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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
null 1.png
null 2.png
Null is happy the DSP people want to leave the forum.
For a straight man who hates gay people. He seems to be okay with talking about gay sex scenes.
I don't know a single overused trope in gay porn, I couldn't tell you a single one. Null knows them all, which type of gay porn they are used in and has strong opinions on when/where these tropes should be used. :thinking:
Did he forget already that he does the same thing?
Guy had to make the Lidl Drip sock account just to express his true feelings on being a beta male feminist but he is going to call anyone else cowardly?
From reading some of the threads he seems paranoid theres some ops afoot by DSP/Ethan Ralph/pol people. But usually when someone accuses you of something, like that, it's to cover for the fact they are running ops themselves. Some of the outbursts by posters about Dyn seems like KF ops have been a thing in the past. Obviously not on site, but through PM or discord.

Maybe he isn't aware 4chan informed me ops are being run on 4chan. By who? Probably CIA/FBI contractors.

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To name a couple of ops off the top of my head that the mods were completely aware of: Perspicacity running defense for PPP back in 2020 was one but the worst was Altistic Right working with Clairebere and trollshielding her thread. When Null was made aware of this he didn't demod Altistic in fact he demanded he stay on as mod.
Altistic admits to directly interacting with cows to run an op against the people who framed him for the Marjorie Taylor Green swatting. Interacting with them for any reason should be an automatic demodding nevermind interacting with them to run some vendetta gayop.
Null then arrives to decline the resignation acting like he has no idea why this would even be a problem.

But if you run a DSP channel on YouTube god help you. Your broom will be vaporized quicker than you can say "biased moderation practices".
I am having trouble with Josh's website. It is very slow and I am unable to receive timely notifications or replies on my anonymous account on Commie Farms. I am curious whether Josh is intentionally making his website dysfunctional to discourage its users. It's almost as if he wants people to go outside and enjoy the fresh air!
It seems like it only triggers him because it distracts him.

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I still maintain you were banned for making dear feeder too horny with the AI Chinese lady thing. Reposting content from /pol/? Like what? When has that been a problem? Then when he explained why you were banned he said "because he ignored me" not like "he continued to break rules" which actually makes sense and gives context. Freudian slip?

Edit: Reposting this cause it's too perfect.

Null continues to have slap fights with the DSP board.

Well you claimed to not be interested in DSP for many years as well so it's curious that you are all "Hello fellow kids" all of a sudden.
This is retarded. Louis Theroux made his career on doing hostile documentaries of has beens and he is one of the most famous doc makers of recent times. Phil seems to be wary of a lot of things but I bet tons of lolcows would line up to do a movie with Mike Clum even still. These people are desperate for attention that's like a cornerstone of every cow's personality.

Edit: Archives