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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Reminds me of a kid I knew in school who was obsessed with Adolf Hitler and gay sex, or at least an 11 year old's idea of it. He drew what's basically an adolescent's attempt at erotic cartoons involving things like Eric Cartman farting diarrhea into Hitler's face, I can't imagine Josh's idea of what sex is to be far off from this. Except with futanari or whatever.

Honestly the biggest problem Josh and other incels have is that they buy into this idea that they're not a "real man" in society's eyes because they're not getting laid on a regular basis. A lot of people base their self image on the opinions of others, but these guys take it to a new level. Kind of hard to avoid in our social media addled world though.

I think you make a good point, but I don't think that it's as hard to avoid as people think. The problem is that it depends on what parents you have, to teach you how to avoid it, and clearly Josh got snake eyes.
Datamining time but the people in my dev job are pretty bogstandard normies that like to talk about sports and riding bikes, sorry null.

That's what's so funny about this whole "muh normies" thing. They're so desperate to be "real" men like @UltimateDestroyer pointed out (despite the fact that no one really gives a shit about gender roles these days other than Kwiffar and trannies) that they think that everyone else is some sorta degenerate, and it's funny because they consoom the same exact product normies do, but think they're better. And you can tell that they're probably little bitches IRL who get intimidated by normies because some of them try so hard to set themselves apart. I've said it before, but so many "culture war" types can't help but tell on themselves: they're just jealous of normies, that's all there is to it. They can't get what they want out of life, and see others do so, so they blame it on "privilege" or "degeneracy" or whatever. It's why so many mass shooters fill their manifestos full of "fucking Jew bankers and shit bro" but yet always go after civilians; I saw the Buffalo shooter's footage, and even the first victim he had was a white woman pushing a cart (which, of course, was meme'd to hell and back). Even the pooner shooter did. Ironically, it was a registered Democrat who shot up a Congressional baseball game that had more balls than anyone on the right wing. I'm not saying people should go shoot shit up, I'm saying that so called "real" men seem to always balk at the idea of doing anything other than shitposting like the slacktivists they are. I remember on YouTube there was this blackpill video (long gone now) where the guy just lists off a bunch of blackpills; one of them was that for all the talk about "Twitter warriors," their opposition isn't any less cowardly.
And there it is. Vordrak is a sperg just like Josh, but even he's done better in life than he has. And why does he even give a shit about "muh teen girls being harassed" when he's buds with Lamarcus?
If I could get tangential, it was Josh's behavior in regards to Vordrak and Zoom that made me start questioning things.

•Josh has taken a hardline stance towards not speculating who is swatting or DDoSing, so why does he insist up and down that Vordrak was calling in bomb threats? Why are we supposed to care about Vordrak messing with a forum of teenagers and why is it the very first line of attack he goes for when discussing someone he'd have you think is the Devil incarnate? Surely his crimes are so bad that'd Evanescence would be a footnote instead of the lede.
•Josh had a Discord call with Zoom in 2019, after he'd stopped adminning 16chan and the Zoom thread had already been up for ~ 6 months. So why didn't Josh bring up the infamous stream a single time? Why was he still defending lolicon as a human right when he now says that he changed his mind while still admin of 16chan?
•What about these two people makes Josh change long established patterns of behavior? Why does his version of events surrounding those two hinge on the viewer having complete and total faith in him and never looking too closely behind the curtain?

Because they've been his most effective trolls, he's so desperate to get back at them by any means necessary and he wants to use his trusting audience as a personal army. Josh is a delusional shut-in who has repeated this shit so many times that he's probably fully convinced by what he's saying but I know manipulation when I see it.

Ultimately I don't care if Vordrak or Zoom are actually guilty of what Josh claims because I still resent being manipulated. The truth doesn't fear investigation, it doesn't rely on blind faith, it doesn't waver in it's presentation.
But Josh's version of events around key moments certainly does.

And I don't mean to ride in on a moral high horse. I'm not a great person, I was still quite enthusiastic in my support of Josh despite knowing this stuff. But the Lamarcus shit was enough for me to decide he's indefensible, as is anyone still refusing to get the picture.
I felt a certain sense of pride in being able to say "lol yeah but we haven't actually killed anyone". The same could be said of SaSu but you have to do some Talmudic redefining of reality to get there and you'd still be wrong.

Apparently Josh would sleep perfectly well at night if a Kiwi killed themselves as a result of allowing Lamarcus to advertise and advocate there, and for that he can go fuck himself.
Apparently Josh would sleep perfectly well at night if a Kiwi killed themselves as a result of allowing Lamarcus to advertise and advocate there, and for that he can go fuck himself.

