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Null absolutely has a point about payment processors. The modern financial system is essentially integral to existing in the modern world. It is absolutely a mechanism of top down, state control enforced through the public/private interplay, which is leveraged under the guise of hitting valid targets. Problem is though... He's just, you know, a sperg lol. It's like when my big fat bastard MTG playing friend talks about how sugar is bad for you.
Yeah, I know man, but can you not be the one to talk about it lol.
Sure, don't be those things. But also he's not been convicted in court. You can't really go around in any practical sense without a bank account now. It'd be like your water company, or gas company going "Lol, we think you're a faggot so you don't get water." You absolutely can use a well, and rainwater collectors in that case; but it's an absurd situation that shouldn't happen.
It's not a case of being convicted in court. Banks have a right to protect them (and their customers) from greasy chancers like joshy. It's not like he's actually being harassed by the World Jewry because of "Muh Protected Speech" or any of that shit. He lied about having "ties" to Russia, he did, the fact he lied means that banks are going to go "Yeah, not really worth it".
He fucked around and found out. So a few people have made complaints to employers, banks, etc about the broom. Looks like karma's a bitch, right?
It's not a case of being convicted in court. Banks have a right to protect them (and their customers) from greasy chancers like joshy. It's not like he's actually being harassed by the World Jewry because of "Muh Protected Speech" or any of that shit. He lied about having "ties" to Russia, he did, the fact he lied means that banks are going to go "Yeah, not really worth it".
He fucked around and found out. So a few people have made complaints to employers, banks, etc about the broom. Looks like karma's a bitch, right?
We're talking about a guy that probably does ~$2500 a month in deposits. Totally worth a social media campaign tar and feathering your bank to *checks notes* host what can charitably called a harassment site? The one that's on the ADL hate list.
This one is the funniest to me as it really hammers home how much Josh is the source of his own goddamn problems. For years we have listened to him cry about how hard it is to network and how companies/people don't have any backbone and just disassociate at the slightest in-convince and how it hurts free speech on the web.
Yet what's the first thing he does when faced with a problem? Pin a thing blaming mullvad for blocking traffic. When they are the most privacy and transparency oriented out of any VPN provider that I know off. They don't require a name or even an email instead assigning you a random account number. Giving the user discounts if they pay with cash or crypto. Unlike something like most VPN providers where you have to have a credit card on file and call their customer support to delete your account. But no lets shill telemetry filled crypto garbage like the brave browser. Freedom on the internet only matters as long as I stand to profit.
Null absolutely has a point about payment processors. The modern financial system is essentially integral to existing in the modern world. It is absolutely a mechanism of top down, state control enforced through the public/private interplay, which is leveraged under the guise of hitting valid targets. Problem is though... He's just, you know, a sperg lol. It's like when my big fat bastard MTG playing friend talks about how sugar is bad for you.
Yeah, I know man, but can you not be the one to talk about it lol.
I agree that banks and payment processors are being used as top-down state control, but null's answer is "they should be forced by the state to do business with me" which is ultimately just more state control of who can work with who, when the answer should be less barrier to entry to being a bank, so more people could do what they liked, in the spirit of the original internet.
That was hilarious. Josh embedded Coinhive code in KF because at the time Monero could be optimally mined on CPUs, with the algorithm for some reason not so optimised for GPUs. So if you browsed KF, javascript code would mine Monero without you noticing anything except maybe your laptop fan getting louder. There was no notice to users at first. If you looked at the Javascript source code there were comments with maniacal ranting by Josh at Vordrak and how Vordrak could never defeat him. Talk about 'rent free'.
Josh's plan failed:
The no-notice mining caused the site to be flagged by malware services.
Coinhive actually banned him, possibly due to intervention by one of the site's many, many enemies. I have never heard of anyone else being banned by Coinhive, like, ever. I am not aware that anyone took credit, Josh suspected Vordrak (but he suspects Vordrak of eclipses of the sun, to be fair). Apparently, Coinhive just cited, 'problems'.
Yeesh. Maybe Lowtax was right not taking Josh’s offer to re-code Something Awful Forums after all. Would’ve made it even worse. Super outdated but at least it works.
Have you ever noticed during all this whining about payment processors and cogncent that he hasn't realized that he does the exact same thing to users of his site? Arbitrary bannings with NO LEGAL RECOURSE!
null was, is, and always will be a goddamn hypocrite. there's no denying it anymore and anyone who still denies him being a hypocrite narcissist asswhipe are either jewsh cocksuckers or naive summer child
I know to take everything Null says with a grain of salt but I’ve heard it mentioned around online in other places, too. I believe BernieVidz covered it on one of his podcast episodes regarding the YT doc he made on Lowtax. He makes good docs and definitely verifies his research.
