped out before he could finish. Even on Blockland Forums, the only community he was ever a part of, he was hated and ridiculed on a regular basis by pretty much everyone. He's in his 20s and has yet to have his first kiss. He says things like this all the time:

Joshua: I have it
Joshua: chemical castration.
Joshua: Sex and romance and love
Joshua: total
Joshua: frusterations
Joshua: I don't care about sex
Joshua: Women piss me off
Joshua: and love doesn't exist
Joshua: If I castrate myself
Joshua: I'm done
Joshua: I don't need it
Joshua: I can just
Joshua: enjoy life
Joshua: So that's it
Joshua: Cocaine and intense work outs + chemical castration
Joshua: I've cracked the code

I dont think it was that crazy to think he'd actually kill himself or hurt somebody if I really cut off all contact with him. He apologized on multiple occasions for what he said and I chalked it up to his bipolar disorder and stayed friendly. It wasn't until the end of our friendship he started going batshit over sex and instead of threatening to rape me, he'd beg me for sex and then preach about how the only reason I wouldn't have sex with him is because I'm a gross prude or huge bitch.

Funniest part about it is how he'd then complain how I thought all he wanted was sex, and how he was actually after so much more than that. I think this chatlog illustrates that point rather well:

12:38 AM - Joshua: I think
12:38 AM - Joshua: you should say something sexy
12:38 AM - Joshua: you don't say enough sexy things
12:38 AM - Joshua: that should change
12:38 AM - Saria: that's a lotta pressure :o
12:38 AM - Joshua: no excuses
12:39 AM - Joshua: like, right now I'm kinda tired. Something broke at work and I have a lot to do tomorrow.
12:39 AM - Joshua: What would you do for me?
12:39 AM - Saria: what do you mean?
12:40 AM - Joshua: what do you think I mean
12:41 AM - Joshua: sigh.
12:41 AM - Saria: i feel uncomfortable...
12:41 AM - Joshua: whatever then.
12:41 AM - Joshua: im going to bed
12:41 AM - Joshua: midnight
12:42 AM - Saria: might be best... goodnight
12:42 AM - Joshua: yeah, i dont
12:42 AM - Joshua: like
12:42 AM - Joshua: I can't get you to do anything
12:42 AM - Joshua: frustrating.
12:42 AM - Joshua: "blowjob" or something makes you uncomfortable
12:43 AM - Joshua: I thought this time would be different
12:43 AM - Joshua: I thought you'd be open to things that were actually fun
12:43 AM - Joshua: you're just using me for fucking chitchat fodder
12:43 AM - Saria: youre asking me to talk dirty to you :c
12:44 AM - Joshua: I should have known things wouldn't have changed.
12:49 AM - Joshua: talking to you is humiliating
12:49 AM - Joshua: I'm so furious right now
12:49 AM - Saria: y
12:49 AM - Joshua: because I try to be cool with you and you string me along
12:49 AM - Joshua: nothing has changed
12:50 AM - Joshua: you're not worth my time
12:50 AM - Saria: i dont talk dirty to anyone Y~Y
12:50 AM - Joshua: and that's why you're alone
12:50 AM - Saria: lol
12:50 AM - Joshua: i'm removing you, sorry
12:50 AM - Joshua: I can't deal with this shit
12:50 AM - Saria: dont... ._.
12:50 AM - Joshua: you make me feel like shit
12:50 AM - Joshua: you realize that
12:50 AM - Joshua: right
12:50 AM - Joshua: acknowledge it
12:50 AM - Joshua: that you make me feel like shit
12:50 AM - Saria: yeah but i make you happy and a laugh a whole lot more
12:51 AM - Joshua: here's the deal
12:51 AM - Joshua: long-term I want a relationship with you
12:51 AM - Joshua: I want to have sex with you
12:51 AM - Joshua: if you're not open to that
12:51 AM - Joshua: let me know
12:51 AM - Joshua: so I can look elsewhere
12:51 AM - Joshua: thanks
12:51 AM - Joshua: see that's what normal, non-sociopathic women do
12:51 AM - Joshua: when they realize that a guy likes them that they don't like
12:51 AM - Joshua: you're a fucking broken person
12:51 AM - Joshua: you love this attention
12:51 AM - Joshua: especially when you don't recriprocate it
12:52 AM - Saria: i couldnt date you if i cant even consider you a friend :\
12:52 AM - Joshua: you don't even consider me a friend? wtf
12:52 AM - Saria: you dont consider me a friend
12:52 AM - Joshua: wtf are you smoking lady
12:52 AM - Joshua: I told you I don't want to be just friends
12:52 AM - Saria: you just want sexual things ._.
12:53 AM - Joshua: NO I DON'T
12:53 AM - Joshua: You said the last thing LAST YEAR
12:53 AM - Joshua: holy shit
12:53 AM - Joshua: NOTHING I DO FOR YOU
12:53 AM - Joshua: MATTERS TO YOU
12:53 AM - Joshua: No matter how long we talk
12:53 AM - Joshua: games we play
12:53 AM - Joshua: what I give to you
12:53 AM - Joshua: what I say to you
12:53 AM - Saria: i wont have sex with you?
12:53 AM - Joshua: you just see me as a sexual predator
12:53 AM - Joshua: yeah, i'm sorry
12:53 AM - Joshua: you're just
12:53 AM - Joshua: completely insane
12:53 AM - Joshua: goodbye
12:53 AM - Saria: ...
Joshua is now Offline.