I've always wondered why many of them don't just do so, albeit as a result of them doomersplaining everywhere, but I personally see Josh's support of Lamarcus as similar to when the FBI called ICP a gang, and ICP promptly responded by making gangsta rap albums like Gang Rags; buy multiple copies to get each avaliable gang rag, in multiple colors. Even some juggalos were having a hard time with that at the time as I recall.
If I could get tangential, it was Josh's behavior in regards to Vordrak and Zoom that made me start questioning things.
Yeah when I first saw the way he puts (pedophile, liar) after Zoom's name and gets jannies like altistic right to do the same a switch in my head flipped telling me to never fully trust Null. I don't even know the whole story but going in that hard to put that after every time you mention the guy just makes you look crazy Null.
I've always wondered why many of them don't just do so, albeit as a result of them doomersplaining everywhere, but I personally see Josh's support of Lamarcus as similar to when the FBI called ICP a gang, and ICP promptly responded by making gangsta rap albums like Gang Rags; buy multiple copies to get each avaliable gang rag, in multiple colors. Even some juggalos were having a hard time with that at the time as I recall.
In all fairness, I don't wish any harm on Kiwibros. The one's that have been brainwashed by Josh are pretty similar to Juggalos in that they're disaffected+looking for community and they've found their Violent Gay in Josh.
Also, as a former fan of rapping clowns, Gang Rags was a Blaze Ya Dead Homie album and came out a year before the FBI cracked down on Juggalo gangs (which were and are 100% real things).
You may be right that there's some parallel there though since I suspect the heat is about to get unexpectedly turned up as a result of Josh pushing SaSu and he'll act confused as to why, just like the clown boys not getting why muh music fans are oppressed so
I don't even know the whole story
TL;DR from my understanding:
•Zoom was a streamer
•Zoom's gf threw a fit, said he cared more about his reputation than her
•Zoom said hold my beer
•They go on stream and Zoom proclaims himself a pedophile, said they both watched CSAM together, mic drop
•Simple as

I've never seen anything to convince me that Zoom's version of events is a lie and it makes much more sense than Josh saying "People do crazy things when mad". Zoom is an old school troll but he's always seemed rational, even when being a dickhead.
Also if you listen to that stream in his KF thread, his ex-gf Tabby was a dogshit actress with exactly as much skill as Chris Chan's fake GF Kacey. I think you'd have to be as autistic as Chris to listen to her and think that was real.

Also, Kiwifags act like the Ring cam hack wasn't based as shit but Zoom did more to make parents afraid of having wifi enabled cameras in their home than any muh privacy advocates could have. It was mean and creepy but it wasn't pedo shit and it didn't go too far
In all fairness, I don't wish any harm on Kiwibros. The one's that have been brainwashed by Josh are pretty similar to Juggalos in that they're disaffected+looking for community and they've found their Violent Gay in Josh.
Also, as a former fan of rapping clowns, Gang Rags was a Blaze Ya Dead Homie album and came out a year before the FBI cracked down on Juggalo gangs (which were and are 100% real things).
You may be right that there's some parallel there though since I suspect the heat is about to get unexpectedly turned up as a result of Josh pushing SaSu and he'll act confused as to why, just like the clown boys not getting why muh music fans are oppressed so
Let's be honest, there really isn't much of anywhere left on the internet to talk about certain subjects without banning and censorship. A lot of these guys are just refugees from other sites, the board culture is radically different from what it first started out as. But Josh trying to be the saviour of free speech on the internet might not work out in his favor. At least that's what he sees himself as.
That's what's so funny about this whole "muh normies" thing. They're so desperate to be "real" men like @UltimateDestroyer pointed out (despite the fact that no one really gives a shit about gender roles these days other than Kwiffar and trannies) that they think that everyone else is some sorta degenerate, and it's funny because they consoom the same exact product normies do, but think they're better. And you can tell that they're probably little bitches IRL who get intimidated by normies because some of them try so hard to set themselves apart. I've said it before, but so many "culture war" types can't help but tell on themselves: they're just jealous of normies, that's all there is to it. They can't get what they want out of life, and see others do so, so they blame it on "privilege" or "degeneracy" or whatever. It's why so many mass shooters fill their manifestos full of "fucking Jew bankers and shit bro" but yet always go after civilians; I saw the Buffalo shooter's footage, and even the first victim he had was a white woman pushing a cart (which, of course, was meme'd to hell and back). Even the pooner shooter did. Ironically, it was a registered Democrat who shot up a Congressional baseball game that had more balls than anyone on the right wing. I'm not saying people should go shoot shit up, I'm saying that so called "real" men seem to always balk at the idea of doing anything other than shitposting like the slacktivists they are. I remember on YouTube there was this blackpill video (long gone now) where the guy just lists off a bunch of blackpills; one of them was that for all the talk about "Twitter warriors," their opposition isn't any less cowardly.
Not to get too far off topic, as someone who leans right by contemporary standards, they always are scared to organize because "feds will infiltrate us" or whatever. There is some institutional bias and whatever, those accused of being terrorists but also left wing get treated better than a bunch of red hat wearing trespassers, or whatever the fuck the story is.