Sure, don't be those things. But also he's not been convicted in court. You can't really go around in any practical sense without a bank account now. It'd be like your water company, or gas company going "Lol, we think you're a faggot so you don't get water." You absolutely can use a well, and rainwater collectors in that case; but it's an absurd situation that shouldn't happen.
We're talking about a guy that probably does ~$2500 a month in deposits. Totally worth a social media campaign tar and feathering your bank to *checks notes* host what can charitably called a harassment site? The one that's on the ADL hate list.
Josh was banned from payment processors from 2017 after he claimed someone attempted to put over thousands of dollars of fraudulent credit card transactions through his payment site, for which he blamed ... like you need me to tell you. Josh's excuse was almost as bad as that guy who claimed his cat downloaded child porn by sitting on his keyboard. The perpetrator of this alleged fraud has never been caught.
Understandably, the payment processor investigated the merchant account associated with the alleged fraud, The first thing they see is the banner of the website as at the time - ( "38 complaints""7 different server hosts""2 (known) FBI investigations". Now imagine you are in a bank de-risking team. THIS is what you see:
Vordrak wrote an article after Josh made the accusation of fraud (, pointing out that Josh had promised users he was not tracking their IP addresses, which was directly contradicted by Josh's later statements about the supposed fraud. A later article pointed out compliance concerns about which caused Mastercard to blacklist Josh ( Josh then got banned from ... Hatreon ... becoming the only person ever to be banned from a website literally intended to accept donations for hate speech. Even Cody Wilson accepted that Josh was too degenerate for his literal neo-Nazi payment processor.
here's something interesting about his site you've mentioned: >he uses xampp to manage his shitty site
lmaoooo, at this point he's just begging for trouble
Josh was banned from payment processors from 2017 after he claimed someone attempted to put over thousands of dollars of fraudulent credit card transactions through his payment site, for which he blamed ... like you need me to tell you. Josh's excuse was almost as bad as that guy who claimed his cat downloaded child porn by sitting on his keyboard. The perpetrator of this alleged fraud has never been caught.
Understandably, the payment processor investigated the merchant account associated with the alleged fraud, The first thing they see is the banner of the website as at the time - ( "38 complaints""7 different server hosts""2 (known) FBI investigations". Now imagine you are in a bank de-risking team. THIS is what you see:
Vordrak wrote an article after Josh made the accusation of fraud (, pointing out that Josh had promised users he was not tracking their IP addresses, which was directly contradicted by Josh's later statements about the supposed fraud. A later article pointed out compliance concerns about which caused Mastercard to blacklist Josh ( Josh then got banned from ... Hatreon ... becoming the only person ever to be banned from a website literally intended to accept donations for hate speech. Even Cody Wilson accepted that Josh was too degenerate for his literal neo-Nazi payment processor.
I really wanna find out more about Vordrak, is there an official thread(s) about him on KF do you know? I’m tryna visit that site less and less cuz I’m starting to really actually hate Josh.
I really wanna find out more about Vordrak, is there an official thread(s) about him on KF do you know? I’m tryna visit that site less and less cuz I’m starting to really actually hate Josh.
Yeah, what @Nektar Geist said. Vordrak is British and has blogged a lot on Josh. He's met Elaine, Sargon, Milo and a few others IRL and he's been out with Elaine a few times. He's legally qualified and has held public office in the past. The main benefit of his blog is the guy archives and evidences like crazy. Like, almost every screenshot has an archive to prove it's not fake.
Josh and his 'friends' say Vordrak is an insane liar who was unaccountably elected to public office. If you read his blog, the worst you can say is that he archives his sources like crazy. A lot of the mainstream media articles blatantly lift from Matthew Hopkins news.
There is a category on his site for Josh, with enormous amounts of lore - . Occasionally he'll include an article in the category just for a tenuous mention but mostly it's solid information with sauces.
Josh's problem is Vordrak is far cleverer and more ruthless than he is. He also hides his power level and doesn't usually discuss his plans until he's writing the gloating post-mortem about whatever he's just destroyed. Josh is so insanely paranoid about Vordrak, it's like Vordrak is Josh's personal Clyde Cash. Whatever goes wrong in Josh's life he just assumes is an evil plan by Vordrak.
Vordrak is smart enough to realise that Josh's habit of stalking the mentally ill and criminals gives him an endless supply of footsoldiers. People associated with Vordrak got Josh's mom fired, shattered his family, got him banned from numerous payment providers and so on. Vordrak was always linked but always had clean hands.
If you want to talk to Vordrak, he is Abbatoir in Elaine's discord or his email address is matthopkins <at sign>
i dunno if this is still common knowledge but Josh shut KF down for weeks in 2017 around the time of Big T's inauguration because he claimed that Vordrak phoned his mum's work and got her fired.