That's really all I have to say about him to be honest. I don't hate the guy. He's a beta tryhard mysoginist to the nth degree, and totally crazy, but I think we're all a bit fucked in the head somewhere.

As for this description that Stockings offered of Null's character, "He's extremely bipolar, and he'd act extremely nice and would be actually amicable and fun to talk to, and then he'd explode into mass-murderer rants", this is what Null is doing to Slav right now. He was friendly to Slav for weeks while he was on the Polish ISP that Slav had recommended, but now that Null no longer needs Slav he's verbally abusive to him. Like it's somehow Slav's fault that it didn't work out with the Polish ISP.

More lubsick teenage Null logs from Stockings:

Stocking 09/11/13(Sat)19:49 No. 29975 [Edit]
Steam doesn't save logs, but I found a couple funny tidbits through logs that I pm'd to people.

4:07 AM - Joshua: and fuck you. whenever I think about something really affectionate involving sex I get panic attacks
4:08 AM - Joshua: like, the area right above my crotch, where my abdomen and groin meet
4:08 AM - Joshua: whenever I think about cuddling and the like
4:08 AM - Joshua: it feels like I'm being stabbed there
4:08 AM - Starberry Burst: why what
4:08 AM - Joshua: I don't even know how to handle the idea of affection
4:08 AM - Joshua: I've been astranged from cuddling my entire life
4:08 AM - Joshua: It actually hurts me to contemplate some girl crawling up next to me in bed and wrapping her arms around me
4:08 AM - Joshua: jesus fucking christ the pain gets so bad it makes me buckle if I'm standing

06:35 p.m. - Joshua: I do believe that women, more than anything, follow their own interests and are totally unempthatetic to yours truly, but that's not because they're out tog et me
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: simply because they're monsters
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: the vast majority of them, and at least all of the ones I've spoken to.
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: They react positively to being treated negatively.

