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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You'd think with living in a foreign country for so long he'd share specific stories
In my experience foreigners seems to find each other easily and get together often. There's weren't a lot of Americans where I was but you better believe we found each other right away. Other Europeans traveling also tend to speak some English so communication isn't an issue. They'd also be interested in your experiences in a country like Serbia since a lot of good information about where to stay, eat and visit is done by word of mouth. Wanderjahr is thing in Europe so its not like this doesn't happen, even in Serbia.
It's not burnt the crust is colored with squid ink to make it black. It's a pretty big trend in pretentious eateries.
Apparently that place specifically uses activated charcoal instead of squid ink.
I definitely hear what you are saying but like we have discussed Null doesn't really mention much about Serbia. There isn't much to be consistent on.
Sure, that's fair and my opinion is probably based more on instinct and the fragments I've heard during the superchat segments.
Regardless, I think we can very firmly assume that he's not in America either way since he wouldn't have needed outside help to get the recent bank account. Why give a near stranger the ability to potentially fuck him over and empty the bank account if he could have just taken an afternoon flight there?
We also speculated about Null having visited the Nicola Tesla museum in Belgrade, because he went on a rant about how Tesla's life and his contributions to humanity didn't matter because Tesla was childless.
Thank you for the effort post, I'll look into the Serbia thing more this evening.
But I do want to say what a fucking retarded and hypocritical statement this was on his part. I started listening to today's MATI and he was immediately bitching about the /pol/tards of A&H pressing him on deleting content but apparently he genuinely doesn't get that he's also a /pol/tard.
So if a woman is sterile through no fault of her own she should basically just kill herself, huh? Yeah bro, the terf pandering clearly isn't just a catlady cash grab.
This fat retard will never have children that don't come from a test tube because he can't get hard or cum for a woman without prostate stimulation. All he's done is make fun of other retards and hustle a few thousand people with this bullshit "our freedom is at stake if I have to go back to work" grift but people are expected to defer to him as some sort of truth arbiter?
Tesla did more for the advancement of our species than 99% of humanity but fuck him because he didn't do what any trailer trash fuckwit can do? It's such an unbelievably dogshit take and I'm unironically angy now
Thank you for the effort post, I'll look into the Serbia thing more this evening.
But I do want to say what a fucking retarded and hypocritical statement this was on his part. I started listening to today's MATI and he was immediately bitching about the /pol/tards of A&H pressing him on deleting content but apparently he genuinely doesn't get that he's also a /pol/tard.
So if a woman is sterile through no fault of her own she should basically just kill herself, huh? Yeah bro, the terf pandering clearly isn't just a catlady cash grab.
This fat retard will never have children that don't come from a test tube because he can't get hard or cum for a woman without prostate stimulation. All he's done is make fun of other retards and hustle a few thousand people with this bullshit "our freedom is at stake if I have to go back to work" grift but people are expected to defer to him as some sort of truth arbiter?
Tesla did more for the advancement of our species than 99% of humanity but fuck him because he didn't do what any trailer trash fuckwit can do? It's such an unbelievably dogshit take and I'm unironically angy now
Seriously considering getting my ban by telling Josh you will never be a father.
Null bravely stays up till 2am serbia time and rides in on his white horse to save the fair maidens. The Woman-hate thread has grown exponentially and now seems to contain more exiled women than the man-hate thread. At this point to say this is just a bunch of AnH fags being dicks is silly. These lunatic TERFs have been shitting up KF all year and antagonizing a wide variety of people and now Null is worried about his would-be GFs getting halal'd just from people gathering together to talk about all the shit the TERFs have been pulling.

Lol Null seething about this at 2am really made my night
For a guy who excessively moderates his website, he never seems to realize that he could just delete both of the threads...
That would imply that Josh is capable of taking an L.
For a guy who excessively moderates his website, he never seems to realize that he could just delete both of the threads...
The man-hate one provides bait and pretense to ban people while making the dumb bitch terfs clap for how much of an ally Kiwi Farms is in the battle for the equal treatment of women to prove that daddy issues and cat piss stains can be a valid identity/ideology
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People don't think he lives in Belgrade anymore. He supposedly moved away in the summer of 2022.

He doesn't speak Serbian, he said he can't learn foreign languages, only computer languages.
Null has never posted any specifics about living in Serbia.

Edit: Null posted this rant about his upstairs neighbour renovating his apartment above his apartment, complaining about he couldn't stand the noisse and how he wished he was still in Odesa and how much more quiet Odesa was compared to Belgrade, LMAO, bet he doesn't feel that way anymore:

View attachment 41604View attachment 41605

Only posted a picture of pigeons on his balcony in 2021 as "proof" that he was really there.

View attachment 41602

Null referenced some local food but anyone can look up some typical national dish of a place and reference that to location-LARP.
We also speculated about Null having visited the Nicola Tesla museum in Belgrade, because he went on a rant about how Tesla's life and his contributions to humanity didn't matter because Tesla was childless. I'll look up the links to that part of the thread.

Edit: here you go, start reading here for his rant about Tesla:

Nope, there is literally no evidence whatsoever for that claim. It is based on unfounded bullshit. I asked the person who posted that claim how they came upon this conclusion that he was Ruma, and they said they just drew a circle around Belgrade based on the amount of time that Null said it took him to travel to Belgrade (30-45 minutes, no source was given for this claim either), and since Ruma was one of the cities on a 30-45 minutes radius around Belgrade, they concluded that that must be place. In other words, Ruma was just a bullshit guestimate based on absolutely no hard evidence at all. Discarded.

View attachment 41603

Furthermore, Null claimed on a recent MATI to have moved yet again in this year, saying he's been moving around a lot and that "my living situation is complicated."
Lmfao I can’t get over Null’s buddies basically telling him to “git gud” and he just ignores it to bitch some more
My favorite thing about Null is that he’s an internet tough guy (or at least thinks he is) but in reality he’s just a pussy loser that no one likes because he’s such a prick that radiates nothing but hate and negativity.
I mean there's a lot of criticism that can be levied against him but he has a very strong base of support, not just his equivalent of Sweetie Squad suck-ups.
Kiwi Farms pulls in close to $1 million per year in donations, so "haha no one likes you" isn't a very strong argument
I mean there's a lot of criticism that can be levied against him but he has a very strong base of support, not just his equivalent of Sweetie Squad suck-ups.
Kiwi Farms pulls in close to $1 million per year in donations, so "haha no one likes you" isn't a very strong argument
Ah. I was referring to people irl. Like, that actually see and know him irl. Sorry, should’ve clarified.
Ah. I was referring to people irl. Like, that actually see and know him irl. Sorry, should’ve clarified.
Right on. No apology needed.
Yeah, there's very clearly a lack of IRL interaction since so many of his beliefs are things that could only be thought up by someone in seclusion. No one gets that out of touch when there's people around to challenge you and you don't have a magical ban hammer to make the nasty external thoughts go away.