Here's what Null originally said about Elon Musk on the "#TRIGGERED" episode of MATI, it's always so hilarious to go back and listen to these old episodes and realize how Null is willing to do a 180 on people when they are personally beneficial to him:
I really wanna find out more about Vordrak, is there an official thread(s) about him on KF do you know? I’m tryna visit that site less and less cuz I’m starting to really actually hate Josh.
Here's another post where Null described Vordrak's targeting of him:
You can also read this longer 2016 article that Null wrote about Gamergate, where he detailed some of the personal abuse he had suffered from Vordrak:
Two days after hosting the GamerGate Farms I attracted the attention of Samuel Collingwood Smith, who goes by the pen name "Matthew Hopkins", styled after the famous witch hunter general – inventor of the "swimming test", a measure of witchcraft that involved throwing women into water to see if they would float or sink, a test which drowned or condemned to die by fire many innocent people. Sam wrote a long article calling me a child molester on his blog. He insisted my website hosts child pornography and urged readers to contact my service provider as to have my website shut down. When it was pointed out that people should probably contact the police if I host child pornography, he begrudgingly added a link to the FBI tipline in his footnotes.
Six days after hosting the GamerGate Farms, Samuel broke his hit-piece streak by remaining silent. Instead I discovered my grandparents had been identified on an anonymous board and that they had received harassing phone calls regarding me. I do not know who did this, but considering the timing I am convinced it was spurred on by Samuel’s call-to-arms against my family.
This is beyond my understanding. While attacks on character are mostly protected by free speech, Samuel’s comments regarding my mother try the boundary of defamation. Depending on the nature of the calls, ringing up my grandmother may also a crime. Still — I find that I’m not taken aback by the legality of such things, rather the motivation. I am 23 years old and have lived more than 9000 miles away from my family for over a year. I am in no way financially or functionally dependent on any of these people being targeted.
My mother is a 40 year old woman who raised me by herself as a nurse. Her joints ache and her back hurts, which is why she is venturing into a new career. Her body is physically unable to deal with her laborious job anymore and needs a way out. During her tentative first steps into the competitive market of real estate, she is slammed by abusive, terrorizing emails from a man she has never met, heard of, or spoken to – simply because she is my mother, and the Witchfinder General, Samuel Collingwood Smith, finds her guilty of that most treacherous of sins: giving birth to me.
Meanwhile, /r/KotakuInAction and Reddit as a whole took no action against Samuel’s Reddit account for continuously "doxing" me and my entire extended family as he posts his tabloids to their board every day. This is despite it being against their rules to link to someone else’s personal information. Samuel has been given free hand to dox me and everyone I know because having me and my website intimidated into silence suits their agenda.
Last night, on April 21st, an anonymous user hiding in the Tor network registered one of my email addresses and sent an alarming message to schools throughout a neighboring county that pretended to be me. The message, aimed at staffers and local news outlets, claimed that I would either kidnap a child or commit a mass murder. Police responded promptly and professionally, tracing the emails to my webserver. The resulting conference led to no trails, no charges filed, and dozens of exhausted police officers having to learn what "#GamerGate" and the Kiwi Farms are.
Mere hours after the news broke, Samuel had published a 1,000 word, 4 page article attempting to link me to the threat despite having no charges pressed against me. The size of the article and the screenshots he associated as evidence are suspiciously calculated given the timing in relation to my own announcement of the attack on me. He again props up the ridiculous idea that my mother is funding the Kiwi Farms, and tries to ride the maelstrom of public outrage to blackmail me out of hosting an innocuous web forum about nothing of importance.
#GamerGate, /r/KotakuInAction, and Samuel Collingwood Smith — the Witchfinder General — continuously claim that they are for "ethics in video game journalism", and I cannot help but wonder if they have completely forgotten about actual journalism. Their obsession with maintaining a clean public reputation only extends to famous opponents like Zoe Quinn, not to nobodies on the sideline like me. It is no coincidence, in my opinion, that #GamerGate’s attention having turned on me is an immediate prelude to these sequential, escalating attacks against me, my family, my reputation, my person, and even my freedom.
Here is Vordrak on his blog braggning about the campaign that Null described in the above Gamergate article. Vordrak was essentially blogging a campaign that he himself had perpetrated against Null in order to sic LE onto him:
Here's an e-mail exchange between Null and "Matthew Hopkins" (= Vordrak's online pen-name):
I would like to counter some of things that Truble said praising Vordrak for his research and effectiveness.
First of all, Vordrak was banned here on OnionFarms after he posted an explicit personal army request. I don't have Kenneth's post about this at the time but I remember screengrabbing it, I'll look it up later and will post it here so you can read it for yourself.
