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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
God what a shrimpy cringe-inducing little faggot

Uh oh! Look out! Josh is going to get his fans to impotently write mean tweets to you because they have no power! Epik will be shaking in their boots after this!
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What the absolute fuck...bro the nigga literally had to go out of his way to change up the domain because his shitty ass butt fucking whore of chimpy website keeps on getting raped every few or so months...How can anybody take josh seriously...Like this is such a genuine question...how chief (outside of KF'S shitty ass hugbox)
Whoever is running the Epik twitter account is probably just trolling, but it is still funny. Particular given Josh's latest ridiculous lie about lolcow Ethan Ralph "pulling a DSP." Maybe if Josh doesn't like being lied about or "joked" about in such a manner he shouldn't be lying about other people so flagrantly.
Josh is DSP but with technical ejaculation issues and anime issues only his boyfriend meticock could see from far away and even cokesi and triple fatass (ppp). Hell let's make it an orgy and throw kinoshit in it
Josh can't be DSP as DSP's penis actually work. DSP has also had a smoking hot girlfriend. DSP also has a wife and a cat. Josh can't even raise a pea plant.
He sounds no different now then he did 12 years ago with his CityRPG account.
Have any of the people who knew Josh in school ever commented on any of this embarrassing shit trying to look him up? He's in his 30's and still acting like the most rightfully bullied loser in 10th grade. He reminds me so hard of a guy I knew my senior year who formed a "gang" of other weird incel guys that idolized the Columbine shooters and kept getting suspended for saying creepy shit to women and racist shit to Black students.
He's in his 30's and still acting like the most rightfully bullied loser in 10th grade.
You're 40 and spend all day making sock accounts.
He reminds me so hard of a guy I knew my senior year who formed a "gang" of other weird incel guys that idolized the Columbine shooters and kept getting suspended for saying creepy shit to women and racist shit to Black students.
Yeah. You made that guy up. Just like your marriage.
Josh asks his users "should we crowdfund donations to sue Epik for per se defamation?" which was clearly done to cajole his users for donations without appearing to ebeg. "You see, I didn't want to ask for donations, but my users voted yes!" There is 0 way Josh didn't know his users would say yes. It is my understanding that no platforms will allow Josh to crowdfund so and money he does get for the lawsuit goes straight to his bank account.

Epik is located in Wyoming which has "per se defamation" laws meaning Josh doesn't need to prove any actual damages. It's obvious he's suffered none from 2 tweets. If this case does go to court Epik will probably just quietly delete the tweets or claim it was a joke/sarcasm. Maybe Josh should focus on suing Hurricane Electric instead of Epik for tweets? How many other people have spread lies about Josh that he refuses to sue?
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i can imagine this backfiring on josh and only proving that epik aren't lying
also KF definitely host child porn because there's revenge porn nudes on the site where the subjects claim they were under 18 when they were taken and josh hasn't removed them
It was probably this woman who made at least one of the complaints, then

What a stupid fucking grift. All Epik needs to do is claim that they got complaints from individuals that their cp was being hosted. Josh isn't suing anyone. Hope you use that money to get your scabby little dick working again you retard.
Null is asking his userbase to donate money for legal fees.
Ahhhhh. The old defamation "per se". This is a waste of time, and others money.
"the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel"
Note the word GOOD. The broom is going to have to explain to a Judge... and in his voice, remember, that his good name (telling police investigating a mass shooting to fuck off, crypto scamming punters, actually getting the boot from ISP for CP) is being dragged through the mud.

"Why, you honour! This is about FREEZE PEEECHEZZZZ! That's why I had the "containment board", and it's FREEZE PEEECHEZZZ is the reason I ban people for posting things I don't like..." I mean, who the fuck is going to take this case on?