5:45 AM - Joshua: who bought you saints row 2.
5:45 AM - Joshua: hahahaha
5:45 AM - Joshua: what a loser
5:45 AM - Canoness Adrastia: otis
5:45 AM - Joshua: did you tell him to do it fgt
5:45 AM - Canoness Adrastia: nah
5:45 AM - Joshua: aww, you're so sweet.
5:45 AM - Joshua: Too kind for such worthless fools.
5:46 AM - Canoness Adrastia: indeed
5:46 AM - Canoness Adrastia: im pretty much perfect
5:46 AM - Joshua: I can't imagine a nicer ass on a cuter frame.
5:46 AM - Joshua: I mean, a sweet personality for a kinder soul~~
5:46 AM - Joshua: sweeter*
5:48 AM - Joshua: oh sorry
5:48 AM - Joshua: I was trying to imitate Nick :3
5:48 AM - Joshua: Confidence, n all that jazz
5:49 AM - Canoness Adrastia: nick does not suck up in the slightest
5:49 AM - Canoness Adrastia: he picks on me
5:49 AM - Joshua: ew
5:49 AM - Joshua: please
5:49 AM - Joshua: no details or examples
5:49 AM - Joshua: gross
5:49 AM - Canoness Adrastia: you could learn a thing or two
5:50 AM - Joshua: Do not ever
5:50 AM - Joshua: say anything of the like
5:50 AM - Joshua: ever again
5:50 AM - Canoness Adrastia: there is a grey zone between complete brown-nosing
5:50 AM - Canoness Adrastia: and being a total dick
5:50 AM - Joshua: Yes Ma'am.
5:51 AM - Joshua: Okay, so what are my pointers with Ali
5:51 AM - Joshua: Don't let her know I'm sad ever
5:51 AM - Joshua: and
5:51 AM - Joshua: don't be too nice
5:51 AM - Joshua: but don't be mean
5:51 AM - Joshua: got it.
5:52 AM - Joshua: Actually the most depressing thing about this conversation was knowing that I'm second-rate to someone like fucking General Nick.
5:52 AM - Joshua: That alone is a death warrant.
5:53 AM - Canoness Adrastia: jealousy and pessimism
5:53 AM - Canoness Adrastia: define you
5:53 AM - Joshua: I'm jealous in the same sense that if a jewler and a farmer offered a diamond ring and a bag of cow shit (respectively) to a girl as a gift of engagement
5:54 AM - Joshua: and the farmer was chosen over the jewler
5:54 AM - Joshua: the jewler would be somewhat upset
5:54 AM - Joshua: (and you call me unconfident)

Remember everyone, Null is a feminist now. When CPR died, Null reminded everyone of the clip where CPR said that "women are like dogs", so let's remind ourselves of what Null the Feminist said about women:

06:35 p.m. - Joshua: I do believe that women, more than anything, follow their own interests and are totally unempthatetic to yours truly, but that's not because they're out tog et me
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: simply because they're monsters
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: the vast majority of them, and at least all of the ones I've spoken to.
06:35 p.m. - Joshua: They react positively to being treated negatively.

All you KF TERFs who sit there gushing at this "beta tryhard mysoginist to the nth degree, and totally crazy, but I think we're all a bit fucked in the head somewhere" whenever he puts up that Suffragette hamster on the screen, stop being a bunch of stupid women. You know who the fuck this guy is, and you know he's not a feminist.

PS. I'll admit I don't know what the hell "readding" with a DD means, if this is some weird esoteric IB lingo, please enlighten me.
PS. I'll admit I don't know what the hell "readding" with a DD means, if this is some weird esoteric IB lingo, please enlighten me.
Since the answer is literally four words: She added him again.
I'll have some fun and critically analyze every word she wrote.
Yeah I'll admit it was a bit crazy readding him (this means she added him back onto her friend's list, re-adding) and even talking to him after the threats he made. (this means she attempted to be friends with him even after the threats) He's extremely bipolar, and he'd act extremely nice and would be actually amicable and fun to talk to, and then he'd explode into mass-murderer rants or yell very loudly through text that nobody loves him. (literally what Josh does today. Josh acts like a child and has no restraint) I considered him a friend, and I guess I just forgave his weird outbursts because of that. (despite his threats, despite everything she called him, she still wanted to forgive him) He'd remove me at least once a week, and then readd me a couple days later. (Josh would remove her, probably after a rant declaring friendship over only to come back begging to be friends again. This is actually very common for mentally ill people) Sometimes I'd just readd him on my own, especially when he'd start telling everybody he knew that he was going to kill himself. (she probably felt guilt that Josh was suffering)
An "update" as it were on the status of the donos that were set outside of the legal fund. A user asks Null when he plans on filing suit which Null completely ignores and tries to distract from by posting some dono tallies. He said he would put up a progress bar on the front page and this post he made isn't even highlighted. This really looks like it's being swept under the rug. They are doing nothing to make this info easy to access like Null said he would, even if a progress bar is difficult it should be pretty easy to implement a numerical donation tally. This is ridiculous they aren't even trying to be transparent and you know if Null got pressed on this he would just take out the banhammer.
Well obviously.

