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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
As an aside they don't seem to actually like each other and Carolyne is basically doing this as a stream of consciousness verbal diarrhea while interrupting Null and refusing to clarify her position which seems to be getting on Null's nerves.
She's a nominally right wing British woman. Meaning she's basically this guy in a dress.
top brock.PNG
If you've ever been to any right wing sort of meetup in the UK, you'd have met plenty of these women. All they wanna do is vomit their opinion at you, say the most feddie shit possible, and talk about how there needs to be action now! Trannies are gross sure; but a geezer in a dress isn't much better lol.
She's a nominally right wing British woman. Meaning she's basically this guy in a dress.
View attachment 42545
If you've ever been to any right wing sort of meetup in the UK, you'd have met plenty of these women. All they wanna do is vomit their opinion at you, say the most feddie shit possible, and talk about how there needs to be action now! Trannies are gross sure; but a geezer in a dress isn't much better lol.
So she's just a foid Null , is that it ?
If Josh wants to be political he needs to pick a single side and stop trying to pander to everyone. Some of us out here are actually serious about the radical shit we say and being a fence sitting faggot doesn't work, especially when trying to form an alliance.

That's the problem, though. Josh doesn't care about politics. He doesn't care about being serious. He's only in it because it's his ODD kicking in. That's it. It's not that hard to understand. In the eighties, the Christian "moral majority" dominated the culture and we had the "Satanic Panic." What did the malcontents and disaffected white boys of that era do? Fake Satanism. Heavy metal, dude. Ozzy Osborne to Marilyn Manson. And then we hit the tipping point somewhere around 2000, with 9/11 sort of eclipising everything so we didn't really notice the death of the moral majority and rise of the SJWs to assume the mantle of mavens of social order. Now what do the malcontents do? Pretend to be Nazis/TERFs/incels/whatever. Find whoever is in charge, find who is being self-righteous and hypocritical from a position of cultural authority, then look to the disaffected and you'll find a bunch of jackasses cosplaying as whatever boogeyman frightens the first group the most. @Chrysler Building mentioned exactly this when he talked about how the LGBT/woke shit came from folks whose mothers got handed flags at Arlington. Everything is cyclical, basically.

So, yeah. Because things are, for the most part, stable, nobody wants to rock the boat. Nobody wants to get serious about the radical shit, because there's no real reason to, and if there was a reason, they'd all be running for the hills at that point.
I was bored and started watching the Jersh stream from today. He starts whining about the various companies that have wronged him, there is something along the line of a 30 minute hate against trannies, then who cares because I was out. The fact he hates transexuals so much makes me think he's secretly into them. Beating his meat thinking about t-girls. Fucking them. Maybe thinking about transitioning.

I'm transitioning to a bigger, stronger man.
He copes by spamming the banhammer and sperging about trannies in every other sentence on the farms.

Jewsh needs to be banned more. Its actual karma in action.
He copes by spamming the banhammer and sperging about trannies in every other sentence on the farms.

Jewsh needs to be banned more. Its actual karma in action.

Remember that old meme about how much other 4chan boards (all dressed up as KKK members) hated /pol/ because hating niggers was all they'd ever talk about? That's KF in a nutshell. And then they think you somehow are pro-tranny because you just say you're tired of fucking hearing about them every single time when no, you'd just like to actually have fun on the internet again without "muh trannies" being shoehorned into every single conversation. It sometimes makes me think they're into them too, honestly. We already have "built for BBC" and "Khazar milkers," how long till we get a "totally ironic bro" meme about trannies?
Remember that old meme about how much other 4chan boards (all dressed up as KKK members) hated /pol/ because hating niggers was all they'd ever talk about? That's KF in a nutshell. And then they think you somehow are pro-tranny because you just say you're tired of fucking hearing about them every single time when no, you'd just like to actually have fun on the internet again without "muh trannies" being shoehorned into every single conversation. It sometimes makes me think they're into them too, honestly. We already have "built for BBC" and "Khazar milkers," how long till we get a "totally ironic bro" meme about trannies?
One of the main issues I actually have with the farms that seems to be getting worse is the flanderization. Every thread turns into a cirlcle jerk about 2-3 subjects about a cow and that is all you are allowed to talk about. Like especially with the tranny thing everything get run through the perspective of it being a troon which is potentially even a minor aspect of them being a cow. A lot of trannies spent most of their lives as their original gender and were pretty cowish even as their real gender. With the tunnel vision of KF though it all gets boiled down to "its a troon".
In January 2017, I briefly closed the Kiwi Farms after dealing with an unbelievable amount of harassment directed at my family, originating either directly from or at the behest of a British man named Samuel Collingwood Smith. Sam's pen name is Vordrak and he is a former MP in the United Kingdom.