Honestly, I think the main reason that conservatives come off as cowardly is that they often have jobs to go to and families to raise, which is deliciously ironic considering that the terminally online right wingers like to talk about "starting a family" but so many of them are just like the unfuckable incels and landwhales they claim to hate. Of course, not unlike the subject of this thread.
Josh broke his website and banned YouTube embeds from being posted. I attempted to upload a video on his website, but it seems that YouTube is no longer supported. Ahoy there! It seems like the captain of the website has gone astray and Josh Moon's ship has sailed off course. His website seems to have hit an iceberg and is now lost in the digital sea. Let's hope he can find his way back to the shore soon!
Reason: Trying to add more stuff to this comment
there really isn't much of anywhere left on the internet to talk about certain subjects without banning and censorship
There isn't anywhere left on the the Internet to post talk about certain things and become a z-celeb*
Fags are honestly more concerned with their follower/view counts than getting any sort of message out there. Just sock puppet and do it all over again when you get banned. People act like generating burner numbers to confirm accounts with is some monumental task but they want to overthrow the US government or whatever. Pathetic.
Josh broke his website and banned YouTube embeds from being posted.
The Invidious redirect thing was pointed at the .net domain I think. With that parked elsewhere for now he'd have to go and temporarily set it to the .st domain but it's probably a hassle.
I'm sure it's a temporary issue until .net is back up.
Reason: Mind your business. Also increase the timer length to edit
That's what's so funny about this whole "muh normies" thing. They're so desperate to be "real" men like @UltimateDestroyer pointed out (despite the fact that no one really gives a shit about gender roles these days other than Kwiffar and trannies) that they think that everyone else is some sorta degenerate, and it's funny because they consoom the same exact product normies do, but think they're better.
I would argue that the opposite is true. The more equal a society becomes the wider the gap between the genders and their social norms. This is something Nordic sociologists have been fighting with for decades with no solution in sight except brainwashing.

But I do think you are right about Joshes performative masculinity and as you said I think it comes from a sense of helplessness. I have heard him sperg many times about buying a farm and an old diesel truck. That's something so out of touch that I would compare with Boogie when he brags about mean mugging people at the gas station to get them to stop harassing his wife. A fantasy from a fantasist. How far off is your sense of self if you think you can run a farm when you are keyboard warrior that's has never turned a wrench in his life. What are you gonna do Josh when something breaks down? Farm boys get taught from a young age that if they want something fixed they have to do it themselves. A sort of survival of the non retarded. That fosters real independence and out-of-the-box problem solving skills. Meanwhile Josh calls a plumber if his toilet is clogged. My bet is that he will still blame the trannies for problems he has caused.
"Those fucking trannies they used my truck battery to charge their dilators and now it won't start" :whyyy:
In all fairness, I don't wish any harm on Kiwibros. The one's that have been brainwashed by Josh are pretty similar to Juggalos in that they're disaffected+looking for community and they've found their Violent Gay in Josh.
Also, as a former fan of rapping clowns, Gang Rags was a Blaze Ya Dead Homie album and came out a year before the FBI cracked down on Juggalo gangs (which were and are 100% real things).
You may be right that there's some parallel there though since I suspect the heat is about to get unexpectedly turned up as a result of Josh pushing SaSu and he'll act confused as to why, just like the clown boys not getting why muh music fans are oppressed so

Yeah, I messed up the timeline there - I meant that, at least IIRC, they made gang-themed stuff after the FBI started cracking down. I wouldn't call myself a fan of theirs, but they have their moments. Plus, compared to what's come out since they first started, I don't think they're all that bad. And I don't wish any harm on Kiwibros, either. I just like poking fun at Josh. I don't see him as, say, Jim Cornette sees Vince Russo, I just see him as an example of what not to be.
There isn't anywhere left on the the Internet to post talk about certain things and become a z-celeb*
Fags are honestly more concerned with their follower/view counts than getting any sort of message out there. Just sock puppet and do it all over again when you get banned. People act like generating burner numbers to confirm accounts with is some monumental task but they want to overthrow the US government or whatever. Pathetic.
That's probably true, but it's nice to have some place to shitpost without getting banned constantly. It's not that hard to not get banned, pissing off Josh would probably do it though. He also claims to know whose sockpuppets are whose and stuff, but that's because the average person there can't figure out proxies of some sort.

Sockpuppets can be fun for a day or two, but if you're making them all talk to each other it gets confusing.
Joshy is a mess if he thinks he can save the internet from a 1984 style China internet when he can't even keep his site up with glue and duck tape
I don't think it's about saving the internet anymore, it's about holding out as long as possible until the 1984 Chinese internet takes over the world.

True, the internet basically went downhill when things got to the Web 2.0 and corporate and stuff, but as long as we have some dark musty corners to gather in I'll be okay with that.
Plus, compared to what's come out since they first started, I don't think they're all that bad.
Naw, it's cartoony horror movie shit. Pretty harmless unto itself, it's just something I outgrew.
ICP are egregious grifters though and I despise the "family" shit they push to keep people dumping money into their accounts.
I hate it when anyone does that shit to be honest. Whether it's rapping clowns or podcast race grifters, it's predatory.