Josh did not get $150,000. I'd be surprised if he got $15,000.

Josh's plan is on the order of pretending to have an enormous legal fund then publicly threatening Epik on Twitter and in emails from himself without benefit of counsel, in the hope they will settle.

If Josh had $150,000 I suspect he would not spend it on lawsuits. He would head to the third world (Thailand) for some hot action. And by, 'action' I mean things which would get him life without parole in the United States.
It's a bit odd from what i remember Josh used to claim that the kiwi farms has around 10k active users. Which would mean that each user has had to send in around 20 dollars each. Usually with these types of fundraisers a lot of the money comes in from 3rd parties promoting it like youtubers or twitter people who want to support a good cause but the only promotion this fundraiser has seen is one thread on a dying forum.

So lets say 50% of his userbase donated which is more reasonable but that would still mean that they donated 40 bucks each.

Why does it surprise you that he's managed to raise so much money? And is still getting money donated to him up to now?

You really do not understand how KF interacts with other, more mainstream communities online outside of "the Sektur", if you think his donors were just the people on KF.

The 10k figure (which has never been independently verified or adjusted overtime) doesn't mean that there are 10k unique people who log into KF every single day. Those are just 10k of unique users on that particular day. We don't know how many unique users log into KF in a week or in a month.

If you're going off of the 10k number, and dividing the total of the crowdfunder by that, you are using unreliable numbers for your outcome, because: 1) the crowdfunder isn't the total amount he's received, as he's still receiving checks & money orders (he claims he received 15k the other day) and donations in silver (see below), and 2) he obviously has many many donors outside the Farms, whom you're not including in your calculation.


Now, as to sources outside of KF, which you're overlooking in your calculation: Null routinely gets up to 20k-30k viers/listeners on MATI (just count his views across platforms, including the ones on the Youtube archives), and he has himself admitted that most of his MATI listeners aren't Kiwis. He advertised the crowdfunder repeatedly on MATI, so it's likely most of his donors weren't Kiwis but MATI regulars.

As for his big donors, who gave the 4-5 figure sums, it should be pretty obvious those are the big Youtubers who are Sektur-adjacent. Like I wrote here before, there's a whole Drama Channel ecosystem on Youtube that relies on KF for their videos, who need the forum to exist so they have access to new drama content to react to, make documentaries about, etc. Hence why I speculated that big, multi-millionaire Youtubers like Keemstar and Destiny might have donated the 4 or 5 figures to Null's crowdfunder. I can't prove this, of course, but they are the most likely responsible for such big sums. Those big drama channels need KiwiFarms to make content, so it's in their interest that it continues to exist. They might not link to KF as the actual source of receipts, but it's pretty obvious what the "chain of custody" for some juicy new drama is, when some drama first shows up on KF and then later on all the Drama Channels. Null knows this, that's why he's always complaining on MATI about Youtubers who use his forum as a source "not shouting out the Farms".
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Null routinely gets up to 20k-030k viers/listeners on MATI (just count his views across platforms,
View count =/= total viewers especially outside of youtube because most alt tech sites use heavy view multipliers.
As for his big donors, who gave the 4-5 figure sums, it should be pretty obvious those are the big Youtubers who are Sektur-adjacent. Like I wrote here before, there's a whole Drama Channel ecosystem on Youtube that relies on KF for their videos, who need the forum to exist so they have access to new drama content to react to, make documentaries about, etc. Hence why I speculated that big, multi-millionaire Youtubers like Keemstar and Destiny might have donated the 4 or 5 figures to Null's crowdfunder.
Keemstar and Null have issues going back a while and given their vindictive natures I don't see this happening. Destiny's career would be instantly over if it came out he donated to KF so I don't see that happening either.

And frankly KF is looking like boomer territory to a lot of the drama channels these days. A lot of zoomer cow action takes place on tik tok and there are as many cow discords as there are grains of sand on a beach. KF really isn't as important as it used to be which is why Null nuked those DSP mods with YT channels and directly called them "competition".