In 2010, Sam was heavily involved in an Evanescence fan forum (despite being 32 years old already). He wanted to be an admin, and had to fight teen girls for this honor. He would harass these little girls, and eventually accused the forum of trading child pornography when he was banned. This caused the band a lot of public embarrassment and got them to close the forum, which is what he wanted.

Josh is projecting yet again.

"Despite being 32"

Josh, you run a gossip forum in your thirties and sperg out online over the lamest shit imaginable. You're the last person who should be pointing out someone isn't acting their age.

"These little girls"

Like Stocking, who you wanted to butcher in cold blood?

"a former MP in the United Kingdom"

And there it is. Vordrak is a sperg just like Josh, but even he's done better in life than he has. And why does he even give a shit about "muh teen girls being harassed" when he's buds with Lamarcus? @Time 4 Guillotines made a cogent point, but I'm sure it's just Josh thinking "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" or whatever.
One of the main issues I actually have with the farms that seems to be getting worse is the flanderization. Every thread turns into a cirlcle jerk about 2-3 subjects about a cow and that is all you are allowed to talk about. Like especially with the tranny thing everything get run through the perspective of it being a troon which is potentially even a minor aspect of them being a cow. A lot of trannies spent most of their lives as their original gender and were pretty cowish even as their real gender. With the tunnel vision of KF though it all gets boiled down to "its a troon".

This is so, so true. But apparently whenever you point this out, suddenly you're "simping for trannies" or whatever. I thought the whole point of "lolcows" was that we're supposed to laugh, but every thread I go to on KF is full of A-logs trying to stroke their dicks over how "better" they are. Jack Scalfani's thread is a perfect example. Nothing but cuck/pedo fantasies, "I'm a better cook!" and kvetching over his daughter in law. Even if it's not about "muh troons," they'll still find something to drive any discussion into the ground. Even the political shit because it just turns into a "no u is the poopy head" type back and forth between HHH and the rightoids. It's no wonder people just fuck off to a splinter. And Josh's only real competition in the "lolcowsphere," Lolcow Farm, is basically the same exact shit. I think it's a clear sign that the only people who ever get into lolcow shit (for the most part) hate themselves and have to get really into hating on...I mean milking lolcows to drown out the voices. Because someone like Jack or Shayna shouldn't be inspiring such utter hatred. They're not that important.
Despite being 32"

Josh, you run a gossip forum in your thirties and sperg out online over the lamest shit imaginable. You're the last person who should be pointing out someone isn't acting their age.
With Josh's heavy ban hand and the admittedly juvenile subject of lolcows the age range of the farms skews younger every year. If Null wanted to throw some shade on vordy for existing as an adult on a teenage forum he might want to take a long look at himself for how far into "I keep getting older but they stay the same age" territory he is in.

Null you are trying to glean viewers from Turkey Tom who has a thoroughly teenaged fanbase. How much longer do you think you can pull the 'everyone I don't like is a pedo' thing.
With Josh's heavy ban hand and the admittedly juvenile subject of lolcows the age range of the farms skews younger every year. If Null wanted to throw some shade on vordy for existing as an adult on a teenage forum he might want to take a long look at himself for how far into "I keep getting older but they stay the same age" territory he is in.

Null you are trying to glean viewers from Turkey Tom who has a thoroughly teenaged fanbase. How much longer do you think you can pull the 'everyone I don't like is a pedo' thing.

Josh is basically the equivalent of the millennial wine mom who gets too into YA and starts pushing out all the teens; he reminds me of the ironically black authors who backed up Sarah Dessen, a privileged white woman. Ever hear about that story? Look up Brooke Nelson, and you'll see how hilariously the "woke YA authors" got really based overnight. Some of them are big names too, like Jodi Picoult (who went on a blocking spree once it blew up in her face). Josh would fit right in on Book Twitter because he's just as two faced and retarded as they are.
I don't get how people hate that guy he's just some average dude that makes questionable food? The way they jerk off over his stroke is pretty gruesome too. I thought this shit was supposed to be fun?