Edit: here is the post from Kenneth announcing that Vordrak was no longer welcome on OnionFarms because he had posted a "personal army" request demanding the doxx of KiwiFarms members:
I have read Vordrak's blog on Null myself when I began researching Null, and I personally do not consider Vordrak to be a reliable resource on information about Null. Vordrak has posted many allegations about Null which are blatantly false and plainly defamatory. For example, Vordrak has claimed on his blog that Null supposedly said he wanted to have sex with his therapist and his mother and was mad that they turned him down and wouldn't have sex with him. Vordrak did not provide a source for this claim, but posted it on his blog as if it was true. However, while doing my own research into Null, I discovered that this statement was not a statement that Null himself had made, it was rather Null reading a statement that a lolcow had made on a MATI episode/person stream about that specific lolcow. I can't recall which MATI it was but it was one of the early ones. The fact that Vordrak would take someone else's statement and attribute that falsely to Null means either of two things: he's too stupid to do accurate research or he's too malicious and eager to find something outrageous to pin onto Null - as if there's a shortage of that! - and is willing to mis-attribute quotes just to achieve his aim of attributing something outrageous. Either of these makes Vordrak an unreliable source in my eyes.
Furthermore, Vordrak is assumed to be the source of that alleged dick pic of Null that a former OF user had posted on this forum (I am not gonna link to it but AFAIK it's still burried somewhere in this thread and was also archived on at the time). People were asking Ody (the user who posted the alleged dick pic) to disclose where he got the dick pic from and why he insisted it was Null's. Ody never addressed the people demanding to see the evidence that the dick pic was genuine. Now, Vordrak, on his blog, had posted a comment saying that he had seen a dick pic of Null, and proceeded to describe Null's alleged dick pic in unflattering terms. This admission on Vordrak's part, combined with the above misattributed quote, once again indicates to me that he's not an honest researcher and is only looking for cheap scores. If Vordrak is indeed the source of the dick pic that Ody had posted to OF, than Vordrak would have to explain why he's going around openly bragging about having or having seen a dick pic of Null's, and why this alleged dick pic is apparently being passed around through private channels, only to end up on this forum. Mind you, the alleged dick pic ended up on this forum only AFTER Vordrak got banned for the personal army request... which begs the question: did Vordrak ask once of his minions to post it here in order to implicate this forum in his bullshit?
Another thing I noticed while researching Vordrak's posts about Null is that literally all of his posts were cross-posted in full to this other blog together with NSFW pictures of gay porn actors:
I obviously don't know if Vordrak had set up this mirror blog himself or if someone else was mirroring Vordrak's blog posts about Null there without his knowledge, but given the above, I tend more towards assuming that Vordrak, at the very least, was aware of this blog and allowed it to exist because he wanted people to read about Null in the context of gay porn imagery.
Yeah, what @Nektar Geist said. Vordrak is British and has blogged a lot on Josh. He's met Elaine, Sargon, Milo and a few others IRL and he's been out with Elaine a few times. He's legally qualified and has held public office in the past. The main benefit of his blog is the guy archives and evidences like crazy. Like, almost every screenshot has an archive to prove it's not fake.
Josh and his 'friends' say Vordrak is an insane liar who was unaccountably elected to public office. If you read his blog, the worst you can say is that he archives his sources like crazy. A lot of the mainstream media articles blatantly lift from Matthew Hopkins news.
I beg to differ, Vordrak has made a lot of baseless and plainly false claims about Null on his blog. If journalists are using his blog as a source, well, that explains the shitty quality of most articles on KiwiFarms and Null.
Josh's problem is Vordrak is far cleverer and more ruthless than he is. He also hides his power level and doesn't usually discuss his plans until he's writing the gloating post-mortem about whatever he's just destroyed. Josh is so insanely paranoid about Vordrak, it's like Vordrak is Josh's personal Clyde Cash. Whatever goes wrong in Josh's life he just assumes is an evil plan by Vordrak.
Contrary to what Truble claims here, Vordrak has no problem openly bragging and chest-beating about his various campaigns against Null before a sympathetic audience. Vordrak is so shameless about this that he actually followed Null around when Null was posting on the forum in 2022 (this is an online forum for network engineers and webmasters) and proceeded to openly brag there about the various campaigns he had undertaken against Null, while essentially emotionally blackmailing the members of LowEndTalk to ignore Null's pleas for help, or else Vordrak would target them in the ways he proceeded to list in his post.
Edit: I can't find Vordrak's post on anymore and don't have the time to look it up right now. Here are the archived links to the full thread if you wanna go through it yourself:
TLDR, Vordrak and his blatantly malicious misleading tactics are not welcome on this forum.
If you want to expose or denounce Null, do so on the basis of facts - God knows there's enough of those - not some made up bullshit.
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