The lolcow podcast is dying cause it's boogie and wings and those guys are considered old hat at this point. Even King Cobra who is one of the hottest cows at this point has a pretty lackluster thread on KF. The thing is the older user base of KF including Null do not want to keep up on new cows. Consequently the new cows that younger people are interested in aren't making it to KF and in turn less people are going on KF because they've heard it all before.

Like look at this BMJ who is boring and does the same thing every stream is quickly gaining on cobes despite cobes' thread being almost a decade old. Kiwis as I've said are very possessive and will not talk about a cow no matter how entertaining unless they feel like they "found them".

There is a whole other world out there concerning lolcows that don't even touch KF and that is quickly becoming the main portion of lolcow content. Kiwis are going to be talking about Ralph and Foodie Beauty for years to come and the world is still spinning without them.

Your effort posts are great but you have to stop believing stuff that Null and kiwis say about themselves without thinking critically first cause a lot of it just doesn't make any sense.
Like look at this BMJ who is boring and does the same thing every stream is quickly gaining on cobes despite cobes' thread being almost a decade old. Kiwis as I've said are very possessive and will not talk about a cow no matter how entertaining unless they feel like they "found them".
This is very true, one of the reasons I stopped lurking the other farms was because the really boring feud between Feeder, Rekaka, Dick Vito and some other dude was permeating through every thread. I found the beef boring, and I'm into beef. They've become such a cloistered, impenetrable crew, it's tough to watch.
This is very true, one of the reasons I stopped lurking the other farms was because the really boring feud between Feeder, Rekaka, Dick Vito and some other dude was permeating through every thread. I found the beef boring, and I'm into beef. They've become such a cloistered, impenetrable crew, it's tough to watch.
YES. It's unbearable the last 4 years at least have been a holding pattern where Null beefs with some eceleb and then THE ENTIRE FUCKING SITE is just Nulls dick suckers climbing over each other to talk about how much that eceleb sucks.

Nobody has a single interesting take anymore it's all just "He's just like Chris Chan, he looks like Ralph". Nobody makes any fun memes or photoshops anymore its just wall to wall Null dicksucking and seethe. It's fucking unbearable.
Why does it surprise you that he's managed to raise so much money? And is still getting money donated to him up to now?

You really do not understand how KF interacts with other, more mainstream communities online outside of "the Sektur", if you think his donors were just the people on KF.

The 10k figure (which has never been independently verified or adjusted overtime) doesn't mean that there are 10k unique people who log into KF every single day. Those are just 10k of unique users on that particular day. We don't know how many unique users log into KF in a week or in a month.

If you're going off of the 10k number, and dividing the total of the crowdfunder by that, you are using unreliable numbers for your outcome, because: 1) the crowdfunder isn't the total amount he's received, as he's still receiving checks & money orders (he claims he received 15k the other day) and donations in silver (see below), and 2) he obviously has many many donors outside the Farms, whom you're not including in your calculation.

View attachment 46010

Now, as to sources outside of KF, which you're overlooking in your calculation: Null routinely gets up to 20k-030k viers/listeners on MATI (just count his views across platforms, including the ones on the Youtube archives), and he has himself admitted that most of his MATI listeners aren't Kiwis. He advertised the crowdfunder repeatedly on MATI, so it's likely most of his donors weren't Kiwis but MATI regulars.

As for his big donors, who gave the 4-5 figure sums, it should be pretty obvious those are the big Youtubers who are Sektur-adjacent. Like I wrote here before, there's a whole Drama Channel ecosystem on Youtube that relies on KF for their videos, who need the forum to exist so they have access to new drama content to react to, make documentaries about, etc. Hence why I speculated that big, multi-millionaire Youtubers like Keemstar and Destiny might have donated the 4 or 5 figures to Null's crowdfunder. I can't prove this, of course, but they are the most likely responsible for such big sums. Those big drama channels need KiwiFarms to make content, so it's in their interest that it continues to exist. They might not link to KF as the actual source of receipts, but it's pretty obvious what the "chain of custody" for some juicy new drama is, when some drama first shows up on KF and then later on all the Drama Channels. Null knows this, that's why he's always complaining on MATI about Youtubers who use his forum as a source "not shouting out the Farms".
You're the smartest person here and really the only reason I'm not nuking this forum. What are your bona fides?