Yet they have the gall to whine about the "weens" who get too invested in DSP, Wings, etc. For me, Jack was funny because while he is just some average dude that makes questionable food, I could show him to people IRL and get them gagging and laughing at how bad of a cook he is. One guy I know IRL was aghast with horror over how much cheese alone he used in his infamous party cheese salad. I had fun keeping up with Jack for the memes that came out, for the videos about him (mainly the guy who made his recipes himself, even trying each of Jack's sauces), and so on. But then Jack got passe and people moved on, but I lingered for a bit and holy shit, KF was outraged that Jack was a bad cook. And then they shit talk August the Duck...corny as fuck, sure, but at least he didn't get into cuck fantasies like this:

Jack 1.png

Jack 6.png

Jack 3.png

Jack 4.png

Jack 2.png

All this over Jack Scalfani, of all people.

"W-well h-he's r-rude to wagie employees!" (lol)


When Josh is a total dickhead to normal people, they applaud, but when Jack is, suddenly he's just a piece of shit?

- Ego turns people off
- Lying about how hard he works and how incompetant he is simultaneously
- The hard work posts are insufferable
- Incompetence posts fool retards
- Blocking people for valid criticism/questions

Is he talking about Jet or Josh? Funny how it's all "based" when Josh does it, but when anyone else does, it's "hurting the show" or whatever.
Isn't that what he claims trannies do and bitches about non stop?

Never underestimate the self unaware. At least I know I'm an asshole. Null won't admit he is. But among the assholes he is probably the most pathetic who only protected himself for so long by pointing fingers at others by making a site dedicated to covering his ass and worshiping him. He is an irl adult Eric Cartman with a website. He believes his own lies and sniffs his own farts in a wine glass. Other lolcows have a wife and null will become an irl 40 year old virgin or die before reaching the meme status due to heart failure. All he eats is low quality fast food he must be going insane due to malnutrition by now while still being overweight and still lacking proper nutrition. It's pretty common for people like him lmao.
I know I've been out for a while, but that probably explains why he's so defensive when the subject of his dating and sex life come up. I'm not exactly the king shit when it comes to getting chicks to give me that poon but at least I fucking own it.

He claims that he's had sex but I'd rather die a kissless faggot virgin than be anything like Josh, even if he's getting laid every day.

I dunno what the ratio of autistics and lolcows who are married or dating is to the ratio of normies who are, but I'd say it requires a level of self awareness that our fat incel hero is severely lacking. He's like a badly written manga protagonist in a way.
I know I've been out for a while, but that probably explains why he's so defensive when the subject of his dating and sex life come up. I'm not exactly the king shit when it comes to getting chicks to give me that poon but at least I fucking own it.

He claims that he's had sex but I'd rather die a kissless faggot virgin than be anything like Josh, even if he's getting laid every day.

I dunno what the ratio of autistics and lolcows who are married or dating is to the ratio of normies who are, but I'd say it requires a level of self awareness that our fat incel hero is severely lacking. He's like a badly written manga protagonist in a way.
When I look at the way Null talks about sex it's always awkward. He is so neurotic concerning the subject that I just don't believe that he has ever had sex. He's such a prude because as a virgin he has spent his life idealizing sex and only sex that meets his rose-tinted version of intercourse is acceptable. This probably gets flipped upside down when he finds himself attracted to people or modes of sexuality that his crazy rat brain doesn't approve of.
When I look at the way Null talks about sex it's always awkward. He is so neurotic concerning the subject that I just don't believe that he has ever had sex. He's such a prude because as a virgin he has spent his life idealizing sex and only sex that meets his rose-tinted version of intercourse is acceptable. This probably gets flipped upside down when he finds himself attracted to people or modes of sexuality that his crazy rat brain doesn't approve of.
Reminds me of a kid I knew in school who was obsessed with Adolf Hitler and gay sex, or at least an 11 year old's idea of it. He drew what's basically an adolescent's attempt at erotic cartoons involving things like Eric Cartman farting diarrhea into Hitler's face, I can't imagine Josh's idea of what sex is to be far off from this. Except with futanari or whatever.

Honestly the biggest problem Josh and other incels have is that they buy into this idea that they're not a "real man" in society's eyes because they're not getting laid on a regular basis. A lot of people base their self image on the opinions of others, but these guys take it to a new level. Kind of hard to avoid in our social media addled world though.