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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"WELCOME TO THE 2023 POWERFAPPING SEMI FINALS. IM YOUR HOST, JEWSH MOONEBUTTE and host of the totally not gay begcast "mooning at the intoxicated""

"This just in, we caught several trannies trying to use their severed penises + air pumps for an unfair advantage over the competition. This is a dark time for the farms indeed. Back to you Noole"
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Josh on the latest edition of MATI complained that is 144hz screen wasn't nearly as smooth on Windows as Linux. Mr hacker and network engineer dosen't know that you need to change the refresh rate in display adapter. Boomers on his forum belives he is some sort of tech-god while in reality he couldn't hack it behind the desk of a brick and mortar store fixing old peoples printers.
Very normal response.


His second in command, the glownigger with the "cock bar + word over the eyes" profile picture

One of the posters said he also logs IP's so he can identify banned people making new accounts.
no shit? that's super obvious lol

now now, to be fair, what the dirty rat CEO advocate for is wrong and vile so this is those rare times nool is right about something

let me guess, the reason for this repeated post is because there's an error happening at the time when he posted these 2 replies. this shit happens to me not once but multiple times when i was on my socks. it's so annoying

1. These are the kind of posters Null would prefer to have over the right-wing incels.
fuck off moid.png
c'mon man, show us the username too. don't hide the username like that
edit: nevermind, @VAIDS Victim already posted it.
To name a couple of ops off the top of my head that the mods were completely aware of: Perspicacity running defense for PPP back in 2020 was one but the worst was Altistic Right working with Clairebere and trollshielding her thread. When Null was made aware of this he didn't demod Altistic in fact he demanded he stay on as mod.
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Altistic admits to directly interacting with cows to run an op against the people who framed him for the Marjorie Taylor Green swatting. Interacting with them for any reason should be an automatic demodding nevermind interacting with them to run some vendetta gayop.
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Null then arrives to decline the resignation acting like he has no idea why this would even be a problem.

But if you run a DSP channel on YouTube god help you. Your broom will be vaporized quicker than you can say "biased moderation practices".

Null happily RTed posts from the guy who described how he fucked with DSP's internet too. Null likes gay ops, he probably thinks he's in a Bond movie or something when he sees this shit go on. It makes him feel important to see ~the machinations~ whirring. Just running a DSP channel on Youtube isn't exciting and if those channels get to be monetized then he is probably jealous of them for being able to make money.

Starting to think Null reports to a Beauty Parlour Council of catladies or something. Considering he doesn't address the issues brought up, But instead goes through someones ban/report history. Isn't that a very Feminine argument style?

I cannot recall a single moment in my time of using the internet where a woman actually put forth the effort to go into someone's ban or report history
There's just something really special about Null getting called out as a simp and freaking out over it. Null it doesn't matter how many of your orbiters defend this because it's just one of those accusations that fits like a glove.
Notice how he gets really upset when people say he's a lazy dumb-dumb simp instead of defending himself with counterexamples. When he wobbles his chins around and screams at them to kill themselves then you know deep down he agrees with them.
Kiwifarms is Josh's desperate attempt to get lots of attention and upvotes. He wants to be liked and he wants to think that he is creating political change. He will switch to any political faction or position that gets him that feeling.
Josh is just a power loving goblin that refuses to share that shit with anyone else
Just been reading up about Null

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Kiwifarms is an elaborate trollshielding attempt? For himself?
Some choice chat logs from that thread.

Null talks about his love for neko shota he developed through too much masturbation:
null loves neko shota.png

Null says he only gets angry with people due to crippling loneliness making him act out for attention:
null is  sad.png

Null talks about his lack of love and companionship and his desire to go on a killing spree and raping spree and to get shot dead by a SWAT team:
null is the supreme gentleman.png

Stocking, a girl Null once e-dated, describes the time Null said he was going to murder her father, torture her, rape her and leave her to die of starvation in her own feces. Null's response to being called out on this was "I was really mad that day.":
null was really mad that day.png